hey, I am going to raise some cain on this issue as well. No longer is there a scroll list of gulchers. How can I send a private message if I I can't click on their name (which means they've recently contributed)? do we not get it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXUI7bb2w...
I used to have a private message button under my name when I clicked on it. If I click on a member's name showing up on the right side, I see I can message them. However, if they are not signed in or on the daily, weekly totals,how do I message them?
Great point. We'll have to give that one some thought. You can always just type their username in search or your address bar (e.g. galtsgulchonline.com/khalling) but, that's not really a solution but rather a work around.
um, I sent private messages then and now I can only send private messages to posters showing up regularly. my interest in private messaging , for the most part, is to "poke" those who I enjoy their commentary and haven't seen in awhile. if we were invited to meetings once in awhile instead of being observed, this would be obvious to you guys. I hate meetings lol
I've got an idea. I'll get back to you.
Check it out now. We've put it back in and made it a little less ugly. Click on the arrow right next to the "Submit Post" button in the upper right.
Let me know.