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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 7 months ago
    mr. thompson has to keep the race baiting up. Squirrel!! Let's have just-us. Squirrel!! While everyone is watching what we all new would happen, after all the usual suspects were in place and talking, most won't see another liberty going the way of the Dodo. Squirrel!!
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  • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 7 months ago
    If The POTUS really wants to spread oil over the troubled waters, all he needs to do is call Eric Holder into the Oval Office and say: "I don't want the DOJ to continue this witch hunt. Let's let the nation heal, and get on with their lives...."
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  • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 7 months ago
    Do you know that the Trayvon Martin family settled a suit against the Homeowner's Association, and are now millionaires?
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    • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
      Am I the only one who thinks Soledad O'Brien is an insincere over-actor. I think that every time I hear her say anything.
      And yep...the evidence DID decide this case.
      This video didn't say much about the settlement....what exactly is the HOA responsible for??? I don't get it.
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      • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 7 months ago
        This conversation with you got me thinking about the last upscale development I lived in. I did some digging in my old Home Owners Association files and found this:

        A few things I found odd was that our Neighborhood Watch was not allowed to carry weapons...they had a police radio and were trained to call the police if they saw something.

        The local law prohibited them from carrying, as they were considered to be a civilian branch of the Sheriff's department. Two people had be on patrol together or the vehicle did not go out. Our CAP patrols stopped at 6:00 and then a paid security company took over the patrols, and they were armed.

        I can understand how Zimmerman's HOA would be concerned and want to settle if their bylaws are anything like mine were.

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        • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
          I do not get the part about telling someone they can't carry a gun. If a person (patrol, volunteer, private citizen...any variation) has taken the time to go through the classes/background check etc etc, who can tell them to NOT carry a gun. I can't imagine anyone even agreeing to that. That's the same as saying stick your neck out and keep an eye on things, but if a criminal shows up make damned sure you're defenseless. If you witness a robbery or home burglary that could go really bad realIy fast and having to call and wait for the cops could be a death sentence. Who signs up for that?? I do not understand this rationale. (I feel the same way when I see unarmed school security...what the hells the point...completely useless in a serious situation...useless.)
          I understand the HOA settling, but I don't understand what they're guilty of...other than kowtowing to avoid higher expense...AND to avoid the spotlight and being painted as racist.
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          • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 7 months ago
            My old HOA obviously made efforts to avoid what Zimmerman's HOA went through. Or...the Sheriff's department had set rules for sponsoring CAP's in my old location.

            My guess is that Zimmerman's was a smaller community, and put together their CAP by themselves. They obviously didn't have the paid security at night, like I did.

            I am never going to argue about legally carrying a gun, since I do it all of the time. But a HOA has to consider all possibilities, and think on the behalf of everyone that lives in that community.
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