Koch backing Johnson? Conflicting reports and explanation of why it's a good idea.

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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There are conflicting reports on whether one of the Koch brothers has decided to endorse a candidate…NOT named Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Via The Daily Caller:

Billionaire businessman and philanthropist David Koch has pledged “tens of millions of dollars” to help bankroll the campaign of Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, according to a source within Johnson’s campaign.

Koch’s money will be made available should Johnson, a former two-term Republican governor of New Mexico, secure his second consecutive Libertarian Party presidential nomination, the source said…

While David Koch, and his brother Charles, are frequently associated with Republican and conservative causes, David was the Libertarian Party’s vice-presidential candidate in 1980. He also sits on the board of the Cato Institute, the nation’s most prominent libertarian-oriented think tank.

Both sides are dismissing the story. Via CBS News:

Johnson told CBS News when asked about the report, which first appeared on The Daily Caller, a conservative news site. “None whatsoever.”

“You just got to laugh,” Johnson added, chuckling.

A spokesman for the Kochs was likewise dismissive.

“Reports that we are supporting or considering supporting any third party presidential candidate are false,” Philip Ellender told CBS News.

If the story isn’t true (The DC is sticking by it) it’s disappointing because it could have been a real opportunity for the Libertarian Party to make inroads in the election. Neither presumptive nominee is likable except outside their own circle of fans and some world leaders. The Kochs are definitely more libertarian than conservative, but have been trying to work through the GOP because of its greater organization. If David Koch does decide to go back to the Libertarian Party it shows he really thinks Donald Trump might doom the GOP in November.

Will it work? No one knows, because third parties don’t normally end up winning. But it doesn’t mean this isn’t a battle worth fighting. The 2016 election has been one for the ages at just now splintered the electorate is. You have Donald Trump courting Bernie Sanders supporters, while several neoconservatives are vowing to vote for Hillary Clinton. Other conservatives and Republicans are making no endorsement of a candidate. This could end up being “the libertarian moment” or at least a chance for no candidate to win the electoral votes needed to secure the White House, but it depends on what Koch goes for.

Gary Johnson’s team up with Bill Weld already gives the Libertarian Party a pretty solid ticket (should they win the nomination). If Koch gives seven figures to the Johnson/Weld ticket can be a big boost. We’ll just have to see if any other major donations roll in and if donors who tend to give to conservatives decide to help out Johnson.

Needless to say, I like this move a lot and am hopeful it means we’ll see “Vote for Johnson” ads on TV, radio, and online. One of the biggest issues for libertarians (and other third parties) is the inability to get air time because of how expensive those ads can be. Koch’s money towards Johnson will help, and could also help bring poll numbers up. This could keep Johnson on the debate stage in the fall if poll numbers stay above 10%. That means there could actually be a true alternative to the “Big Two” parties.

There’s a lot of “ifs” here, (not including whether Koch is actually going to give cash). For all we know, Johnson’s star will start plummeting faster than Asteroid M. If Koch does put money into Johnson’s campaign he could decide to pull it out if Johnsom doesn’t make a good impression in the debates (given his performance in the first Libertarian one on Fox Business it’s always possible). Libertarians could throw people for a loop and pick Austin Petersen or John McAfee as their nominee on Memorial Day. Hillary Clinton could get indicted, forcing Democrats to scramble and the Republicans could end up having a brokered convention. There’s a lot of variables, but it certainly be a good thing for libertarians if Johnson gets Koch cash.
SOURCE URL: http://hotair.com/archives/2016/05/19/conflicting-reports-on-whether-david-koch-going-all-in-on-gary-johnson/

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  • Posted by jabuttrick 8 years, 4 months ago
    Both the Kochs and Johnson have scotched this rumor based on wishful thinking. However, the real news on this front is that the Fox poll from yesterday gives Johnson 10% nationally when matched against Clinton and Trump. This is consistent with the Monmouth poll of about a month ago showing Johnson at 11%. These results are very encouraging given that well over 60% of the respondents had no idea who Johnson was. Of course it is not time to celebrate just yet. While Johnson will get a short attention boost from the media if he and Weld win the Libertarian presidential and vice presidential nominations next weekend, the Republicans and Democrats are getting ready to unleash a pair of billion dollar campaigns for the general election. If Johnson keeps showing well in the polls they will trumpet the "don't waste your vote" mantra unendingly through November. Still, it would be nice to see Johnson in the debates (although he is not much of a debater).
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
    Its mostly about the money, isn't it Michael?
    That and the circus of distractions to confuse voters into consenting to their own enslavement.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      It's all about breaking up the one party system and getting back to a Constitution. the government party has to go no matter who they choose.

      Trumps only use is to temporarily break up the cabal until he's also co-opted

      Quit Enabling
      Take Power
      Make Changes
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
        Two laws make it all possible:
        Federal Reserve Act
        Sixteenth Amendment (Income Taxation)

        Without these the empire would not be funded and the state would contract to less than 1% of its current size. Of course, 40% of the people are brainwashed to believe this would be unacceptable.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
        But that does take money so the part in the article that shows the difference that would make is correct. The other need is some kind of coalition of like minded groups now splintered and weak. The other reason Trumps seeking support elsewhere. You don't go to the guys with tractors that can be fitted with front end loaders all of different makes and models . You go the company that's got 50 of them all ready to go with the parts and mechanics to back that up.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
    Any decent showing which the Lib Party has a good chance of getting puts them in the ten per cent plus permanent party status. Another reason is if it would affect who Trump would choose for VP or other important posts

    And the eventual expansion into a coalition with numbers and teeth.

    Down side? If Bernie and Hillary make up it splits the right wing of the left vote away from Trump.
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  • Posted by $ sjatkins 8 years, 4 months ago
    Koch should back him and it should be no one else's business but his own that he does. The Koch brothers, despite all the vilification, have been politically pro-liberty far more consistently than most anyone. And as far as "buying government" goes they never ranked higher than #19 in Republican giving. Almost all the really big money is from unions, especially public worker unions. One may draw one's own conclusions from that.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      Union, meaning, union leadership, meaning one third of the socialist collective triumverate by definition - Statists (meaning government), corporatists (meaning really big busiess), labor leaders (meaning certain kinds of labor with the members excluded.) All fascist in nature and character.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
    The chance you all wanted has just been put on a silver platter. Only the true infilitrators, socialist roaders will speak against this opportunity. Now you have a choice. I wonder how long it will take for Trump to try to get Johnson as his VP?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
    It is a good strategy to make your move when you have a chance of gaining something from it. Even if the Kochs were to donate millions to Johnson now it would hardly make a blip on the political radar screen. When choosing a battle it is best to not only select the best place, but the best time. Now, is not the time for a 3rd party move against Clinton. Better use Moses' example. He wasn't wandering in the dessert, he was building an army. When the time was right and the army powerful enough, his generals won it for him. And oh yeah, for Moses' boss, Yaweh.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 4 months ago
    Reality is a bitch. Libertarian party positions are DOA with most voters. Legitimizing all currently illegal recreational drugs doesn't find universal support, even among liberal Democrats. Open borders doesn't find acceptance with most voters, as any poll will tell you. Radical reduction in government size, while appealing to those like us in this forum, only sounds good to others until they begin realizing all of the government support that will vanish.

    I know this will garner much passionate disagreement from Gulch members, but the charisma quotient of Gary Johnson isn't sufficient to overcome the Libertarian baggage. He had his chance when he competed in the Republican primaries in 2000, and failed dramatically. His debate performance was uninspiring and sadly comical to me, and I was a supporter!

    The Koch brothers might not be Trump supporters, but they don't want to make Hillary's path to the White House easy.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 4 months ago
      "Legitimizing all currently illegal recreational drugs doesn't find universal support"
      We've gotten to the point where gov't not imprisoning people for it equals legitimacy. We need to get back to the idea that something could be really bad w/o the gov't trying to stop it or really good without the gov't trying to fund it.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 4 months ago
        As is being demonstrated in Colorado and Washington (state), legalization actually expands the black market. Drug sales that meet all of the regulatory and licensing requirements will always be more expensive than street drugs, and legal sales increase the size of the customer base.

        This situation is more nuisance than a serious problem with respect to marijuana, but many of the other drugs are health threatening and potentially lethal. The Federal government is actually acting as the Founders intended in the case of legal marijuana sales, letting state decisions act as a laboratory that may or may not be adopted by others, after observing the results. The risk is too high for most other drugs.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
    The Kochs said they werent going to support anyone financially in this election. That they have decided its not worth it to try to influence elections any more.- that it hasnt worked in the past.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      Really old out of date comment. Try reading the post and the link reference and get with the current events.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
        I think if they do back Johnson it will increase the exposure of libertarian ideas to the public.

        But at this point Johnson cannot win the presidency. Even trump has spent 50 million only to get close to GOP nomination

        Sanders spent a lot more than that and got nowhere

        With all the negative publicity against trump, I think it's president hildebeast in November. Too bad

        Perhaps the upset with the establishment will become strong enough to elect an anti establishment president in 2020
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
          Defeatist socialist roader....perhaps your dream come true will turn into egg on your face. Down with the Secular Progressives! and the 'ilk' party.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
            I don't want hildebeast or sanders. I would be very happy with working for and voting for Johnson if he had even a prayer of winning
            But you are ignoring the political realities of the USA culture at this point in time. I view sanders/Hillary as a terrible evil and am looking for some defense against them in 2016. The only possibility to keep them OUT is trump. I know you think trump is worse than Hillary/sanders, but there is NO evidence of that

            Trump will crack open the establishment and give YOU an opportunity to help re educate the people here to understand the importance of freedom
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
              Can you stay focused for more than five seconds? Is it possible? No it is not. To much twittering
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              • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
                I am wondering who trump would pick for vp. As I understand the party process, it's more their decision than trump's. I would be in favor of it, but I am not sure they could win against Hillary, especially if Hillary picks warren or sanders as her vp choice
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