What is Galt's Gultch, really?
Posted by coaldigger 10 years, 8 months ago to History
I have been reading a number of new biographies of founding fathers and Lynne Cheney’s “James Madison-A Life Reconsidered” strikes me as having special relevance to current events (I see intent on the part of the author and her spouse.) A common theme for each bio to me is that a number of great men that could have been successful in their chosen lives, risked everything, absorbed unbelievable public abuse and loss of fortune to create a Republic based on unalienable, individual rights.
This has caused me to wonder what did Rand really mean by Galt’s Gultch? I have, like most, always thought that it was a “solution” where men of the mind went on strike to rid themselves of the leaches that had usurped the power to control society on the false premise of altruism. The strategy was to let the system collapse quickly so there would still be producers that could rebuild it. I have never known a John Galt-like person and he always seemed to be a character out of Marvel Comics. I have known a few people like Hank and Dagny that held out until the end and I find them most believable.
What if Galt’s Gultch is not a “solution” but a “warning”? A warning to the leaches that they are driving the producers into hiding mentally, not physically, and gradually instead of abruptly. A warning to the men of the mind that they cannot afford to focus on being producers of goods and services but that they must lay down their science books like Jefferson and Franklin, their academic pursuits like Madison and Monroe their production of commercial goods like Washington, their financial acumen, like Hamilton and get into the realm of the political refurbishing of our Great Experiment in self-government.
I have always thought that politics was so corrupt and dirty that no truly qualified person would ever seek elected office. Perhaps too many have been of a like mind.
This has caused me to wonder what did Rand really mean by Galt’s Gultch? I have, like most, always thought that it was a “solution” where men of the mind went on strike to rid themselves of the leaches that had usurped the power to control society on the false premise of altruism. The strategy was to let the system collapse quickly so there would still be producers that could rebuild it. I have never known a John Galt-like person and he always seemed to be a character out of Marvel Comics. I have known a few people like Hank and Dagny that held out until the end and I find them most believable.
What if Galt’s Gultch is not a “solution” but a “warning”? A warning to the leaches that they are driving the producers into hiding mentally, not physically, and gradually instead of abruptly. A warning to the men of the mind that they cannot afford to focus on being producers of goods and services but that they must lay down their science books like Jefferson and Franklin, their academic pursuits like Madison and Monroe their production of commercial goods like Washington, their financial acumen, like Hamilton and get into the realm of the political refurbishing of our Great Experiment in self-government.
I have always thought that politics was so corrupt and dirty that no truly qualified person would ever seek elected office. Perhaps too many have been of a like mind.
As for the persona of John Galt, while it is true that he is drawn as an epic hero, remember that in the Valley at a dinner party, Hugh Akston says that Galt, Ragnar, and Frisco were "normal men." They were not super-heroes, but only everyday people who were not encumbered with bad thinking, wrong assumptions, internal. contradictions. John Galt was a normal man, an example of what anyone could be with good thinking.
The proper spelling is "leech" not "leach". They are two different words. Your spell checker did not catch it.
"The strategy was to let the system collapse quickly so there would still be producers that could rebuild it." You need to read the book carefully. Galt says that he did not know if it would take generations. They were all surprised at how quickly the economy fell apart. You have to face the reality of mixed-premise producers such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and George Soros. And you have to face the absolute fact that those three in particular and the Fortune 1000 in general probably did read _Atlas Shrugged_ and rejected it in toto, even if they accepted some specific details.
Just to be a little pecker... the smell checker properly checked 'leach' and found it smelled correct. It is not its job to determine if it was used properly.
I very much agree with coaldigger's premise that Galt's Gulch is a place not of geography but of the mind, to me an allegory for withholding the sanction of the victim while simultaneously favoring the self-reliant.
Most people confuse the product of the mind with the mind behind the product.
The Gulch is a place of safe haven for folks who understand this concept and desire to remove themselves from those who would view the fruit of their labors as "fruit to be plucked from the collective tree" for "the overall good" of society.
I would put the Koch brothers as the modern day Hank Rearden.
The Gulch was a plot device. I don't find it rational as a mechanism for truly bringing about a return to what America used to be. I'm afraid if it is fully lost, it will usher in centuries of serfdom.
Zorina Khan's book http://www.amazon.com/B.-Zorina-Khan/e/B...
From the Business INsider 6/13
"For the entire decade of the 1930s, therefore, the statistics show only 119,107 legal immigrants from the German Reich -- among them thousands of intellectuals, writers...making this a real "brain drain" for Germany..."
and finally:
This is what some think the unstated message was of AS.
Sounds interesting since that is exactly where the shadow elite want to take us and AS has been rather on task in terms of prognostication to this point.
A Galt's Gulch like community will endure when the dollar collapses or the Grid goes down.
It's a shame that Galt's machine was not thermodynamically possible. My solar collector design, the Bradford collector, will provide all power and water requirements for Off-Grid Communities more economical than electricity and water from public utilities. www.offgridtexan.net
I truly believe that the trip to the bottom will be much, much shorter than the rise back to the top. When BO was running (lieing) to be elected, I was in every chat room warning what life would be like under his rule.
Too many wanted a historical president instead of a man who was fit to do the job. So now we have a president that's going to go down in history as historically bad president. One who rode on the coattails of the men who served the nation - now he demands that we serve him.
Of course, she thought. Of course. They were among friends. She saw Fang grin and nudge Thor with his elbow. Thor smiled quietly, as if at a well-orchestrated surprise. Sherrine started to laugh, earning an odd glance from Alex.
All that time she had been worried about being in Proxmire country. She had forgotten they were in Clifford Simak country, too."
- Fallen Angels
Home of my namesake :)