Obama's reference to moochers

Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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Obama said, “By telling hard-working middle-class families that the reason they are getting squeezed is because some moochers at the bottom of the income ladder, because of minorities and because of immigrants or because of employees or because of feminists, because of poor folks who aren’t willing to work, they have been able to promote policies and protect special interests and those at the very top of the economic pyramid. That’s just the truth. I hope you don’t mind me being blunt about this, but I have been listening to the stuff for a while. And I’m concerned when I watch the direction of our politics. We have been hearing this story for decades, tales about welfare queens, talking about the takers, talking about the 47 percent. It is the story that is broadcast every day on some cable news stations, on right wing radio. It is pumped into cars and bars and VFW halls all across America and right here in Elkhart. If you are hearing that story all the time, you start believing it. It is no wonder people think state government is the problem.”

I'm feeling just a bit tweaked right now.
My mother taught me that if I didn't have something nice to say, to not say anything. OK, I'll just grumble under my breath.
SOURCE URL: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/06/01/obama-right-wing-radio-spreading-lies-economy/

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
    The key phrase is "been able to promote policies and protect special interests". He's right in claiming that troubled people are easily manipulated into blaming some scapegoat for their problems. In a country where gov't is involved in everything, that means they can protect their interests using this game.

    If gov't were very limited, some people would still look for ways to blame their problems on other people and to hurt other people to feel better about themselves, but it would not translate into their receiving other people's money. Since people don't like jerks, it probably would hurt their interests. So if gov't were limited, the entire problem that President Obama correctly identifies would disappear.
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