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Anyone who does not, on his own initiative, pick up the shovel and get to work is not needed here.
and ignorant and a racist, so "mean" fits right in there! -- j
and move forward from there? -- j
real need is for a truth course, as you say, where the
focus is on un-debatable truth as an anchor. . moving
forward from there might be possible. -- j
over "Trump 2016" chalked on steps at a college.
such easily offended people should go to counseling. -- j
"Safe Space" and invite these youngsters to join in
the fun -- kum-ba-yah in the piano and TV room! -- j
problems with too many job offers, this makes me
sad. . the u.s. has lost its go-get-it-ness. . its can-do
attitude. . its gotta-be-the-best-ness. . Help! -- j
One of my work buddies daughter's is the Valedictorian, and gave a speech Gulchers would be proud of! ...the world owes you nothing...
Just not the same way a Millennial would feel the Bern.
Then there are the exceptions. New system is the four point plus students for 'xtra credit' which means they did their homework.
the real cream of the crop GED at 15 or 16 and finish Bachelors at 20 Masters at 22 etc.
I found a bumper sticker somewhere that says proud parent of a GED plus BS deg. by age 20. or words to that effect I think it was done as a mathematics formula.
They are not millenials. They are Exceptionals.
The millenials however do serve a useful function at Universities. As Frank Zappa said if you want to get laid.....
When I was in the retail business this wasn't a joke, it was factual. The worst were recent graduates from high school or college. Not having to hire youngsters is one of the perks of retirement.
I've never hired anyone; however, before working for Atlas I would frequently go to networking events, etc. to try to find new clients. Multiple times there would be this point in the conversation where you realize the person you're trying to get business from is a raving liberal.
Haven't seen them around where I work.
The downside of this is that the employers themselves are so flooded with applicants that they filter most of them out, so you usually need to know someone to get the job. And I'm so flooded with ads that I run out of hours in the day before I've answered them all.
I could tell you such stories about my millennial nieces and nephews.....
The one part of this that rings true is the use of the phone or computer during one-on-one conversations. I think they honestly think they're being efficient by handing some work issue by text in the little dead spots of time during a conversation. If I say, "let me think how we should handle it. I guess it comes down to one of two approaches..." they see that as valuable time they could have been answering texted question about whether it's okay that the mechanical drawing is a different revision from the electrical one. "Yes, Mech rev 3, PCB rev 2" they text, and figure they didn't miss anything and put that time while I was cogitating the options to good use. Maybe they're right, but there's some advantage to doing one thing at a time. Something might come to them while staring at the white board with me. If there's an urgent item and they feel like most of this meeting doesn't apply to then, they should IMHO leave, rather than handling other issues by phone and standing ready to answer if something concerning them should come up. OTOH I'm amazed at how many projects they can have going. Sometimes you have to stop them, though, and say "please stop everything, put all phones in the center of the table, and please focus on this one item."