"our troops are getting sacrificed at the altar of political correctness"

Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 9 months ago to Government
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This is why we need to change the direction
of this nation. . Freedom is losing in the p.c. war.
What Do You Think? -- j
SOURCE URL: http://www.wnd.com/2016/05/navy-seal-to-obama-take-the-handcuffs-off/

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 8 months ago
    If one accepts that the only legitimate purpose of gov't is to protect the individual rights of it's citizens, the US has not been involved in any legitimate war since 1812. Speaking as a drafted veteran of the Vietnam War, at a bare minimum, the wars of the latter half of the 20th Century have been acts of aggression on the part of our gov't. It has little to do with 'political correctness' excepting the bastardization of the English language and the kidnapping of ideals such as patriotism, heroism, valor, honor, bravery, and service.

    So, whatever is going on in the Mideast at this point is no more sacrifices than the million or more sacrificed since 1812. Freedom was lost a long time ago beginning with the conscription acts of the Civil War. On top of that, deaths of citizens at the hands of our civilian police since 9/11 has far exceeded deaths incurred in combat. So I would argue that ignorance of inalienable Individual Rights and the intents of our Founders has been the larger travesty against freedom, and we have no one to blame other than ourselves.
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    • Posted by brkssb 8 years, 8 months ago
      I believe the legitimate purpose of the government includes the national defense, based on the granting by its citizens of the right to self-defense and protection of individual rights. One could argue that the right to self defense and of individual rights extends to lives and property outside the national boundaries.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 8 months ago
        We don't give up the right to individual self defense. That's the story gov'ts have tried to convince us of in order to disarm us. It's a physical impossibility and a fool's concept for the gov't to provide or ensure our self defense at all times in all circumstances. We grant to gov't only the right to use retaliatory force on our behalf and to provide self defense of the country as a whole.

        But somewhere along the line, the gov't (composed of some of our citizens) and portions of our citizens that didn't (and don't now) know the difference, decided to extend the definition of self to cover force initiated by anyone against anyone anywhere in the entire world, and the idea of only force necessary to stop/retaliate the force initiated by others', transitioned to some concept of peremptory and pre-emptive force used to protect interests, whatever the hell that means. Then came the idea that we could use force to make others comply with our demands and our view of how they should live, organize and govern themselves as some convoluted idea of self defense.

        That's what comes from the failure to understand self ownership and inalienable rights that are yours and every other man's--and not understanding the philosophy and morality of Objectivism.
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      • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
        yes;;; if we see that Russia and Cuba are installing
        missiles aimed at us, on an island 90 miles from Florida,
        we might take action to pre-empt their actions. -- j
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 8 months ago
    Incorrect, our troops have been sacrificed since the Korean war for no purpose that is beneficial to the USA. I have engaged with many young men who have been sacrificed either mentally or physically from Vietnam to the middle east today. What did we gain from Korea, an A-HOLE dictator that we feed, from Vietnam a memorial in D.C. that has been defaced recently and of course our illustrious leadership is send more troops to the middle east to get back areas that we had but lost. They the politicians involved in these activities are just plain old stupid.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 8 months ago
    same thing in Vietnam...that was my war...had the odd occurrance to sit next to Henry Kissenger years later on an American Airlines flight from L.A. to NYC in first class (i was a pilot for American, no longer an Air Force pilot)...he freely admitted that we were in Vietnam to prove to the communists that we were willing to sacrifice American lives equal to communist willingness to sacrifice their people......Madielene Albright had the same attitude...Colin Powell did not...HillaryBeast did not care one way or the other...leadership and attitude starts at the top...time for real change...
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  • Posted by brkssb 8 years, 8 months ago
    None of the "conservative" or "liberal" or "other" leaders have managed to curb the political correctness insanity or the continued departures from military leadership of those that advocate for the job. The direction of this nation will not be changed; freedom has been lost. Those who believe a good offense is the best defense of this country have been misled. When the likes of Obama, Pelosi, and the current candidates for the presidential office are correctly identified as evil and the roots of discontent, we may have a chance. Don't count on it. When the people of a nation recruit warriors, elect a commander in chief who sends them to war, elect representatives who draft more warriors and enrich themselves from regulating not-just-war materials, pay taxes to support a military far in excess of that required to defend our shores and rights, and then you ask me to make sense of it? After putting guns in our hands and ordering us into harm's way, we may go to die or go to jail. If warriors survive, the people of an ungrateful nation call them killers, spit on them... Tell yourself that the people are not responsible for the actions of their leaders. Tell yourself that the "civilians" are innocent bystanders. If you think that even the knowledgable people are shell-shocked, that isn't it. Brainwashed. And it is the unknowledgeable products of our public education system that have turned us all into victims of political correctness. I tire so quickly of the polls, the lack of candidates, the absence of statesmanship, the pablum of the media. Above all, please do not thank me for my service. I did not serve. I was employed. I worked. I was very successful. But I did NOT serve for 31 years on active duty. I supported and defended the US Constitution, but I did NOT serve the people.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
      as Rand proved, by serving yourself, you served us
      as well -- to the extent that our regulated system
      would let you. -- j
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      • Posted by brkssb 8 years, 8 months ago
        On the concept of "service": From the Ayn Rand Lexicon and The Objectivist magazine, March 1963: The concept of “service” has been turned into a collectivist “package-deal” by means of a crude equivocation and a cruder evasion. In the language of economics, the word “service” means work offered for trade on a free market, to be paid for by those who choose to buy it. In a free society, men deal with one another by voluntary, uncoerced exchange, by mutual consent to mutual profit, each man pursuing his own rational self-interest, none sacrificing himself or others; and all values—whether goods or services—are traded, not given away.

        This is the opposite of what the word “service” means in the language of altruist ethics: to an altruist, “service” means unrewarded, self-sacrificial, unilateral giving, while receiving nothing in return. It is this sort of selfless “service” to “society” that collectivists demand of all men.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 8 months ago
          As practiced by our glorious political establishment since the 40's, yes. But to the average military person, there is an exact Randian "service" agreement. Military people offer their work for money, camaraderie, skills, experience and retirement, and medical services. The government agrees. Then it invariably reneges on many parts of it, and adds in a dollop of totally incompetent leadership to help along with a set of mission parameters not designed to defend the country, but support some political crap idea of theirs. They sign up for a specific set of conditions, and invariably, they are violated. The fact they do not walk out when that happens is because they are then being forced into what the politicos always wanted and engineered: your altruistic version.
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          • Posted by brkssb 8 years, 8 months ago
            Factor in compulsory military service (the draft) and the terms that preclude resigning or premature departure. In fact, the contract extends beyond the service commitment period, an obligation of the government to provide earnings and medical service throughout retirement. If you work to improve your personal lot under restrictive rules of engagement, do you still improve that of others? One might contend that the USA achieved its pre-eminence in the world during the 19th century, and the tide began going out circa post-WWII.
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            • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 8 months ago
              Indeed. Add in the "changes" the lunkheads just "introduced" to renege on promises to military people, because they were too busy selling their souls (and our country) to the lobbyists, and you are exactly on target.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
          right! . and my observation is Rand's presentation of
          capitalism as the serve-yourself answer to all of this
          obfuscation -- in a free society, if you work to improve
          your personal lot, in a moral way, you improve mine
          and everyone else's in the process -- by being a
          producer of objective value. . in this sense, there
          is a rising tide which lifts all boats. . how did the
          u.s. achieve its pre-eminence in the world? -- j
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 8 months ago
    As I have posted many times, the job of the military is to kill people and break things, to bring the enemy to a point of capitulation. The military is not the Red Cross. The military is not a religious group. It exists for the defense of the nation and that defense in order to be meaningful, must be aggressive to the point of becoming an offense. Anything other than that and you have a waste of money, lives, and eventual loss, not only of the battle, but in its most extreme, the nation.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years, 8 months ago
    War has always been about fat rich politicians making deals. The soldiers are thrown under the bus. I have a friend who was a pilot during Vietnam. They were told what they were allowed to bomb, but told to stay clear of anything owned by the Rothschilds in that country. Even when it complicated the job and jepordized their own safety. Ware is treated as a screenplay, not a real mission, yet our guys die for it. When the likes of Pelosi show disrespect for the military, it sickens me, and her need to control how we interrogate prisoners is ridiculous. The treated Patton like an enemy. They cut short the Desert Storm march, when they could have been in and done. We the people are told one thing about why we need a war, but the fact is, it profits someone in DC.
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  • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
    well, in 24 hours I have one downvote on a post which
    I really thought was timely -- memorial day and all. -- j
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 8 months ago
      +1, even though reading what bowing and scraping servile wimps Micro-manager-In-Chief OPC has turned the command of the US Navy into just now really turned an old dino's stomach.
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    • Posted by stargeezer 8 years, 8 months ago
      Added point. Topical.

      If each of us could offer the least amount of courtesy and graceful acceptance to another human soul, we (we vets) would feel our sacrifices were meaningful. Sadly it often seems that humanity is sacrificed on the alter of secular humanism.

      Thanks JP. Be well my Brother in arms, be well.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 8 months ago
        Being willing to fight for freedom is a noble thing, I think. It makes me feel terrible that are soldiers are just sent out there just to benefit the politicians
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 8 months ago
      I think that knowledgeable, thinking people are a bit shell-shocked by what they're seeing lately. Hence, the lack of response. Many of us are like deer in the headlights...haha...
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      • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
        I contend that it is immoral to send troops into harm's
        way ... with rules of engagement which dis-arm them
        and cause their deaths. . the commander-in-chief
        should be charged with their murders. . like in
        Benghazi, where the hacking of a server may have
        resulted in knowledge of Stevens' location and the
        poor defenses at the embassy. . thus, he and his
        compatriots became easy targets. . no one is
        accountable. . they should be. -- j
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        • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 8 months ago
          Heartily agree. We don't ask salespeople to be accountants or IT to be.. Well, they're kind of the exception.

          Soldiers are soldiers. They have one job and they do it extraordinarily.
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        • Posted by stargeezer 8 years, 8 months ago
          Whole hardheartedly agree. If there is no reason to not kill whoever the bad guys are, stay at home.

          By the same token, the last time we were free to fight and win was when my dad was ground pounder "touring" Europe under Patton. We have given up everything since in a foolish effort to win "hearts and minds".

          Then only way to "win hearts and minds" is to kill the bad guys UNTIL they BEG us to stop hurting them or they are dead, dead, dead. The libtards cry about the civilians who are killed - and truly that is a shame. But keep in mind that these are the same people who elected the bad guys, allowed them to flourish and as soon as the snake they are sleeping with shows it's fangs, they will go running for sanctuary in another country.

          If you think I may be saying they deserve to die, you are so wrong. But if they get killed running from a snake they raised, I can only say sorry.

          Lots of Germans who voted for Hitler survived and that's ok, but I'd never turn my back on them, I'd wait years before entrusting somebody with such low wisdom from voting again. The soldiers - trust them to vote this week, but not the people who put them in harms way.
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          • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
            and there are those who would vote for our political
            people who are making this happen ... again.
            and again. , and again. -- j
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            • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 8 months ago
              And that is the root of the problem we face today. No responsibility, no ownership, just blame someone or something else. If it goes right, it is your brilliant idea, if not, then blame is on...No leadership, especially from leaders.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 8 months ago
          Indeed, John, sad that people get more upset about a criminal killed by police in self defense, than soldiers killed by their own commanders, and never ask for accountability.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 8 months ago
    This is about the total lack of honor our politicians have, and the absolute abuse of the military since WW2. The political establishment (both parties) have always been willing to toss the military option around like it is some tag line to a stump speech. Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, all had soldiers die because of incompetent leadership in the field, and at home. As said by many, force is the weapon of last resort, but when employed, EMPLOY it. People will get hurt and killed, you need to be prepared for that before you so cavalierly send in the troops. It is so disrespectful to send in troops with ROE that a 3 year old thought up. To think they can, in the middle of combat, stop and decide if that is "really a bad guy, or sort of a bad guy". The complete lack of common sense and decent, clear orders leads to some of the worst atrocities as numbskull junior officers try to make some impossible rubbish work on the field. Many atrocities have happened because some crap head order or ROE was "interpreted" to mean something else. If you authorize force, stand back and let it go, no strings attached. But make sure you really want to go that far. The fact they had to protect themselves from their own chain of command is indicative of how crappy our leadership is now.
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  • Posted by jetmec 8 years, 8 months ago
    I thought the PC war had been lost, ( Just in case any is PC I mean no offence in the following statements ) I can no longer call a black person a nigger, The nursery rhymes have been altered to reflect this too. I sure that every one can think of examples of the PC lot interfering, Strange that a black person can call us honkey or whiteie! ( Again no offence intended I'm just using the terms for demonstration purposes only)
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 8 months ago
      You are correct, everyone of the "special" classes (and a huge amount of people think they are) feel they can be as disrespectful as they want, as it is "their culture". Such "culture" does not belong in ours. It also shows the basic lack of individual responsibility that these groups have. Rarely do you see someone take the responsibility of their statements, and when pressed, will back down and get all sheepish..then they blame their parents, or teachers, or police, or someone.
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