The Equal Sign Can Be a Real Bitch, by Robert Gore
Housing was the focal point of the last debt crisis. Old age funding—pensions and medical care programs—may well play that role during the next one. The math is straightforward: over time contributions and investment returns (if any) must equal promised benefits. The current reality is also straightforward: aggregate contributions, even if augmented by sterling investment returns, will be nowhere near enough to fund promised benefits. Current government and central bank policies exacerbate the predicament, making the achievement of even minimal investment returns problematic. The pay-as-you-go structure of many old age funds, such as Social Security and Medicare, does not allow for any investment returns at all.
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This is an excerpt. For the full article, please click the above link.
This is the economic face of the social policy that tries to force equality of outcome. The reverse of what reality drives. No surprise it does not work any better in economics.
Great, (as we expect as usual) article Robert.
Now HUD is coming in with grants (where is the money for those coming), and they are trying to equalize neighborhoods, by requiring a complete mix of ethnicity and income. Taking away the time tested method, whereby, those who want nice, work for it, and rewriting it as those who want nice, deserve it, and government will give it to them. Sure fire idea for destroying ambition and neighborhoods.
If the government had allowed people to invest their money, instead of mandating it be put into SS funds, which were then abused by government, this mess would not have been nearly what it is today. It is always about trying to buy votes with our money.
End game: the UN and one worlders want to bring down, not only the intelligence, but the whole standard of living in the US.
Voluntary segregation of all types needs to become legal again. I want a neighborhood where everyone speaks my language and where the children, if any, are prevented from running around, screaming, and playing ball where it will cause damage to my house.
As it is now, I'm violating some so-called civil rights law, federal, if I or my landlord even try to select for any of these things.
I am forced to pay full price and sit through hours of un appropriate and in appropriate drivel while others get an unearned free or next to free ride and their grades are the same as mine? None of that is explained on the back of the diploma.
Those who wish to play whiny games in the playgrounds should getg an appropriate diploma. Masters in Sandbox and Teeter Totter Skills perhaps.
The notion that everyone should get accepted to Universities or advanced Technology institutions came about when basic grade school training became the subject of university and technological school training.
The rest of us are being cheated in price and quality and that includes employers. That is what should have been the focus of programs like common core instead of just another reverse racist social program.
Francisco D'Anconia
It would be better stated to write something like "O=0 anything good" or "O=0 worth a damn."
Many such creative additives abound for "O=0."
equal rights, like opportunity and freedom -- not wealth!
equal exchange in the market
equals signs in math
perversions like equal pay between individuals
are distortions. -- j
p.s. "faking reality" is the Randspeak.