So Somehow I am Accused of Being An Anarcho

Posted by khalling 8 years, 9 months ago to Philosophy
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in what world?! This is, of course, due to the shooting. and the calling for people to not own firearms. three facts about k. 1. she owns no fire arms.
2. she has a pen
3. she is surrounded by peeps who tell her she is illogical about this. 4. she listens

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 9 months ago
    Hello khalling,
    Facebook is a cesspool of ignorance. I steer clear.
    Were the founders that fought and died for the facebook trolls right to spout inanities anarchists? The mindless facebook twits would be the first to cry for someone with a gun to protect them from someone with a knife...
    P.S. OMG! CG and I both asked about the founders being anarchists... I am in trouble. :)
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 9 months ago
      You are indeed correct OA, I try to have very limited use of it, as most people do not read and consider, just react in the first nano second with either strong emotional approval or disapproval, and then search for the first "approved" descriptor to attach to you. It actually may just be a laboratory test for the aliens to see if we have any hope of ever being mature and responsible. I bet it failed...
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 9 months ago
    Facebook is a mess, really. I enjoy seeing what my friends are up to on it, but have found it to be a soup of stupidity when it comes to serious issues. It is, frighteningly, a sample of the American mind. And...we're in deep trouble...
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
    I never took you that way. Anarchist a. believes not in limited government but in no government what so ever. The reason they are at the fringe of the right (three reasons)

    Right is citizens over government starting the center which is the Constitution and citizens are the source of all power at present.

    Next and further to the right would be some form of loner who fully believe in laissez nous faire.

    Way out there are those who promote a way out belief using violence.They have not plan to replace government just get rid of it.

    If however the accusers are using the left wing fictionary version which holds the center to be the center of the left and the rest of the doesn't matter what they say or accuse precisely because they not accurate in definitions and can just be disregarded - an pitied. for five or six seconds. Anymore would be a huge waste of time and resource.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
      you get me. not anarcho. proper govt. try to tell people that daily
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
        I don't need to tell them. You lead by example more than nought in this case follow the example and set the example. What was the beef this time? Someone objecting to objectivism?
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        • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
          no. they don't understand anything about O. thshe wants to label me a Libertarian. I have explained several times. I think it's a political deal. political box-which one are you in. heck, sometimes I do't know which political box I fit into
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
            I chose the one that fit the best and fit my entire life the best especially the 24 years military. Constitutional Centrist. This is a personal description and has nothing to do with any group, I consider it to be the THE center of political discourse in the USA and repudiate, refuse and reject the notion the center of the left is somehow the center. Having done that I rejected all their definitions and using history as a guide made a new set which work. Leftist extremist definitions don't work and are intentionally confusing, false, and harmful to the country and to our Republic.

            Simple questions such as why do the Republicans always cave immediately answered - because they are not right of center using the Constitution they only to the right of the center of the left.

            There are no longer confusing, overly complex issues such as why are the Nazis listed as right wing instead of extremist left wing. Why is Hillary listed as Democrat centrist when she is also a left wing extremist. Why is the word Rino so important? Defines the Repubicans for what they are not what their maskirova.

            Mosrt importantly what IS the true source of power in the USA. No longer the divine right of kings what took their place. The Comrades would have you believe they did on behalf of 'the people.' Not true - the true source of power if you use devine ad a verb such as in water witching (humor intended) are the citizens themselves. Direct and without representation.) At least for those who understand citizens rights always carry citizen responsibilities.

            Nothing more simple and easy to understand than that. Only citizens can give up their rights.and refuse their responsibilities or use them and live up to them. Starting at the lowest levels of involvement.

            First democratically selecting local officials directly and representative delegates indirectly to the Republic. Secondly keeping or rejecting those that cross to the dark side of thinking the center of the left is the center of politics.

            Life is sweet when it is thoroughly understood and the lessons applied.

            In the military as a career profession we voluntarily chose to forgo direct constitutional protections and live under the Uniform Code of Military Justice which includes the oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and 'domestic.' That lifelong oath gave me comfort and focused me always on the Constitution as the center of my rights and responsibilities.

            Others have to find their own way.
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            • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
              and so, who are you voting for? certainly not Gary Johnson
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              • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 9 months ago
                Too early to tell about Johnson, imo. He is the only one that isn't a lesser evil at present. He has to tread carefully to round up voters that are disgusted with Trump and Hillary to overcome the obstacles the DemReps have created for any third party. I expect that means he accentuate the advantages of liberty for people instead of trying to change people into liberty zealots overnight.
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
                  Actually I'm in no hurry on that score. I saw an open advertisement go out for nominations and why using people outside the usual run of politicians. Five months to go who knows who will be candidates in the fall.

                  One can make a perfect case for the Socialist Democrats to dump Hillary now that Bernie is finally out of it.

                  Since both the major groups in the Government party use each other as lightning rods trading blame back and forth and since both are die hard socialist fascist oriented government over citizens and since both have proven time and again they will use each other as foils to stay in power and really don't care who is in charge - the both profit immensely ....does it really matter? No it does not.

                  The Demos can look forward to a four or eight year break and concentrate on the Congressional level then come back as the saviors over what damage the Dumbos cause next.

                  They can escape having Hillary in their legacy and probably dump Wasserman at the same time. What sports calls a building year.

                  They can let the Dumbos get stuck with picking up the pieces of an economic disaster.

                  Fpr them all plus no minus.

                  The Dumbos can even more easily dump Trump just on the applied for party rules violations unless they want to use him as an experiment that failed and if it doesn't that's good too. They have no skin in the game anymore except protecting the notion of a party.

                  The ease of each party dumping a candidate is like slipping on soap on an icy floor. They are 100% in charge and only need control a. The rules committee and b. the overall governing committee and c. have a plausible reason. Both have those by the bushel basket full.

                  So why get in a hurry it's far far far from over especially with a full blown revolution occurring and something they can side step until they see how to take advantage. How would you like to explain Hillary on top of Obama to a pissed off country? Or clueless plan less Trump?

                  That leaves Johnson and more important than Johnson is getting the Libertarian party as the only one's possible to move into the 15% plus ranks and into the debates and into position as a potential new SECOND party. Then change the debate rules to control 10 minutes bluster to ten seconds of comment. Heavy use of gavel and fining lost of time rules work well. Libertarians can now easily get a high enough percentage IF they pass that 15% hurdle to make not only sure but make damn sure there is no majority vote in the fall.

                  How? 46% of the voting pool has already said None of the Above. Your only dividing up 54% at best. If they don't screw it up which is also problematical.

                  Whose to stop them? Certainly not two Socialist party agents I see posting. They aren't good enough. Same old boring leftist drivel same old boring methodology no substance, no energy, a lot to do about and with nothing.

                  So why worry which one today? Spend time giving the Libs a bit of a boost they are nothing if not a good weapon against the Socialists.

                  Which brings us down to the None Of The Above vote. It's grown bit by bit and now is 46% of the available voter pool and 50 plus percent in non Prez years. Any growth there is a good thing.

                  Socialism is socialism is socialism and being given a choice of National and International really makes no difference.

                  Now back to the mystery candidate I refer to the next outsider acceptable to a majority. the military and former military vote is huge. Since the current candidates have done far more to present themselves in a bad light than one name off the top of my head and nothing positive .....

                  Petreaus The former general officer.

                  the best thing Libs could do is tap him as VP

                  the best thing the two socialist party halves could do is tap him in convention to replace Hillary and Trump.

                  Not enough care about the whoopsies given the record of Hillary and Trump especially Hillary.

                  The old saying is the dude or dudette on the White Horse that can be easily spotted on the battle field saves the day

                  Give him a decent VP candidate that IS Presidential Material without a lot of baggage and is not a starting block loser you might hear a big sigh of relief.

                  Number one choice is a real economics brain.

                  One they need a breathing space to distance themselves from the Obama wreckage can we make that into wreckacy instead of legacy.

                  One can make a perfect case for the Socialist Republicans to dump Trump.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 9 months ago
        "not anarcho. proper govt"
        When you question someone's authority and they don't have a good argument why they should be in charge, the cliche lame response is "what are you, an anarchist!?" The false choice of either their system or nothing being in charge is so transparent, it's what flat villains say when the author wants to hit you over the head with the idea that this is the bad guy and we're not supposed to like them. It's odd to hear about people using it w/o irony. It's like they're a parody of themselves.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 9 months ago
    Is their complaint that you don't own firearms and they want you to? Or is their complaint that you want to leave alone law-abiding firearms owners? I'm guessing the latter since they're using the word "anarchist".
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    • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
      I think that they assume I do own firearms. I do not. they want to make the case that a significant portion of the US is batshit. obviously,they need to premise check
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      • Posted by Technocracy 8 years, 9 months ago
        Based on what we see on the news a significant portion of the US is batshit crazy. That does not equate to gun owners however. The last statistic I saw said there were at least 300M guns in the US.

        If gun owners as a group were batshit, there would be far more shootings with bizarre or unfathomable motives. Most actual shootings occur in connection with CRIME. And a huge portion of those are illegally possessed/carried.

        Go after the criminals, not the lawful and responsible gun owners.
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  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 9 months ago
    K, who is calling for people to not own firearms?
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    • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
      everyone on FB
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 9 months ago
        Well, K, I have seen the few I connect to be pretty evenlly split (which may be no better), half want to ban all guns, and half want to go buy more and get lots of bullets. None want to actually examine the issue and seek real corrective actions like not selling guns to people who say really whacked out things at work and make their co workers miserable.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
          nick, your last statement is emotional. re-phrase. I have never owned a firearm. I support your right-it is the 2nd, after all-like not thought up 18th or 19th-
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 9 months ago
            Exactly. I was not questioning your personal position, I was simply pointing out that the responses you get are almost just a random set of statements, as there seems to be 2 groups who both think they have the last word and final arbitration of the issue, irregardless of any personal rights or individual responsibilities. More like knee jerk answers and 30 second sound bites, over considered opinion. None of them have actually considered all the ramifications of what is the real basis for ownership, and what are the responsibilities.They just know something bad happened, so the fix MUST be to get rid of all the guns, and that will fix it. The other group will tell you how more guns and bullets will fix it better, and that the "no guns" people are loons and should all die. Then the arguments start and the unfriending begins. Facebook at it's best. Good grief, the bloodshed of the Star Trek Axanar lawsuit was bad enough, and no guns were ever fired. FB is an anonymous place people seem to think allows them to require no real thought (except the precious few who do think and say so).
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            • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
              oh. good points. I am clueless about the StarTrek deal lol
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              • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 9 months ago
                Yea, it brought out a whole herd of uglies on FB who just bashed people who were doing what people have done for 50 years, make ST themselves. They just were too good at it, and Paramount decided it was time to jerk the chain. There are merits to both sides, but bottom line was a group started being very rude to the Axanar people and accusing them of everything including stealing Lindberghs baby. FB is pretty much proof of the uncivilized use of technology...
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      • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 9 months ago
        Whew, for a second there I thought is was you. Had me saying, huh? :)

        There are many misguided people on Facebook. That is the main reason I spend no time on it anymore. All it did was raise my blood pressure.
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 9 months ago
          "There are many misguided people on Facebook."
          Yes. I don't care for it. You can click and say you don't want to read posts like that, but my problem with it is doesn't know what it wants to be. It gives me articles from the NYT, next to an event happening down the road, next to a video of someone's cat. It tries to be too many things, but the strategy is working for them because even I use it sometimes.

          The only website more juvenile I know of is YouTube. For some reason, that attracts even dumber comments than FB.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 9 months ago
    What are you talking about? Do you have a link to a discussion here in the Gulch?
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    • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
      I'd like to read an article-maybe you can write it, that doesn't put O's into a box (politically) but helps us figure out our political selves. You know it's an issue. we vote stupidly. I would like a map. I'm not saying that I would always follow it.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 9 months ago
        It could be a book... You could just bowl alone, but most people bowl in teams, and teams are in leagues. Politics is just the art of getting along with other people.

        When you consider electoral politics, even at the township level, you are probably the only person you will agree with 100%. Then you have to look at the hierarchy of virtues as other people appear to express them in actions and words.

        For many years, I supported Democrat Debbie Stabenow, currently a US senator. I knew her when she first ran for county commissioner. I never agreed with many of her proposals, but I always found her to be a good representative who did the job. I accepted that by her own standards, she represents the State of Michigan in the US Senate. On the other hand, her counterpart, Carl Levin, represented Washington DC in the State of Michigan.

        You can look for ideological purity, like Diogenes with a lantern looking for an honest man. Myself, I see it like being a doctor: you treat the patient in front of you.

        But, you know, all of the above would just open the Preface to The Big Book of Politics for Objectivists.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
      no. it was on FB. it's standard issue. I thought it was kinda weird that I was labeled as libertarian. libertarians hate me. with the passion, and all that
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 9 months ago
        Real (small-L) libertarians would enjoy hearing your ideas, k.
        You would have loved the Liberty Editors Conferences in Port Townsend, WA, back in the 1993-2001 era. A wide variety of libertarians, from David Friedman to Harry Browne to Sandy Shaw to Ron Paul to Bill Bradford et al.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
          can you give us a post, freedom?
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 9 months ago
            Liberty Editors Conferences preceded the Freedomfest and were created by Liberty Magazine founder Bill Bradford. It was a perq for the writers who contributed articles to the magazine, and a way for fans/subscribers to meet some of the leaders in rational political thought.
            Bradford moved the meeting to Fee's Freedomfest in 2002 and I stopped attending. I preferred the Port Townsend venue over the circus of Vegas. Being able to have a one on one conversation with those people without time pressures was a big bonus.
            The Liberty Unbound website has pdfs of all the print issues and is even more interesting than reading issues of The Objectivist. See page 2 of this issue for a description of the conference:
            Searchable archives of the site are here:
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            • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 9 months ago
              Wow. I lived in that area for 15 years or so, and went to AA meetings at a hall along the Waterfront, and never heard of it. Left in 96. PT is a nice little town and the county itself is pretty nice too. Wish I had never left and just commuted.
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