[Ask the Gulch] Where is a good place to talk about Ayn Rand's Objectivism in depth? I'm not really interested in discussing few and minor quibles I have with it. I'm more interested in talking about things like, for example, questions that might extend aesthetic
Posted by freetrader 8 years, 7 months ago to Ask the Gulch
This doesn't appear to be the place to have in depth discussions like that. Most posts are on rather less in depth in discussions and length, and it would be detrimental to try in such a public place. But there must be such a place people who like discussing such things in depth go?
I'd suggest that you just give it a try and see what you get. I know for a fact that there are a number of site participants that welcome the opportunity to discuss any and all aspects of Objectivism, including the extension/expansion of AR's writings and talks into areas she didn't cover as well as those she did discuss, rather than populists and political topics. An excellent example is the work of one member that is heavily involved in the development of Objectivist Economics. You will find a number of very studied Objectivists as well as a number of those that are quite experienced in Objectivist's life applications.
I admit that there are a number of participants that are more interested in current events and politics, than Objectivism and may not have much to offer in your desired discussions. But the site offers tools for your management of your Post, such as Flag and Ignore and simple replies with a down-vote to let others know that they are making inappropriate or irrelevant replies and comments.
The next time you Post, try using the comment box (that's included with your Post title, URL, and Category selection) to frame your question/idea/topic, etc. rather than the ADD COMMENT on the published Post. It may take a few Posts by you for all Objectivists to find your Posts and begin replying and commenting, or for your Post to make it to the Hot list, but give it a try.
An easy way is keep this one but edit the title. sounds interesting to say the least
I started an objectivist group when I was at stanford awhile ago, and it was fun to sit around and talk about things with like minded freedom loving people.
But most of the answers are found in Ayn Rand's writings. A good source is Ayn Rand Lexicon Objectivism A to Z Binswanger or Objectivism In One Lesson Bernstein.
These two are what I would call 'pointers' and refer to actual writings by book, chapter etc. to the question in mind.
There are also Open and Closed Objectivism. discussions. Some, like myself, look for ways to apply it to real life situations. Others are more 'aesthetic.' Both are found right here but after a while someone might suggest another link. Enjoy
It's also a place to constantly learn and find points of view to consider. I find it more enlightening. Most volumes though are available through Amazon. I stress them all as to follow the classic advice of Frank Zappa 'if you want an education go to the library.'
AynRand.org or Ayn Rand Institute will provide even more information.
I would echo what many here have posted, with the addition of the following caveats:
The purpose of ANY philosophy, is happiness and fulfillment. It is NOT politics. Politics is the fourth branch of philosophy, the branch that must logically arise from the previous three.
It is the necessary body of thought that arises when a human being must co-exist with others.
Finally, an Objectivist understands that reason must be Man's only absolute. Mathematics is its demonstration, the scientific method its efficacy.
Therefore, all rational questions are valid, all answers tentative. Quibble or quarrel away........
I have been to other sites, but there is not the give and take as in the Gulch. That doesn't mean that every thread and every topic will be your cup of tea, but you'll find plenty that are. And better still, you can choose a topic and start your own discussion.
Recommendation: Do not be pulled into "I'd like to hear the minor quibbles" type statements. I've lost a lot of "friends" here over simple statements like that.
Enjoy, there is much to learn at Galt's Gulch.
The rate is significantly reduced for those under 30, only $195 for the week. It actually was less a month or so ago, but ticket prices always increase the closer you get to things like this.
It would be a GREAT way to discuss in depth with newer and more advanced/experienced objectivists. There are lectures and forums that apply objectivism to everyday life, and I can imagine some very informative and lively debates on topics like anarcho-capitalism and aesthetics.
Objectivism Online
Objectivist Living
Rebirth of Reason
As noted, there are Facebook pages. And you might find - or start - a local meetup.
You always can start a discussion here. The "Philosophy" category is open. Note, however, (and you probably figured it out) such discussions usually do not go far here.