I work at a school. What this guy is saying is the truth. I don't think the school should be in the business of physical discipline, but the parents should be...but they won't. (And if they did the school would call the cops probably). The kids that are coming up today, (not all, but more and more every year) or monsters in the making...created by parents who think they can do no wrong and deserve nothing but praise and smiles all day long. I have muttered the words, "I'm starting the think the Nuns were on to something..." or "If we could have these kids plow a field it would do them all good." Let's face it... America used to raise better kids then we do these days... why is that??? I think part of that answer is in the paddle.
We didn't have paddles at school, but with good parents who wouldn't hesitate to give you a needed smack, they didn't need one. Different world now though. It's a free for all and it totally hinders their learning...cuz they plain just don't give a shit. Nothing to fear and no respect.
lol Boys with discipline issue FAR out weigh the girls. Maybe in Jr. High and High School it's different, but Elementary it's mostly boys that have the problems...but the few girls that are trouble are BIG trouble.
yeah...not elementary aged though...maybe 12 and higher. I think boys film these...they like that kind of girl on girl stuff. Which leads me to asking why you've seen so many and know so much about them...
I don't remember any paddles at my school. A paddle from a teacher or principle would have been preferable to what happened when I got home. We were held to account. Now days if the parent tries any discipline the kid calls CPS on them.
My kids never heard of CPS, but they listen to mom and dad, because they did get a whack on the bottom if they were really in need of such. They don't need them now. Our early intervention has paid off. :-)
I work at a school. What this guy is saying is the truth. I don't think the school should be in the business of physical discipline, but the parents should be...but they won't. (And if they did the school would call the cops probably). The kids that are coming up today, (not all, but more and more every year) or monsters in the making...created by parents who think they can do no wrong and deserve nothing but praise and smiles all day long. I have muttered the words, "I'm starting the think the Nuns were on to something..." or "If we could have these kids plow a field it would do them all good." Let's face it... America used to raise better kids then we do these days... why is that??? I think part of that answer is in the paddle.
My principal and I were on a first name basis, and I think that he named his replacement wooden paddle after me.
But we learned to respect each other...something that is hard to find in today's schools.
They are either piling on some other poor defenseless girl, or are actually attacking a teacher.
I am putting together a documentary about female violence and bullying, entitled--"Why You Should Always Hold Their Purse".