The Trouble With American Productivity: How cannibal cultures and religion destroy initiative

Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 10 months ago to History
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The map on the link is truly remarkable. It is what Ayn Rand was fighting against with all her work and shows clearly what the real problems actually are.

If you have ever tried to start a business, start a new product within a large organization, or make anything that involves the participation of the population at large you will undoubtedly have run up against tremendous opposition that needlessly seems intent to derail your plans. Deep pocket old money tends to purchase away opposition to their projects with political contributions and under the table buy-offs. But new money innovation has only one way through the gauntlet—and that is by surprise. A fledgling entrepreneur must hope that they can take the market by surprise before the parasites zero in and destroy their efforts. Currently in America—as in most places in the world, it is nearly impossible to do business as most organizations are plagued with do-nothing bureaucrats created by government for the purpose of job creation—without any zeal for production of any kind. They have a parasitic relationship with production—the key to any economic endeavor–and simply get in the way of creating anything of value. The reason for this issue is actually extremely complicated and must be understood by examining closely the map below. It is not enough to complain that the situation is one of economic theory or political philosophy—but is much more primal than that and extends back to the beginning of the human race.

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  • Posted by flanap 10 years, 10 months ago the moral of the story is (drum roll please)...we always tend to eat our own or destroy ourselves from within? what is the solution?
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    • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
      The solution is to divorce our cannibal past and embrace productivity with a whole new understanding of mythologies which deliver the concept to hungry minds.
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      • Posted by flanap 10 years, 8 months ago
        But productivity isn't an end in itself and can be achieve through all types of areas of life...if we are talking about working for a paycheck, we have to define why work is needed in the first place before getting into the development of lost man's concept of productivity.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
    Job creation is an act of invention—of making something that wasn’t there before like a painting, a sculpture, or a literary work.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 10 months ago
    Very profound, overmanwarrior.
    With my first couple of companies got to a certain point where technically we had solved the problems, but we just didn't have the capital to take them to the next level. That was a big reason, but far from the only reason, we sold those companies. A second equally important reason for selling the second company was to shrug when Obama, Solyndra, and their Wesley Mouches took our environmentally friendly energy customers toward solar and away from biofuels. I may start a 3D printing company, either for tissue engineering or for metals manufacturing (or both). I have a pretty solid team in place, and enough capital to go a lot further than I ever did before. I am avoiding the government R&D process entirely and thus may have a chance to avoid the depp pocket old money and political buyoffs. I might actually be able to take the market by surprise this time with sufficient Kickstarter support to get me through the rapid growth phase.
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