Introducing some people to Rand in my area
Posted by Theobjectivist-laciar 10 years, 9 months ago to Books
I'm managing to make people around me read Rand! Even one who only reads magazines is going to read Anthem, and the rest are reading The Fountainhead or We the Living. Right now I've got at least 7 people who are going to read it, and one of them is a literature professor who is going to read We the Living!
Later this week I will try to get into a course of Austrian Economics, which also criticises Keynesianism, given at the University. Unluckily it is probably going to be given during school hours, plus it is pretty advanced, but wish me luck with it!
P.D.: I live in Argentina, so Ayn Rand isn't really known, and it isn't surprising that a literature professor doesn't know her (Although it certainly is disappointing)
Later this week I will try to get into a course of Austrian Economics, which also criticises Keynesianism, given at the University. Unluckily it is probably going to be given during school hours, plus it is pretty advanced, but wish me luck with it!
P.D.: I live in Argentina, so Ayn Rand isn't really known, and it isn't surprising that a literature professor doesn't know her (Although it certainly is disappointing)
BEYOND impressed!!!!
Why not read Rand in Argentina. One of my favorite authors in U.S college was from Argentina, Jorge L. Borges. My favorite, "The Tower of Babel. The professor who urged me tor read Borges, was best friends with my Philosophy Professor, who included Rand in the course reading.
Good work!