The Green Hypocrisy

Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 9 months ago to News
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A few days ago, James O'Keefe once again caught the liberal establishment in their hypocrisy. He published his latest video as the link below will explain. There have been many excuses made by liberal progressives about the so called devious nature of O’Keefe in pretending to be a Middle Eastern investor in the movie business. How devious could he have been when he clearly stated that in his persona of an investor was offering money to make an Anti-American phony documentary against fracking in the United States for the sole purpose of protecting Oil from the Middle East.

The Hollywood hypocrites were willing to take secret money to make this film and were willing to lie about the fracking process in order to further their agenda.

Once you watch the clip, secretly filmed, no further doubt about where the Hollywood left stands can exist.

Fred Speckmann

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