Nobody wants to read your sh^# (and here's how to fix that)

Posted by BrettRocketSci 8 years, 9 months ago to Books
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Here is a public service announcement and amazing piece of tough love for everyone here. It is the latest book from Steven Pressfield, author of The Legend of Baggar Vance, The War of Art, Do the Work, and many other books. After reading this book in the past week I feel like I got a master class in writing and persuasion. He has made this book available for free download, no email address required. I don't know how long this will be available so I hope you jump on this while you can.


I look forward to reactions and results from others here. Hopefully it will help you create something worth reading. ;-) That's what I will be working harder on myself too.

Upward and onward!

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 9 months ago
    Here's a part I really like (Give your Villains a brilliant speech) [it's about the virtues of greed chapter 71]...especially because I looked up the roots of the concept of Greed.
    It seems, before the French got a hold of the word, Greed was not a bad thing and only meant that someone had a desire to collect something...I would imagine that it came in handy when times got hard. I also would of imagined Rand standing up for this speech but not from her villains.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
    If NObody wants to read your stuff it implies SOME body wishes to do what with it? Burn it? Listen on audio? Actually, a very postiive statement. BUT suppose I wanted to read your stuff and saw that line. Hmmmm does he consider me to be a NObody? That would be a negative form. So I solved the conundrum. Much more difficult than when double negatives are used. but Decided at which point I would not be a nobody and change If I had the book. Since the 99 cent button didn't work my system almost failed so up popped Plan B. Just buy it and in paperback. Why not I've got most of the others and having them is the most positive advertising you have working out here in the world...other than Khalling, BRSci and and some of the others urging the new readers...Go for it! Go for it!

    /s/ A former Nobody but Not Just Anybody which means. I'm a Somebody!
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
    I thought I had all of Pressfield's books but for sure didn't see this one. One of the two best writers on how to write other than a good 50 year old grammar book from 8th grade .

    Some may wonder why I write the way I do and it's almost entirely due to one 8th grade teacher and assists from Pressfield. Every day without fail four hours writing minimum is rule number one.

    I started learning fiction as a retirement activity in between sailing, diving and fishing. Previously only non fiction books under Know-More Books since sold and dealing primarily with reloading information by calibers. I believe the competition bought me out I went sailing. But fiction writing is an art unto itself and is far more mentally profitable than whacking little white balls around. Will I publish one day. Maybe. Not part of the plan. Being retired is the reason but my sister who edits new authors on the side says yes. Meanwhile I found a new use for golf balls. They make excellent pistol targets. I'm still shooting under par. Enough of that if you have any interest Pressfield to get you through the hard parts and James Scott Bell are the one's to choose.

    PS I couldn't get the freebie so I went to Amazon.com who knows? maybe it will improve my overly polite, sociable and impeccable manner here in the Gulch.
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