Ayn Rand's Memorial

Posted by $ dhinet 10 years, 9 months ago to Culture
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On my way back from Easter with family in Phili, I decided to visit Ayn Rand's resting place. With the help of my smartphone, GPS and the Internet I was Mrs, Ayn Rand O'Connor's Grave. I expected more, but should have known, there among the amazing tombs and monuments was the modest marker for Ayn and her husband Frank,
Surrounded by the resting places of many famous and the not so famous, Her grave is marked for special care as is her neighbor Tommy Dorsey. There was hay covering the newly seeded area. I am sure the area is looking much better now.
The visit gave me time to reflect how many lives have been changed by one lady. How many of her ideas and dreams live on in others.
On this Memorial Day, we take time to remember all the people that have cut the path we all travel. Without their work, we would not have all the connections to others.
A am new to this group but the ideas have been inside me forever.
I appreciate the paths those before me have blazed. I will continue to build on their foundation. Dear Ayn you dreams live on.
SOURCE URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kensico_Cemetery

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