"Therefore I've used my power under the constitution of our state to make important changes, common sense changes, to protect the safety of our people," he said. 'He also added a restriction so that licensed gun owners would only be allowed to carry a single concealed gun and one ammunition clip holding up to 10 rounds.' It amazes me how so many people can't get over the idea that honest American who carry guns are NOT the ones to fear..THEY are not where the danger is. Restricting our guns and limiting our ammo makes NO one safer.....it only helps make those in power even more powerful and we all know where abuses of power can lead to if not stopped. And that brings us right back around to why we have the 2nd Amendment to begin with.
He has no effing common sense. He is just a reactionary, like every other idiot trying to bend the Constitution for their own gain. They are the REAL criminals.
Addendum: the politicians fear an armed and informed populace, but they are not the puppet masters. The puppet master shadows who give the orders, they also fear the "little people" having any say in how things will go. Watch them more than the politicians, which are their puppets.
One particular group of people DO fear the law abiding armed citizen...it is those few shadows who are actively usurping the Constitution and enslaving our citizenry. They fear and detest two things: armed citizens and a free press. Note how the politicians are now tapping phones of reporters, and how they are going after the guns. They have A LOT to hide, and they are covering their tracks at every turn. See what Snowden revealed. He did us all a favor to shine the light on the secret spying programs. There are more of those programs, and I have direct knowledge of two of them. We ARE being watched and controlled and manipulated to our detriment, you can be sure of that.
wow. why doesn't the legislature just brainstorm a few laws sort of vaguely and have the governor craft the law and sign it? what do you need the legislature for? King Quinn
What I find so 'cool' about the Founding Fathers, is that just about everything they said is 'bumper sticker' quality as to being pithy, and dead on accurate!
If this law was passed in my state, I couldn't carry a gun in my OWN business... So, the one's you are trying to protect yourself from have free reign... Will these fools ever wake up. He is making law abiding citizens victims...
not so great. you stay in the outer suburbs at night unless you can't stay away from Ravinia-so you still go and run to your car when it's over. http://www.ravinia.org/ I don't know what baseball fans do-
'He also added a restriction so that licensed gun owners would only be allowed to carry a single concealed gun and one ammunition clip holding up to 10 rounds.'
It amazes me how so many people can't get over the idea that honest American who carry guns are NOT the ones to fear..THEY are not where the danger is. Restricting our guns and limiting our ammo makes NO one safer.....it only helps make those in power even more powerful and we all know where abuses of power can lead to if not stopped. And that brings us right back around to why we have the 2nd Amendment to begin with.
"An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject." I can't find who initially said that, but it's sure true.
I like this one:
“Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.” — Thomas Jefferson
They would kick butt on Madison Avenue today....
I had no idea that Illinois was the only state left banning concealed handguns.
'How was that ban working out for all of you living in Chicago???'
I don't know what baseball fans do-
Chicago Cubs fans, by nature, have to be thick skinned...and immune to all kinds of abuse.