Americans More Self-Interested Than Ever, Study Finds...

Posted by stadler178 10 years, 9 months ago to Philosophy
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Well, it is on MSN. But I have to disagree. If anything, Americans have become less self-interested than ever. And the text of the State of the Union, which was presumably the source of this study's findings, has often been a speech that discusses how the community can be helped by yet another government program or by increasing the benefits of a current government program. It's bizarre that they would come to that conclusion, all things considered. They even included a link to Stanford's Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (ah, CCARE, then).

So, people can now get free food, free health care, free education, all on everyone's dime. One would think that would be enough, but apparently we selfish bastards really aren't doing enough for other people. Maybe we need to be forced to throw ourselves on bayonets and have our remains given to science thereafter...

Sarcasm ahead: I blame all those greedy corporations. If they weren't providing me with a car, fuel, electricity, computers, fresh food, and so on, we wouldn't be in this mess! We're just too SELFISH!

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