That boy was our last hope (no, there won't be another...)
Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 8 months ago to Politics
Seems that Libertarians are really LINO's - Libertarians In Name Only.
Watch the video starting at 30 sec. mark - and be amazed at the LINO's view of the 2nd Amendment. The "choice" is now between a dictator/socialist Trump, a Marxist moron Bernie, a member of the shitiest family in America - still un-convicted Hillary, and "I just want to be President" Johnson. There is a common threat between all of them, though - no philosophy or morals of any kind, among any of the prime flotsam in America.
Seems like all roads lead back to Hillary…. Heil Hillary, our next and last President!
Watch the video starting at 30 sec. mark - and be amazed at the LINO's view of the 2nd Amendment. The "choice" is now between a dictator/socialist Trump, a Marxist moron Bernie, a member of the shitiest family in America - still un-convicted Hillary, and "I just want to be President" Johnson. There is a common threat between all of them, though - no philosophy or morals of any kind, among any of the prime flotsam in America.
Seems like all roads lead back to Hillary…. Heil Hillary, our next and last President!
The Left pounds and has pounded this fallacy of Separation of Church and state from the Letter Jefferson wrote to the Church of Danbury as providing the intent of the First Amendment and Congress shall pass no law...
Here is a Letter from Jefferson to his 15 year old Nephew regarding Guns. This should tell you all you need to know about the intent of conceal carry, self-defense carry, and any other concept you have when it comes to carrying a pistol, or gun on your person, and "WHEN" they intended you to carry.
1785 August 19. (Jefferson to Peter Carr). "As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives a moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprize, and independance to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks." Jefferson to Peter Carr, August 19, 1785, in PTJ 8:407.
Besides most people these days would puke at the thought of eating bambi. It's not a brave new world out there anymore. It's a sham.
Now that shotgun is loaded with triple-aught buck and kept within quick reach of my bed.
I don't care to buy the pickup I'd need for deer hunting. No, I also don't care for dents in my car's roof, thank you very much.
So in my book, guns are necessary for self-defense; less against criminals and much more against our Rulers.
"I also have a concealed-carry permit that allows me to carry a concealed weapon. I took the time and the effort to get that permit because the constitutional right to defend yourself doesn’t stop at the end of your driveway. That doesn’t apply just to me either. It applies to all our driveways or front doors. That’s why I’m very much in favor of making all concealed-carry permits valid in every state. Every state has its own driving test that residents have to pass before becoming licensed to drive. Those tests are different in many states, but once a state licenses you to drive, every other state recognizes that license as valid. If we can do that for driving— which is a privilege, not a right— then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privilege. That seems logical to me. The Second Amendment has been under attack for a long time."
Trump, Donald J.. Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again (Kindle Locations 1329-1336). Threshold Editions. Kindle Edition.
Added Quotes
I'd like to hear that from every candidate including Johnson or whoever is chosen at the Libertarian convention. If Johnson doesn't pick a non-statist VP, his Libertarian candidacy is finished.
Trump's comment about concealed carry still leaves personal security as a priviledge controlled by unconstitutional federal laws. It's a red herring, not a support of the 2nd amendment.
If Johnson relents, chooses a liberty-loving VP, and rationally explains his mis-step, then he can still prevail.
So I have to ask. Would you respect a person who changed his views based on REASON, or one who dogmatically sticks to a view regardless of information and fact?
Next does running for President, mean by definition you MUST hold to 20 year old opinions regardless of said facts and changes in views based on REASON?
Time marker 2:15 starts...
The video you cited appears to be a stump speech.for Trump. In it he says very little substantial. It is a typical political speech to please the audience without revealing any of his opinions on the topic. .
The only trouble is that nearly every libertarian candidate for president has no idea what a libertarian should believe.
My favorite was the first candidate who seemed to be a libertarian: Roger Macbride. After him it seems to have been all downhill.
Nothing in my support is emotional, only empirical.
One thing to consider is the old, "What's in it for me." thinking. so I have to ask myself what does Trump get out of this? I cannot think of one thing he gets from this other than trying to fix a seriously broken system for his grand kids.
If he is elected, by law he has to put his entire Global enterprise into a blind trust and his kids will have 100% control. He has to give up his 757 which is bigger, and nicer than AF1. He has to give up his Helicopter which is much nicer than Marine 1. He has to move out of his 100 million dollar gold plate penthouse to live in the Whitehouse that was infested with Obama's for 8 years. Trump has to give up for at least 4 years all his personal freedom and is placing himself, and his entire family at physical risk.
If someone tells me it is about his ego, then I reply fine. Then if that is the reason, I am betting he will work like a fiend to make sure he proves everyone wrong, if for nothing than the sake of his ego.
In my neighborhood, we have 20 families, and there are only 4 that are not Trump supporters, and we have one black family and one interracial family. So based on my middle-class neighborhood, those polls are not accurate showing over 58% would prefer someone other than Trump or Clinton.
Mein Kampf (German: [maɪ̯n kampf], "My Struggle") is an autobiography by the National Socialist leader Adolf Hitler, in which he outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany. Volume 1 of Mein Kampf was published in 1925 and Volume 2 in 1926.
Hitler came to power in 1933. So if you wanted to KNOW Hitlers intentions all you needed to do was READ his book. Hitler spelled it all out. This makes your comparison also invalid.
I do not understand how one can mistake a nationalist/conservative with a socialist/communist; is our educational system that bad that we do not understand the definitions of these words?
I understand the gov't run educational system is using miseducation tactics to dumb down and control the populous, but really people SELF EDUCATE, STUDY, LEARN and TEACH those around you.
I was a Rand Paul supporter, then looked at and researched Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz. Ted looked good going by FoxNews, but he isn't a natural-born-citizen of the U.S.; How do I know this? Simple, He has a Candian citizen Birth Certificate, He admitted to being a Canadian citizen and in 1970 any child born in Canada as a Canadian Citizen could only be Candian NO DUAL CITIZENSHIP ALLOWED!
Canadian immigration law from 1946 until 1977 made it impossible to be born in Canada with dual citizenship status.
From there I moved to Donald Trump, every bit of research [NOT SOUNDBITE NEWS] shows Donald J. Trump to be a true blue American citizen, he helps the poor, steps in to save a person being mugged, hires the best person for the position (hire a woman to lead the building of Trump Tower in 1981), sent his Jet to fly home service men and women when they no way to get home to see their families for the holidays, sends his jet to fly impoverished individuals that can not afford much-needed healthcare to the hospital for treatment [even Jewish children].
He pays his people fair, and more then 98% of his employee's and former employee's trust and love the man; yet people that seem to not study this all important choice make senseless comments about him, why is that?
All of all those running I gladly pick and side with Donald J Trump
The definition of a "nationalist" is somewhat vague, and so is the definition of a "conservative;" especially since the "conservatives" have muddied the meaning beyond recognition. But the definition of a socialist is still easily obtainable - government control of production methods, along with redistribution of the results of production. You mentioned that Trump runs his businesses well, focuses on merit and rewards it. That is well within a socialist or a capitalist envelope. Socialism generally results in poor performance, but not always and it certainly has nothing against merit. But that does not take away Trump's graft-based, crony-capitalist (e.g., socialist) basis of his business and his mentality.
As to where he was born, pardon me please, but after this issue did not prevent Barack Hussein Obama from running the country into the ground for at least eight years, I'll be damned if I should be concerned about Cruz's Canadian roots.
On Socialism; you confuse Socialist and Capitalist; Capitalist needs to make a widget that is desirable and pay a wage that is acceptable to keep the needed quality of worker involved in production; whereas the socialist state just needs bodies to do what it wants when it wants...which is why it is so close to communism it is almost funny that people would want it.
You can bad mouth Trump it is your right, but because the GOP was so weak it let a possible non-N-B-C run this republic [into the ground] for 8 yrs, remember it is said he was born on American soil, you want to give another corrupt politician, yes corrupt; he knows the U.S. Constitution by heart and as a 'lawyer' knows how law works as well.
Enjoy your time..
in other words capitalism with a conscience.
Go for it
Second, Norway, NZ, etc., are socialist systems that are smart enough to allow a little bit of highly restricted semi free-market to boost their miserable socialist systems. They're also good at re-labeling propaganda, where the suffocating socialism is called "good," while the liberating capitalism is called "evil."
It was true.
Show me your "socialist" agenda evidence instead of what I see as nothing more than empty talking points.
Following injecting her, she has awakened, and knowing he would eventually come for her in his Vendetta, he has injected the sleeping doctor who was responsible for the mass murders in which he too was intended to have been a victim. Shortly before the results of the injection have manifested, whereupon she will cease to exist, she is explaining to him that her intentions were but the most "wonderful" and beneficial to all. He calmly replies, "I have not killed you for what you had intended, only for what you have done."
Hear hear!
Dr. Phil always said many times that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.
But how about the viewpoint of people who actually work for Trump and have for years. I prefer paying attention to people with first hand knowledge of Trump.
Oh, as to Ronal Reagan, since you brought it up - aside from helping the Soviet Union bankrupt itself (no small achievement; full credit for that!), look through all the laws that Reagan signed and you will find that all of them were against liberty (gun ban, for ex.) and to increase the size of the government (new agencies, new regulations, ...). Reagan was very much a socialist, as evidenced by his actions, not his rhetoric.
You say Trump has a lack of economic understanding, I would reply that is a blatantly false claim based on his net worth, hit companies success, and the 10+ billion dollars in assets globally, with only 500 million in debt. I do not think you can support a claim of economic ignorance based on that 40+ year track record and his companies current state of liquidity.
I know two people who worked for the Trump organization one for over 20 years, she left New York and works at Home Depot. She keeps telling me Trump is about meritocracy. Be productive or "You're Fired" that does not sound socialist to me.
Next Venezuela is a very poor example in your comparison as is Hitler in every way.
When I refer to Regan, I do so in comparison to Jimmy Carter, and I apologize for not providing that context.
Trump has indicated numerous times that he wants to get rid of Dept. of Education and EPA ASAP. Sounds like smaller Government to me. Also, the States have their own EPA and Dept. of Education no need at all for Federal versions.
I will not belabor the arguements for or against states controlling these things and regulating them as they do because personally I would like to see the vast majority of it all go away.
However, we are faced with reality, and we do have to play the hand we are dealt. Our hand will consist of Hillary, Trump, Johnson. Johnson's choice for VP blew him out, and I was not really much for him in the first place. Johnson has spent too long in politics for my taste.
Where are the "Galt's Gulch" presidential candidates? Lots of talk but not many actually stepping up and running for office.
If Trump actually gets rid of the EPA, Dept of Ed and a few others, for good measure, I, for one, will publicly applaud him. We shall remain hopeful.
Now, as to Trump's understanding of economics. Certainly, he built an amazing empire. But was it built on free market principles or on socialist graft? Remember, Trump was a big donor to the Clintons - why? and to other powerful socialists in both parties. If you know anything about construction business in NY, then you must know that pretty much all of it is built on graft. (First-hand knowledge here...). So, yes, he did build a $10B business, using similar methods to Putin's $100B business. And, btw, except for Greece, countries don't really have bankruptcy protection, so going bankrupt a couple of times and re-bounding is really not a good option.
All of the above still leaves him preferable to the certified moron and an about to be certified (finally) criminal, but is this really the best out of 330 million people? (would have been 350M, but I subtracted the 20 million undocumented ones).
Had to deal with two separate unions since the locations were across the Hudson from each other. It took some "creative" financing to provide the appropriate "motivation" for the unions, and even the building inspectors, so this could be delivered on time.
NetApp has been on hold in Colorado for the past 6 months on their building because their Program Managers do not know how to "motivate" the local zoning board to approve the "zoning changes" that came up halfway through the already approved project.
So it is easy to say Trump did all those things you indicated, but to succeed is not limited only to Trump, and EVERY business that wants to succeed in certain places either plays the game and succeeds, or they do not and either end up wearing cement shoes with a view of the ocean floor, or they are just pummeled into financial oblivion.
Once again. We suffer thorugh boredom...
From the Libertarian Party platform:
"We affirm the individual right recognized by the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms, and oppose the prosecution of individuals for exercising their rights of self-defense. Private property owners should be free to establish their own conditions regarding the presence of personal defense weapons on their own property. We oppose all laws at any level of government restricting, registering, or monitoring the ownership, manufacture, or transfer of firearms or ammunition."
Weld is not libertarian regardless of his claim.
You-all going back to the Utopia question? Look at every candidate, no - Better still, look at every politician. The Democrats are all DINOs, The Republicans are RINOs, the Libertarians are LINOs. Pretty soon I expect to find HINOS, (Humans In Name Only.) None of them are really who they say they are, but in the past they were able to conceal that. Today, possibly because of a contribution of social media, they can't seem to hide who they really are. Your choice is between a Marxist who never held a real job, a felon, a philosophy-free ethically challenged businessman, or a false Libertarian. Hoowee! What a choice. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. And yet, the best choice is?
lets go."
-- e. e. cummings
Good old Edward Estlin Cummings got it 90 or so years ago. The problem in life's roller-coaster, just like the ones at Busch Gardens is that you can't get off until the ride ends.
In case you can't see the poll results, Petersen has 50% (8050 votes), Johnson has 31% (4956 votes), and McAfee has 11% (1685 votes).
Looks like one should wait until then before wasting energy over Johnson or anyone.
At least Trump tells it like it is. We know where he is coming from, and its from a lot better place than Hillary.
Sanders tends to be honest and anti-establishment too, but he is a real wacko when it comes to government. He should go live in Venezuela for a while to see how socialism has worked out in practice....
What next? Second Gallong?
What would it take spell it out - if you can? What is your sacred ground what can be put aside until alter. If you have one.
Third gallon.
Really what difference is there that is so earth shakingly different it would entice me to vote for that particular movement. Please do not say vowels especially if you are Spanish speaker.
Muy Vien.
Your last hope however is one you aren't going to like. Your last hope will be turning on your boob tube and watching the opening seconds of the latest fro the Oval Office. And seeing the individual behind that big desk wearing four stars on each shoulder.
The country and the Constitution were wasted on civilians.
Not having ranted I shall return to being very objective.
How long will that take to impilement?
24 hours
Congratulations. Are you working for the National Socialists such as Trump or the international Socialists such as Clinton or Sanders?
How can I say that. The Same way that it was said about Johnson and Weld.
For sure being from Massachusetts or Cconnecctticcutt or one of the back east places or having driven through there is enough. Need anything more be said. Here we are just starting to hear about some one and they are treated as if they were a black islamic. Guilt by geography. Guilt by association
Straight up hands down objectivism? No this smacks of the someone who learned their trade working for Pacifica.
One might expect guilt by heritage especially those eastern European names
And your answer this this diilemmamama?
I'm no Libertarian but I'm not from Northern Idaho either.
Right. State your Common Thread. Trot out the facts in evidence. I have a feeling you've received these sorts of requests before.
If the final 'last hope' is to be tarred and feathered without trial we mights well get some useful milage out of it.
"Seems like' is not evidence... the road leads or it doesn't lead. So far your dog hasn't chewed gone much less gone hunting.
Then when you have done so in a proper objectivist manner I'll show you how it's done.
It was after all me who first likened the rhetoric of Donnie Boy to Ominous Parallels in a proper objectivist manner
Some are stirring long enough to make sure that last statement is not unexpectedly overturned.
So where was all this brilliance when the subject was first brought up? Just waiting in the shadows just like all the other times. The litany of woe and despair and hopelessness makes me sure you weren't worth the effort
One really has to wonder how much they are getting paid.
Democrats at the start of this were given 29% of the availavle to vote people.
Republicans were given 24% of the eligbile voter pool.
That's 53%
Libertarians an point to about 10% that's 63%
But they are also looking at 16% plus in practical terms or 67%.
That leaves 37% remarkably close to the amount that aren't registered.
The left is offering three candidates until the Libs got on the ballot in all fifty states there was no opposition. The left in one guise or the other had Trump and Hillary and Sanders
Do you think the left really cares which one wins? No evidence of that.
Half of the extreme left the 'international socialist'; camp say they will not vote for the other half. 29 divded by two is 14.5. Suppose half of that was actually true. and Hillary was able to keep 7.25. Trump getting 7.25. wow 21.75. versus 31.25 except some would suddnly say.. hmmm I'd rather not vote at all and
the same applies to Trump's 24% In the end the numbers get very very close. between Trump and Clinton. about 26.5 each.if every registered voter votes and there are other opportunities;.
remember the lost 1/'3rd of the available pool? maybe ten percent would get excited and say wow we finally have represntation. Libs now are at 26%
Whose going to be the two or is it three major party after the fateful day'?
78% voter turnout? it could happen with this one.
if the toilet flushers back their words with deeds.
Point is in THIS electiojn season we've already seen weird and have at least three weirdos running as if they were the only ones.
Don't look over your shoulders Bernie, Hilly, and Donny, and if you do whatcha going to do when the public comes for you????
Now if we could only just get along and act objectively instead of like Plato the 531st or taking terms flip flopping.
Not a skeptic but just MA the cynical realist or realistic cynic.
The foregoing was a political comment based at least in part on objectivism with a bit of wishful thinking thrown in. What if they gave an election and no one took the day off to visit Mexico or Canada?
And i approved it. for sure it's in the realm of possibility except for the skeptics and socialist roaders
Poll: 58 Percent Of Voters Considering Someone Other Than Trump or Clinton
495px-Donald_Trump_by_Gage_SkidmoreHillary_Clinton_Testimony_to_House_Select_Committee_on_BenghaziWe have been discussing the bizarre situation of the two major parties nominating the two candidates with not just the highest, but unprecedented, negative numbers with voters. The presumptive nomination of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have renewed calls for reforms to challenge the control of a duopoly of power in the country. This week there are new polls showing not only that Trump and Clinton are roughly equal in the high rejection of the majority of the voters, but 58 percent say that they are considering voting for someone other than Trump and Clinton. That could be a huge boast to the Libertarian and Green candidates this election. It also may reflect the dangerous gamble of the establishment in the Democratic party in securing the nomination for Clinton.
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I do not rest my case....In this election anything is possible and nothing should be discarded under the shop worn meaningless mantras of the left about couldn't possibly win or don't flush your vote. The only flushing to be done is the present rejected single party two faced system and they should be flushed straight away with five back up plunges to put the fairly in the sewer system.
I had to laugh at Sanders saying picking between Clinton and Trump was choosing the lesser of two evils. His point of view is by far the greatest evil facing this country .
But let's say half of those negatives split their votes. 19.5 going to the libs 16 is 35% becomes the winning percentage with the rest in the 20's.
Presuming the Rinos don't dump trump which they still can do and easily. Challenging the stolen winner take all votes is stil an unsettled issue and that rule already in place is still on the books for this convention.
The numbers can't be easily disputed. It's the other two parties polls that provided them.