The Formula for Producing Psychopathic Behavior

Posted by MaxCasey 10 years, 8 months ago to Philosophy
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SOURCE URL: http://maxcasey.com/?p=105

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  • Posted by tpatter4 10 years, 8 months ago
    I could not agree more! Learning to resist guilt is step #1, which the life-changer, Atlas Shrugged, taught me many years ago. If you agree that entitlement is but the lure to get dependent citizens to support an expansive government, please read my sci-fi/dystopian/romance, Whisper Independence (by T.J. Patterson). This book would never have been written if I had not read Atlas Shrugged 27 years ago. See the YouTube book trailer (Whisper Independence, 00:02:47). The informed GaltsGulchOnline reader will especially appreciate the analogy to what is happening today. I hope that if you read the ebook, you will post an honest, thoughtful review on Amazon or whichever retailer you choose.
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 8 months ago
      I bought it a month ago and hope to read it by July.
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      • Posted by tpatter4 10 years, 8 months ago
        Thanks, jbrenner. I'm trying to market to not just the informed but the general sci-fi & romance reader too. We might not find them on this site, but I'd like to help them to spot the tricks and disguises used by so-called compassionate progressives. I can't wait to watch the final installment of AS.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 8 months ago
    Excellent post. You have a real understanding of what is happening in this country, and how it will destroy us. I noticed it about 15 years ago, when the schools were cramming altruism down the throats of students. Service organizations have gone from "helping" to "handing out" - no requirements.
    So, these folks want more and more, as the getting, not the earning, is the goal. They become angry if their every need is not met. They have no self respect, as they have earned none. Even they know the trendy self esteem is crap.
    So, they grab uppers, Prozac, psychotropics, whatever makes them feel momentarily numb.
    When it all no longer works, they lash at, and even become self destructive. Columbine was a combination of the self esteem outcome based education and psychotropics. We in Ohio saw it coming, but the schools embraced it with both hands.
    Our grown daughter sent me an article she felt summed it up, about why her generation is depressed. They knew they were not as good as they were constantly told, and they did not know they would not be handed the perfect job and life on a silver platter. Now they are all trying to figure out the rules for life.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 8 months ago
    It is my understanding that just about all of these mass-murder types are on Prozac and/or related medication. The population using these drugs has exploded in the past 10 years. As the fringe of those who suffer from side effects like mass shootings grows...we see more of this in the news. I know psychopaths. Hell, I've worked for a couple. But, they didn't do this...
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 8 months ago
      I need to add that I know several people who have had very frightening reactions to these drugs. I had a friend call me crying from his car in a grocery store parking lot because he had forgotten how to get home. A friend of a friend, with zero warning, got off the phone with my friend, got a rope from the garage, walked down the street and hung himself under a tree in the park. Another was on Efixer. He woke up across town in his car with his loaded rifle in the passenger seat - no idea how he and the rifle got there. A very good friend's wife got on Efixer and really flipped out - started sleeping with a fat slob who lived in a trailer in the hills. When my buddy's kids broke down and started crying about it she just sat there, expressionless - pretty unmotherly.

      Perhaps all of these people were already out of their goards. But, I've seen a pattern. And, just about every killing spree loony is on these drugs. I notice they are also reporting that many of these young men "have ausburgers", as though that's a contributing factor. Um...no.

      How many Sandy Hooks did we hear about in the 70s?
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      • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
        Here is a question for you to think about. What sort of philosophic system leads one to believe that happiness should be the default, and not something earned/worked at, and that it can come from a prescription for a pill? Don't get me wrong, the drugs are a huge problem, but they are just a consequence of failed philosophy.
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        • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 8 months ago
          I understand where you're coming from. My friend who's wife started sleeping with a slob in a trailer?...I remember having a conversation with him afterward where he mentioned how he felt that he was slipping into a tough depression over the affair. He mentioned it to his doctor who filled out a prescription for Prozac. I told my buddy, "If you didn't feel sadness over this...THEN you'd need medication." He's doing fine now, thankfully.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 8 months ago
    While I can't unreservedly endorse this editorial, one sentence stood out to me:
    "This kid went on a shooting rampage because he couldn’t accept his responsibility for making things happen for himself."

    That to me was the crux of the argument and the core statement of the entire piece. We have to be willing to take action on our own behalf. Blaming others for something we want but don't have is not only pointless effort wasted, but endemic of the attitude of a two-year-old! You want it given to you? Then you also get no control over your own life: no right to vote, no right to own land, no right to free speech, etc. You want to be a slave - there are plenty of people willing to enslave you. Freedom = hard work.

    I'd quibble with the religious jabs, but I'll attribute that to ignorance. To put it bluntly, Christ does NOT encourage altruism as defined by Rand. Altruism != Charity.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
      It wasn't a jab at Christ, it was a comment about how its perversions are served by religious institutions as if it's what Christ taught. Moreover, the comment was actually a reflection on how many times I've been told by Christians that if we didn't pay taxes for social welfare programs, the poor would have nobody to help them, and that Jesus would want us to help our fellow man therefore the welfare state is in line with the Bible. Sorry I didn't make that more clear.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 8 months ago
        Absolutely true. I've met many who can't differentiate between voluntary charity and government welfare. It's really frustrating trying to get them to see the difference - especially when they themselves are the ones on welfare...
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    • Posted by tpatter4 10 years, 8 months ago
      I think it boils down to accountability and entitlement. Everyone is learning to blame a disorder rather than taking personal responsibility for one's actions. True, there are some actual mental disorders, but at some point, a person must know the difference between right and wrong. I think entitlement is the corollary of the lack of accountability. If you feel you are owed, you feel you are responsible for nothing. I like your "Freedom = hard work"! It's a paradox that many don't get.
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  • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years, 8 months ago
    Having had any number of sociopaths in my life, I must concur that "envy" is at the root of sociopathic behavior ... however they take it to a new level of: "AND IF I CAN'T HAVE IT, I'LL DESTROY YOU!"
    Thankfully, few boast of both jealousy and the capacity to jump into that type of behavior.
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