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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 8 months ago
    Another great article overman. I have unwavering faith in human imagination and ability when it comes to solving the problem of what to do with the waste. We've done it before, we'll do it again.

    Regulation, outlawing and banning does nothing but stifle creativity and not wanting to deal with being bullied, browbeaten and vilified by the overzealous crusaders and their lawsuit hassles prevents things from being marketed.
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  • Posted by Adam 11 years, 8 months ago
    On topic Earth, that doesn't explain why you listed catastrophes.

    On the reactor, do you know if she said anything on life threats?
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  • Posted by Adam 11 years, 8 months ago
    Nice read.

    Clarify a couple points, please. It seemed to me that you were making the argument that Earth will die anyway, so let's do whatever. If I'm mistaken, would you explain the list of eventual and potential catastrophes?

    Also, as I recall, Ms. Rand advised against using the capitalism is better for humanity argument, which was your position with the superior business argument. Check out her essay The Obliteration of Capitalism. If it's not on-line, it's in Capitalism: The Unkown Ideal.

    Lastly, about these reactors, if we know that there is no way to properly dispose of them and the hazards are so severe that no person could make an injured person (or survivors) whole , isn't that justification for outlawing? I haven't read anything of hers that would explain such a situation.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
      In my home, I don't throw things around anywhere, and let the place become unruly. But I never forget that it is mine. I maintain it, take care of it, and it serves me as a shelter. The same with the earth. Its where we live, we should take pride in our possession but we should not sacrifice ourselves to it.

      I've read Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal several times and understand the context of your suspicion. But when it is said that capitalism is better for humanity, it is simply a truthful statement, especially compared to socialism and all the various collectivist social structures. When comparing the human race to the species of extinct dinosaurs the path to preservation is through capitalism and no other method. Everything else takes "humanity" toward the fate of the dinosaur instead of the fate written by the power of human imagination.

      And no on the outlawing issue. The state is not qualified to make such decisions. By outlawing they simply support energy monopolies. It has nothing to do with waste disposal.
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