Obama Accuses Putin of Being A Liar

Posted by KYFHO 10 years, 9 months ago to News
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Have you ever noticed how a wrongdoer is apt to accuse you of their actions? A cheating spouse will accuse their mate. You can someone on a lie and they accuse you of a fib. Yea....like that.
SOURCE URL: http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ww2010.weblog.htm#e140503

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  • Posted by RonC 10 years, 9 months ago
    When I was in my twenties I owned a barber shop. I was into self help and motivation, and being a barber gave me a real chance to talk to people of all sorts. After a while I noticed this "tell". A loser, when faced with a set back, will find all sorts of excuses and others to blame when things don't go well. The winner, on the other hand, when faced with a failure will generally tell the boss, "I screwed this up, and it won't happen again." Conversely, upon success the loser will take credit for all of the good that has come from his great success. In the same circumstance the true winner will graciously thank everyone on his team and give specific credit to the outstanding performers on the team.

    Using these "tells" and considering the last several years; the economy, the participation rate, food stamps, cash for clunkers, Obama-care, fast and furious, Benghazi, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, relations with Israel, the border, IRS, ...too many to recall; it is clear to me, as a Nation, we elected the wrong President, he's a loser!
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 9 months ago
      I enjoyed your story. However, calling bo a loser doesn't even come close to what he really is. Got any more stories about how to tell when someone is evil? :)
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      • Posted by RonC 10 years, 9 months ago
        I believe we should judge by what people do, rather than what they say. Speech is a social lubricant in public situations. Like a KY Jelly to use when you have to slide by. When Joe the Plumber said, "That sound like socialism to me!" the big 0 responded, "I like to spread it around a little..." That was innocent enough. When the Ohio democratic Party and their hacks went into Joe's background exposing his tax records and a business failure, for me, I knew Obama is a socialist. They wouldn't have reacted in that way (to destroy the accuser) if it were not true.

        So, what are his actions? Fast and furious=stonewall; Benghazi= stonewall; When conservative businessman Herman Cain was getting traction? Destroy him! Has anyone heard from any of those ladies since Cain dropped out?

        My take on the big 0, he wants us to back away from our successes and live more like Kenyans or Chinese. Our pulling back will give them the opportunity to gain a better life. Nice thought. It won't work because they don't know how, and the greedy of the world will pick up what ever we walk away from. He's a misguided ideologue and when he's done it will be time for the adults to set this country straight.
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 9 months ago
          But the "adults" voted him...twice. where ARE the real men??? (And yes, of course, talk is cheap and actions are proof...but are enough even watching him???)
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          • Posted by RonC 10 years, 9 months ago
            When the recipients of the Utopian fair share realize the government can't provide all they want, but rather what the govt deems necessary, and then they realize they are trapped. As long as they except the gov't dole, they have no choice in what they do or how high they rise, they must be equal... when all of that happens and they realize the rich are still getting richer but the poor have no economic ladder to climb and no way to better themselves, then is when change will happen again. It will not be pretty. During the American revolution about half of the people were Torries (loyal to the Crown). Our nation has always been divided and will always be divided. It is, more than ever, the swing voter that matters. I believe this year, when employers begin to decide how they will handle healthcare, a lot of swing voters will be damaged.

            CEOs will be deciding how best to get to a bottom line and ROI for stockholders. Some will downsize to less than 50 full time. Some will pay the penalty and tell their employees to fend for themselves. Perhaps some will bear the cost to retain loyals. Some will move to a less than 30 hour work week (viva la France). However the CEOs individually decide, there will be somewhere north of 90,000,000 people affected. They have moved the deadline until after the election, but guys that run companies like to plan ahead. They are often working on Christmas deals in May and June. Following that logic, employees are going to get the "it sucks to be you" message well before election. 90M, 51% of whom probably voted for the big 0 and his plan. That will leave a mark.
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            • Posted by RonC 10 years, 9 months ago
              I've gone on too long. I like politics and business. In my fondest dreams someone would come along to grow us out of this mess. My financial planner says demographically we don't have enough people to re-ignite manufacturing. I argue, with a 63% participation rate we should grow industry until there is a labor shortage, then consider our immigration situation.

              Our foolish President has tried for 6 years to create jobs. My second year in the rental business our plumber called in the dead of winter to see if we were going to purchase and rehab more places this year? (it was 2010) Then the painters called, same question. Then the electrician. It was a difficult time for the tradesmen. I had not set out to create jobs, I just wanted to build something for myself. In the process I needed door and window guys, painters, plumbers, electricians, anything I wasn't qualified to do. I wanted to build something. And that Mr. President is secret to creating jobs. Remove the obstacles (taxes and regulation) so that the 1%ers can find a way to build their idea. They will create all of the jobs if you just remove the obstacles.
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            • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 9 months ago
              But who will they vote for? Will a vocal constitutionalist make it in the running? Or will choice be, again, evil 1 or evil 2? I will not vote again for a compromiser. As soon as Romney let go of benghazi he compromiser.
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              • Posted by RonC 10 years, 9 months ago
                I agree. Romney should have rammed Benghazi into the hilt and let Candy Crowley pee her pants at the spectacle. I'm over here in fly-over country with nobody prepping me for a debate. I wondered what happened. Did Romney get a call from some powerful man in the middle of the night telling him Obama must win this one? Or is he too much of a gentleman to wrestle in the dirt? I don't know. I would have argue what I felt were the shortcomings of the policy and let the chips fall. To withdraw is another kind of weakness.
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                • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 9 months ago
                  He let them stump him with a lie. He should've called candy out for being partisan during a debate she was conducting. And asked Obama for his exact quote in the rose garden.
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                  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 9 months ago
                    yes. Am I debating YOU Candy or the President?
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                    • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 9 months ago
                      Perfect! Kh for president!!
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                      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 9 months ago
                        I would suck and hate it! IF I wasn't doing what I'm doing, I'd like to do something like Bannon, the hero in Calumet K does, they send you in to turn it around and then you move on to another project. My friend Ann who is a business manager of large medical groups had this job opportunity to do that. To be honest, often it's alot easier to come in not knowing the politics etc or are immune to them, and just do the job right. re-set of sorts. Usually those who can't stand you for your decisions are the weak links in most situations. Decisions to wholesale fire don't usually come from the fixers but higher up. Great fixers understand surgery. But ultimately, she didn't care for the travel away from home, which I understand completely. Travel in a job is hell and should be amply compensated for if working for someone else or a great return if working for yourself.
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                • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 9 months ago
                  Romney is too much of a gentleman to wrestle in the dirt.
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                  • Posted by RonC 10 years, 9 months ago
                    I know on one level that's true. On another, he has had to make tough decisions in his business endeavors. The tragic aspect of 2012 was this; maybe the republicans didn't have the perfect candidates for massive turnout of all tribes from the GOP. It is a big tent with everyone from the Religious Right to the TEA party. We can't all agree. The tragedy is when faced with the status quo v two fine men with vast experience and no scandals; family men, men of strong faith and character...the nation chose to go with the guy that does a pretty good Al Greene. Not because he stole the election (?), because the libertarians and fundamental Christians stayed home.

                    Did that help the libertarians gain more freedom? Did it help the Christians regain their religious rights and freedoms? After noticing how ObamaCare forces abortion and contraception to be paid for by Catholic and Christian businesses; and noting we still have the NSA and IRS snooping everyone, BLM pitching armed camps in Nevada, and the militarization of local Police, I can argue very well that staying home to avoid voting for the Mormon did not help either group or any of the rest..

                    I'm mostly a business man. I'm drawn to AS because it fits my world view of incentive driven behavior. I don't care if the next guy is from Mars (certified citizenship is no longer necessary), If the next President will free up the system and put incentives back in place, I'm for that.

                    If you were in a cabin in the woods during a harsh winter, you would know you cannot expect heat from the pot belly stove until you put in the fuel. Telling the stove to make a little heat, then I will add the coal or wood does not work. When the government, through regulation and taxing, tells business pay this tax or fee, then we will allow you to do business it make a barrier to growth. If they want to repatriate US profits from foreign accounts, remove the tax burdens and the money will rush in. Gov't can't seem to do that. They want their cut even though they took no risk or offered no labor. They are the epitome of mooch.
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                    • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 9 months ago
                      Dear RonC, we are in agreement on everything except for the solution to the problem. The solution to the problem is either to shrug or to start our own Atlantis. I have done the former and am organizing like-minded individuals toward the latter.
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                      • Posted by RonC 10 years, 9 months ago
                        I have shrugged in my own way. I have my own little gulch here in Ohio. Even taxes aren't so bad when you can find a way to lay them off on another tenant. We refuse to operate Sec 8 housing units. There is a risk when dealing with the gov't. If I built a string of properties paid for with the cash flow from HUD what happens if they change the amount they are willing to pay for subsidized housing. I could end up with a string of properties that have no intrinsic value and could not be sold. So, the SEC 8 is so bad, people are inverting their money streams to pay for legitimate rentals and then using other benefits to bridge their gaps. Government at it's finest. So bad people won't live there even if it's free.

                        I have an eviction going right now. I look at that as a self inflicted wound. We needed to raise the income and credit standards and didn't. So a bad actor got into our system. He will not destroy what we have built and we have already made 5 different policy changes to make it more difficult for this to happen again.

                        The problems with the Atlanti I have look at are; if they are stateside the US gov't can always treat them like a BLM issue or Ruby Ridge or Waco. With the use of force they can enforce their will. If it is a gated community with private security they can weaponise the EPA and kill it with water, sewage, and wildlife issues. If Atlantis is offshore, then you adopt the rights, constitution, and laws of the host Nation. I'm not strong enough to lay down $500K in Belize only to find a few years from now it had been nationalized and while they enjoy my money I am free to leave. That kind of loss would leave a mark. So, I'm open to ideas. I personally think the shorter path is to fix what we have. I know it will take a complete breakdown. When the Social Security checks bounce, then people will know where we are. But I'm not against Atlantis, I simply haven't seen a viable concept yet.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 9 months ago
    In Freudian terms, this would be called projection. Yes, it is the most common defense mechanism used by looters and moochers.
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    • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years, 9 months ago
      I was about to post this: Projection is the easiest form of self-defense. You beat me to it.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 9 months ago
        Easiest - Yes, that describes the path of looters and moochers well, and it also explains why they never achieve anything that we would consider significant.
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        • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years, 9 months ago
          However, they consider the destruction of another person's life to be an achievement.
          People who view life as a win/lose situation in which they must cause loss in order to gain are the lowest form of humanity and are to be avoided if possible. Too bad there are so many of them in Washington!
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 9 months ago
    This is almost too bizarre to comment on. The mendacious calling the prevaricator a liar. It would be an example of Mark Twain humor if it weren't that they were both heads of state.
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  • Posted by illucio 10 years, 9 months ago
    Oh well, looks like Russia has a bit less power than during the beginning of the Cold War. At least in the Fourth Segment that is, which is the press. "Americanske firme tranceptor technology...I´VE GOT THE POWER! - like the crack of the whip I snap, attack, front to back...", hahaha. Too much Snap I think, hahaha
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