Nine year old takes control of town, and kicks butt

Posted by Turfprint 8 years, 9 months ago to News
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Just sent this off in an email to my daughter and what the heck post it here also.

Hilde Kate Lysiak, I think this is very interesting:
She has a news paper called The Orange Street news. She takes things straight on with no messing around. It is actually excellent local old fashioned investigative news, which is missing in modern society. This little girl and her newspaper are helping to strengthen and build the community of Selinsgrove, Pa. It's like watching Leave It To Beaver or Mary Kate and Ashley in real life. It's a must see. The paper is news first and it shows by the focus but in the mean time she has about 500,000 hits per month and climbing fast. In fact she is a force to reckon with in Selinsgrove, the police, Susquehanna University, the city council, and the local merchants take her ‘very’ seriously. She even made the police hire a new officer and change some of their policies, made a criminal publicly apologize for vandalism and the University quakes when she walks by. The list goes on and on.


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