Nuclear Power; First Plant Online in 20 years!
Well, except for the TVA part, this is great news. Nuclear power is a great solution, and my favorite question to carbon-warming fanatics.
Ridiculous over-regulation and "religious" hatred
TVA Site
Time to develop the breeder reactors, especially thorium fueled which the fuel is already in a molten state and have natural shutdown methods.
CA can then pay through the nose for all the carbon tax it requires it imports energy and water! Lex Luther in Superman One had it right
Students in which disciplines, if you recall, and how did they go in (commercial nuc, Navy, NUPOC)?
Most of the students I know specializing in nuclear engineering have gone on to Norfolk Naval Shipyards (now under a new name) to build nuclear reactors. A couple have gone on to my old group at the Savannah River Site (When I worked there it was run by Westinghouse before being nationalized months after I left.). At least a couple are now working in Tennessee for Nuclear Fuel Services.
I don't understand why they can't build land based reactors like the ones used aboard submarines?
The fuel is clad, but it is not possible to clad a fuel to stop its reactivity in the chain reaction supporting the basic reactor operation. The reactivity must be slowed (which happens naturally in a PWR) or the core must be spread out so that it does not reach a reactivity level to support sustained fission (critical). Spread out could include shielding/neutron absorption, which is what the water does in a PWR:
They do make them like submarines (PWRs), but they want more kW/$ so they've moved away from the simplest (and most reliable features), and in some cases BWR and Breeders that are not as safe.
The main problem (if there really is one) is they don't operate them like submarines. Three Mile Island operated normally with yellow warning lights on. This is a big no no. Either there is a problem to respond to, or there isn't, what is an operator supposed to do with a warning? In Yoda's words "Do or do not. There is no try."
I'm sure those experiments on unspent nuclear fuel are still classified.
Spermaceti - Great nastural substance produces light and some heat without deadly after effects.
About the most I'll go is mention near Port San Luis California is a nuclear power plant. The whole thing sits dead on top of the San Andreas Fault Line. Seems strange they would choose such a location? And then end it with Comment please?
You see the distinction betwen thinking and wishful thinking?
BWRs and breeders are not the only options, and you don't have to build a nuclear plant where tidal waves can wipe them out. They are already designed for seismic events. There are 80-90 PWRs driving around in the ocean since 1950, without a single accident. One even ran into an underwater mountain at ~30 MPH, and came home.
I am 100% sure Greenpeace (more appropriately GreenWar) has asserted the levels in Seattle are higher, and DDT kills birds. Has someone credible measured levels relevant to a real issue?
After Three Mile Island people were up in arms, but the levels of radiation from this preventable accident were laughably low.
Please forward a recent scientific journal article if you have one.
i read many health articles and scientific jounals online...the info is out there...
There is one overwhelming factor in longevity, more than diet, weight, exercise et al. That factor is genes. The rest is noise. No one in my family lineage has died before 90, and pretty active to the quick end. You have fun with raw veggies, and I'll stick with the demonstrated, successful omnivorous diet of my forebears and hope I got their good genes.
Besides, why have all the waste when breeder reactors can use much of the waste from current reactors.
Are you arguing they represent Friedman's forced servitude?
I learned about them here, from JLC!
Most regulations are ridiculous; however, many in this case are necessary...we don't want another Japan like incident. Just hope they have competent conscious humans operating the place and not balma voting union members.
plant. . I chose the manhattan project site k25 instead
and retired from the sister site y12 in 2008. . the old
memories are kinda curious, now. . took a long time
to get this plant going. -- j
if the government would get the ... out of the way! -- j
Reading up on the Ukraine reactor Chornobyl incident and found out once cleaned up the other four are ready to go. Locals might be a bit touchy though. The problem was human error and intentional human error compliments of Comrade Bernie's and the fascist left's favorite system of government. but that aside.
I haven't reviewed thorium system enough to answer this. Could they be used to clean up the Chornobyl spill or for the matter the pending one at Hanaford on the Columbia river which segues me into #2 and the sunken nuclear subs in the White Sea and Barents area? Big splash on that and then curtain of silence from the lame stream media.
Naval ships use PWRs which are inherently safe. Those sunk subs are just chunks of metal now, safer still because they are under water.
The entire world economy runs on energy. That may be decreasing, but even if the Energy/GDP ratio fell to a tenth of what is now, energy demand will still increase as the population of affluent people on earth grows.
Burning stuff for energy stored in chemical bonds over millions of years is not sustainable. Plus the preponderance of the evidence shows it's hasting global warming and affecting the world in unpredictable ways. When the evidence for that became solid about 20 years ago, we should have immediately made it easier for people to build nuclear plants. Maybe LENR or geoengineering are coming, but right now they're wild theories. Nuclear energy is proven.
Separately, oil independence is the BEST form of terrorism control. Absolutely fundamentally the best.