EPA Adds Methane To Job-Killing Hit List
Chairman O's Progressive (phony and destructive) man-made climate change agenda marches on.
Corpulent power-crazed Big Brother just can't gobble up freedom and jobs fast enough!
Corpulent power-crazed Big Brother just can't gobble up freedom and jobs fast enough!
Check out my slice of life video.
Check how those diplopooters hold up their tails just walking along. Just walking along!
Imagine what they started to do when my gang came along.
Narrator says we came along because we sensed one was in a "bad way."
Well, guess what we were el especialo stinko droppage trackng!
The global warming or the heat of the desert took down the exhausted Diplodocus.
What , it was hot back when Allosaur hunted the ranges for food?
how could that be that was before man?
How long before it is a crime to talk of heat before man made climate change was possible.
Some one might connect the sun's activities and its impact on the weather and not Ellis Wyatt.
Another question why doesn't any in congress defend the job and wealth creators from these predatory agency's?
Click the late Jurrasic rectangle to see that Diplodocus and Allosaurus lived pretty much in the dead center of the Mesozoic Age.
There were volcanoes galore as the continents were splitting from one landmass called Pangaea.
Huge herds of Diplotocus and other species of long-necked sauropods thrived dino poots and volcanic soot.