Is a radical increase in minimum wage a catalyst towards slavery

Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 3 months ago to Government
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I feel the dependent on entitlements class , the unemployed will increase with wages set by govt.mandate versus supply vs demand. When dependent you become enslaved .

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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
    I thought about where I might move to avoid the increasing government control. Everywhere in the USA, almost all serious medical care is controlled by the government. Food is controlled by the department of agriculture, transportation by the department of transportation, communication and the internet controlled by so many divisions of the government.

    Employment is about to be controlled by them too. Set the minimum wage and you cut out the possibility of getting a job that you may NEED, but no one can pay you less than the federal minimum so the job doesnt exist at all.
    That leaves welfare if your skills and opportunities arent worth $15. So it is slavery.
    The next government control will be that its forbidden to lay anyone off (does that sound like 10-289?). This will be necessary, and quickly, to prevent mass layoffs due to the minimum wage hike.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 3 months ago
    Yes it is slavery...teaching the masses that they will never get beyond a "starter" Job, so we'll make sure you can live on doing very little.

    There is a lot of talk these days about how "We" are our brothers keeper...that is not true, however when government or anyone else for that matter, gives a handout instead of a hand become their keepers.

    Economically, we know how this goes; Wages go up without competence and increased productivity, prices go up; Now, wages must go up so that one can pay for the higher cost of products and services...then prices must go up again. Consider what once cost .05 cents now costs $5.00 and the product is the same now as it was then,
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      Any time random mandated numbers are forced on free markets someone gets hurt. This case as in most govt. programs the recipients of that pain are the one the plan is intended to help. More of the great society , it is like carpet bombing the poor.
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  • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 3 months ago
    Yet another problem-
    Released prisoners cannot get work, the minimum wage makes it tough to re-integrate into society and avoid going back to jail - a problem clearly shown in the figures.
    The minimum wage locks them into a permanent underclass.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
      Which means jail doesn't work Something perhaps to do with early outs on parole etc. Sentence not served is a freebie means i can get away with this.

      If the sentence had meaning it would work. If it doesn't work it has no meaning. You want to hire a faulty product - givent he recidivism rates? Fine. You hire them.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      Lucky Thanks for the link.
      From your link: But there is one policy that actually renders many unemployable and locks them in a permanent underclass: the minimum wage.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 3 months ago
    Everything the progressives do is to further the destruction of an empowered middle class in favor of a return to the fiefdoms of the Dark Ages, where lords rules and peasants slaved in their fields to support them. How does a peasant making more money accomplish this?

    Because the law isn't trying to make peasants out of peasants, but out of small business owners. Minimum wage hikes drive small businesses out of business entirely, swelling the ranks of the peasant class. Hikes also enrage the peasants against the middle class - rather than the self-proclaimed lords - by blaming them for the lords' own rulings!
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    • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 3 months ago
      The ne'er do wells have been getting away with it forever. Just look at the 2008 meltdown. The banks were forced, under penalty of law, to issue subprime mortgages, and the government, to keep them quiet, bought those mortgages, and packaged them as AAA securities, and sold them all over the place. Yet, when the SHTF, the so-called "banksters" were the ones who took the heat. The politicians who enacted the law forcing the banks to do what they did, dodged the bullet that should have hit them, and let the bankers take the hit. There are even people here in the Gulch who blame the bankers, rather than the politicians. If we, who should know better, are taken in by the charlatans, how do you expect the uneducated to figure it out?!?
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 3 months ago
        Well as I understand it, it went both ways. Barney Frank as the head Dumbocrap on the Finance Committee:

        Frank was criticized by conservative organizations for campaign contributions totaling $42,350 between 1989 and 2008. Bill Sammon, the Washington managing editor for Fox News Channel, claimed the donations from Fannie and Freddie influenced his support of their lending programs, and said that Frank did not play a strong enough role in reforming the institutions in the years leading up to the Economic crisis of 2008.[50] In 2006, a Fannie Mae representative stated in SEC filings that they "did not participate in large amounts of these non-traditional mortgages in 2004 and 2005."[51] In response to criticism, Frank said, "In 2004, it was Bush who started to push Fannie and Freddie into subprime mortgages, because they were boasting about how they were expanding homeownership for low-income people. And I said at the time, 'Hey—(a) this is going to jeopardize their profitability, but (b) it's going to put people in homes they can't afford, and they're gonna lose them.'"[10]

        In 2009 Frank responded to what he called "wholly inaccurate efforts by Republicans to blame Democrats, and [me] in particular" for the subprime mortgage crisis, which is linked to the financial crisis of 2007–2009.[52] He outlined his efforts to reform these institutions and add regulations, but met resistance from Republicans, with the main exception being a bill with Republican Mike Oxley that died because of opposition from President Bush.[52] The 2005 bill included Frank objectives, which were to impose tighter regulation of Fannie and Freddie and new funds for rental housing. Frank and Mike Oxley achieved broad bipartisan support for the bill in the Financial Services Committee, and it passed the House. But the Senate never voted on the measure, in part because President Bush was likely to veto it. "If it had passed, that would have been one of the ways we could have reined in the bowling ball going downhill called housing," Oxley told Frank. In an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal, Lawrence B. Lindsey, a former economic adviser to President George W. Bush, wrote that Frank "is the only politician I know who has argued that we needed tighter rules that intentionally produce fewer homeowners and more renters."[10] Once control shifted to the Democrats, Frank was able to help guide both the Federal Housing Reform Act (H.R. 1427) and the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act (H.R. 3915) to passage in 2007.[52] Frank also said that the Republican-led Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999, which repealed part of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 and removed the wall between commercial and investment banks, contributed to the financial meltdown.[52] Frank stated further that "during twelve years of Republican rule no reform was adopted regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In 2007, a few months after I became the Chairman, the House passed a strong reform bill; we sought to get the [Bush] administration's approval to include it in the economic stimulus legislation in January 2008; and finally got it passed and onto President Bush's desk in July 2008. Moreover, "we were able to adopt it in nineteen months, and we could have done it much quicker if the [Bush] administration had cooperated."[citation needed]

        he pushed them to give mortgages to unemployed, illegal immigrants, and was the one who pushed the "no SSN needed for mortgage" program. The bankers, seeing a huge amount of loan origination fees and loans backed by the gov't, went for the ride. Got huge bonuses, and proms and all, for riding the tiger. Then, the looters paid for their social program by just bowing a whole bunch of funny money by cooking the books, making huge loans and forgiveness, etc. The periphery was all the other finance houses and businesses had to bailed out, as they took their corporate money and bought in on a sure thing. More gov't bailouts. And lots of he said/she said finger pointing by both sides. Net result: another trillion in debt, and no one to blame.
        Minimum wage is the same thing, see my post on Oregon's insanity, where they couldn't wait to save the people (and get their votes) by raising it, with no research, no thought, no nothing. Now their own researchers say that Oregon will lose a huge amount of jobs, and thousands of businesses will go under, and all fast food will be automated. Those voters will not have any jobs, and be vassals of the state,and of course, no one will be blamed. This is the insanity we call "freedom" and "democracy". Bah...
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        • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
          Thanks Nickursis for your historical perspective of events leading up to the housing crisis. I do recall some pressure through lawsuits on banks and mortgage cos to not discriminate as not enough mortgages to low income folks.

          Your post regarding
          Oregon's minimum wage increase which will result in more dependence on govt. as the unemployed ranks swell.
          FelixO'Riley said below
          "The welfare system is slavery as it forces people to vote for food"
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 3 months ago
            I remembered being angry when the news would show his blustery BS crap. He would lecture bankers from his bench about how evil they were because they were so mean to people with no SSN, or no job. He did do that and was a moron to boot.
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      • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
        I would agree, but I believe they are both complicit.
        Sound Banking in the US was destroyed by the 1913 Fed reserve act. Also in 1910, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Frank Vanderlip of National City (today know as Citibank), Henry Davison of Morgan Bank, and Paul Warburg of the Kuhn, Loeb Investment House met secretly at Jeckyll Island to craft a plan that has been progressing(sic) ever since.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 3 months ago
    It's a sop by Democrats to their union allies, who have lost two states to right-to-work laws during Obama's reign.

    Some of the laws -- Los Angeles', and I think Philadelphia's -- exempt union-represented employees from the higher pay requirement. Thus the unions gain members while making us all worse off.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      Thanks jdg this from the dailyreckoning

      Wage and Price Controls don’t work. You and I can see it in everyday real life. Richard Nixon tried it and failed. The Pols that run the country can’t seem to see beyond the end of their noses. Actually, they know exactly what will happen but they’re so hell-bent to reward unions, they don’t care.

      Why unions? Simple. If the minimum wage is increased, naturally the union wage must also be increased. Increasing the union wage rate keeps the membership in line and fattens the pockets of the union officials. In turn, it helps get the Pols re-elected. Talk about being hypocritical. The very Pols that caused the dollar to lose purchasing power due to government deficit spending now pretend to be so munificent as to help the poor earn a “living wage.”
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  • Posted by $ Suzanne43 8 years, 3 months ago
    Yes, Because of the Law of Unintended Consequences, robots are now taking over jobs that were once held by a lot of unskilled workers. Maybe the liberals can get the robots registered as Democrats. Another voting block for the ruling class...they all ready have the enslaved.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      Thank you Suzanne43 for your thoughts.
      If I may, my conclusion drawn from observation of the "public servants" actions or inactions have the RINO's culpable as well.
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      • Posted by $ Suzanne43 8 years, 3 months ago
        Yes, indeed, the RINO's are very culpable and are a large part of the ruling class.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
          But they are still only one part of the sociaist triiumverate the corporatist/statists in the case of our country. Big C little s at best. Opposite but in the same Government Party as the Statist/corporatists Dinos. All Socialists. Add Labor leaders and you have business leaders and political leaders one, two three.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 3 months ago
    I agree completely, Dan! . my efforts since childhood
    have been aimed at maximum independence. . the
    ideal of complete independence is impossible,
    though, so just max it out, I say. . and these dollar
    shenanigans -- including all of the Fed actions --
    just serve to mask the enslavement in process. -- j
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      John , I applaud your long term efforts to be a valued individual seeking independence.
      We live and love life and value the freedom to pursue or Attain what we want and need to promote our well being and our families .
      That is an effort due to govt. looters. I will be happy to exert the effort till the end.
      Everyone else can choose their own path just don't interfere with mine.
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  • Posted by Paguglielmo 8 years, 3 months ago
    My 2 cents... Minimum wage is linked to many union contracts. If minimum wage increases $2, the union workers automatically get a $2 raise. This is the main driving factor. They could have a 2nd agenda, but I believe this is the main objective.
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  • Posted by brkssb 8 years, 3 months ago
    What do you mean by "radical"? Minimum wage is compelled and any government directive is executed by force. It isn't just the "progressives". Senior "planning commissions" and the elected "mostly Republican" officials are directing the "modernization" of Huntsville, AL by fiat and proposing eminent domain as the tool to force compliance. Beware of "brothers keepers" - we abound by force of laws and fiats for which we never voted. -- BTW, Switzerland just voted down a proposal for guaranteed minimum income for all comers. (I have not delved into the details yet.) -- And thanks to all of you for your comments and events from history.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      BTW I don't like (hate) what either party is doing to the systematic reduction of individual rights and the country.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
        That word is getting used to freely by those who never put it on the line.It's a them using it as hate speech who ought to stick it where the sun don't shine. Wow a sort of poem. So don't sweat the small stuff they aren't worth the effort.

        Question Considering that the 2008 bankruptcy based on the government sponsored housing bubble bust, the government sponsored and controlled by regulation bank failures and the government sponsored ethanol scam hit us all for a minimum of 30% decrease in buying power of our 'earned' money and was never counted in COLA...maybe the $15 isn't so far off the mark in New Obama Dollars. But the moochers won't care either way they only have to collect. I'm thinking of calling the current currency ODD money for Obama Deficit Dollars. So much for his great economy. Most expensive toilet paper in the world
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        • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
          ODD money indeed. Obama takes credit for anything positive that happens in the economy
          when most all his policy's are anti-economic. His concern for retirees military and civilians is woeful.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      Thank you for the information regarding Huntsville and the Swiss vote.
      Regarding radical I did not mean political affiliation
      Just was using it to describe a + 60% hike in the minimum where as a 5- 10% hike I would term moderate.
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  • Posted by ChuckyBob 8 years, 3 months ago
    This is a race to mediocrity. Why would anyone want to go to college and get a degree? You will make a "living wage" by not making anything of yourself. If you do make something of yourself, you will be taxed and regulated to death.
    I have several doctor friends. One of them said when Obozocare was enacted that he was going to retire simply because Obozocare was turning him into a paper-pusher instead of a doctor.
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  • Posted by FelixORiley 8 years, 3 months ago
    This is an extension to the Welfare System. Compensation for no (increased) productivity. The welfare system is slavery as it forces people to vote for their food.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      Ahh an Irish oibiachtachas. Thanks for your poignant observation.
      I have heard radio ads for the robin hood public servants (sneer). That profess a vote for so and so will take away your entitlements.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 8 years, 3 months ago
    It could be. As the minimum wage rises, a lot of people shift from employed to unemployed.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      Temlakos Thanks for your insight.
      from the Daily Reckoning

      It really is that simple. If you’re a marginal worker, you’re expendable. The business for which you work can perhaps justify paying you $6.55 per hour to sweep or wash dishes. When then forced to pay $7.25 per hour for the same services, the business just decides they can no longer afford to hire the sweeper or dishwasher. They make other arrangements to get the jobs done. Meanwhile, the former dishwasher is now out of a job thanks to the Federal Government raising the minimum wage.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 3 months ago
    Hello Dobrien:
    You are correct. The formula is simple. Minimum wages go up by mandate. Retailers who use it cut back on employees or go out of business. This increases the unemployment rolls, thus making more people dependent on government for sustenance. And as you point out, dependence eventually leads to slavery. The left loves dependency because that becomes their constituency.

    There is a certain type of person whose thought process goes like this: "Well, I tried to get a job but no one is hiring. That's not my fault, so I might just as well take advantage of the government freebies every way I can." Of course, if this person spent as much effort applying for jobs as applying for freebies, it would eliminate at least some problems.
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 3 months ago
    don't worry about it! as far as i can tell in a few years things will get so bad economically that there will no longer be any employment.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      Thanks Wiggys
      How can we avoid that?
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      • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 3 months ago
        i do not think it is actually possible. historically the usa government has caused companies to leave the usa for other countries where labor costs were lower to manufacture. that caused the suppliers to those companies to leave the usa or lose the business. as time has gone by; all of this process was started in the 1960's). the policy of the usa government believed as those who work in the government still believe they are helping the poorer countries of the world. so by making the usa a poorer country that means we aren't buying product made in the poorer countries any longer. is walmart buying big from china any longer; NO. the result is that china is suffering big time. the trickle down deterioration of the economic world is happening and it is happening much faster than people in the usa are aware of. if a wealthy american loses its a lot, if a poor american loses it doesn't change his life as it does the "former wealthy" person. years ago i left nyc on my sail boat for the bahamas. was a live aboard for 13 minths. that was 1974. i was back in the bahamas 3 years ago and the way of life has not changed or gotten worse but these people don't know the difference because they never had the opportunity to know any difference. that is what the rest of the world is like. so as far as i am concerned our enemy is the government of the usa and the results of its actions were eloquently detailed by Ayn Rand in ALL of her writing, not only Atlas Shrugged.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
          I couldn't agree more, except I believe this a conspired process set in motion a long long time ago.
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          • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 3 months ago
            conspired no; that would mean someone gave thought to doing this. and what would have been their motivation, destroy the economy of the world, certainly not. their motivation is socialism because they believe that is the way the world should be.
            as far as i am concerned "thinking" is not what they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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            • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
              Thanks Wiggys, they certainly don't think about how to improve the world. But I don't think the destruction of the individual and our inalienable rights is happening by accident.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 3 months ago
    Of course. More Democrats.

    I was just thinking this morning about how bad the GOP has screwed up and blew it...
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      I have lost patience and have concluded that the RINO'S are complicite as well. The 2party system is now one , both leftist one group more truthful about their destructive plans that the other.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
    I think it's more important as a political symbol. It's not indexed to inflation so it gives something for politicians to be demagogues about every time they increase it to keep its real value the same.

    If min wage were higher than the equilibrium price for unskilled worked, it would create unemployment; just as any price floor creates surplus supply. I don't think that's happening now, so it's primarily a thing to get people fired up about. Raising it won't improve the life of the poor or bring about slavery. They could abolish it altogether tomorrow or raise it 20% without it really affecting things much.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      The push is for $15 per hour for minimum wage. Is petitioning for that increase. Sanders is , DC raised it to that. LA city as well. Raising LA employment payroll expense $7.5 billion. This is another attack on small businesses the true life blood of job creation.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
        I am preparing to lay off 50% of our minimum wage workforce and transfer the assembly work to china. I need to do it now in case they forbid laying off low wage employees and moving production out of the country. The alternative for us is to go out of business. Government here is really going to destroy what made this country a great place to live. It isnt any more. Trump is right about that, but I somehow doubt he is going to get elected, and even if he was its unlikely he could reverse the trend to socialism very much
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        • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
          Good luck with your assembly process in China.
          It certainly would be a tough decision to make that change as I'm sure for a variety of reasons you would like to produce here.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
            Its a pain to buy from china and endure the LONG delays due to sea shipping and the costs of customs. I would rather do the work here, and I certainly know how to do it (we have done a lot of stuff in the past that we cant afford to do now.)

            When the day comes that I have to lay these people off, I will just tell them that the government did this to you. They probably voted for Hillary and Obama actually.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
        My wet finger says the equilibrium price is close to that in large urban areas, and everywhere else it's lower, so the $15 wage floor would cause a significant increase in unemployment. I think it would also slightly hasten the adoption of automation.

        It's a way to feel like we're doing something about poverty while actually making things slightly worse.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
          Thanks for your comments It will make the high unemployment rate for young inner city youth permanent.
          I wonder how the ten year experienced employee who received raises over the years reaching that level of pay will feel?
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
            "It will make the high unemployment rate for young inner city youth permanent."
            I think it would affect rural young people more. I'm not sure what affect it would have on urban area, but gut feeling is less. I think in all areas it would increase under-the-table work.

            "I wonder how the ten year experienced employee who received raises over the years reaching that level of pay will feel?"
            I think they'd be less affected. They might benefit in some ways because the market will need people with higher productivity, which in some jobs comes with experience, who can justify the higher prices.

            Thinking about the winners and losers of bad policy reminds me of how I think we approach healthcare. It's like we're moving coins around, stacking them in different piles, trying somehow to make them worth more than they are.
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            • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
              I will agree to disagree about the impact of mandated wage increases with you.
              Re : ACA I agree "it's moving coins around stacking them in different piles" right it takes healthcare dollars from producers and gives those dollars to moocher looters to moochers
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
                "I will agree to disagree about the impact of mandated wage increases with you."
                We both think it's bad for everyone. You think it's slightly worse for urban people, and I think it's slightly worse for rural people. You think it presents a psychological issue for workers whose rate was already near the increased minimum wage before the it was increased, and I say it doesn't. It doesn't really matter exactly who it affects how much. We both think it's bad.
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                • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
                  To clarify I think that a person who has gained experience and is more productive due to that experience and who has been rewarded for those efforts by annual pay increases say from $9 to $15 over 5 to 10 year employment will not continue to receive raises as he would with out the looters interference.
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      • Posted by ChuckyBob 8 years, 3 months ago
        Several cities have raised the minimum wage within their boarders. The effect of that has been to drive the businesses out of those cities. So now we will have a plethora of minimum wage paying businesses in the next town over. The neighboring towns will see a boon to their economies and tax roles.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
          Thanks ChuckyBob for your example of the effect these mandated govt. directives. People might think this is an unforeseen consequence or unintended result. I think not. Get them all on the dole.
          As FelixO'Riley wrote "The welfare system is slavery as it forces people to vote for their food."
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