A Fox and Her Babies: Being cunning, free–and ALIVE!

Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 10 months ago to Philosophy
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This is a little bit of a different topic for me, but I think many here will appreciate it.

I found it fascinating and ironic that a family of foxes made a home in the drain pipe at the end of my driveway. For as long as I have been alive I have loved the character of Zorro which means “fox” in Spanish. They are nocturnal creatures who are extremely difficult to catch. As a young man in Liberty Township I knew plenty of people who trapped foxes hoping to catch them for their pelts. I always hoped that the foxes would evade capture—like Zorro—my favorite defender of justice. Only a few times did I see them captured, but otherwise they were like mysteries of the night. I would see them occasionally like ghosts sneaking across the yard—cat like, but large like dogs with their big bushy tails flowing out like the cape of Zorro. As soon as your eyes focused on them, they were gone again leaving their presence to be in question—as if doubt could be placed on their existence. So it came with some shock that a fox came to my home to give birth to her pups. It is highly unusual to see a fox in the daylight but because the babies had no idea what night and day was yet, they were up at all hours blowing the cover of the normally nocturnal fox. Here is a video of their activity at the end of my driveway.
SOURCE URL: http://overmanwarrior.wordpress.com/2014/05/09/a-fox-and-her-babies-being-cunning-free-and-alive/

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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 10 months ago
    I think the mother sensed - once you didn't go chasing after her and her pups, but let them be - that you were part of her world, just as she became part of yours. However, don't bet that's the last you'll see of them... as long as she feels safe and protected, she (and her cubs) may well be back... Anyway, thenk you for protecting them from the weird and evil humans!!! ;-)
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    • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
      She actually left with them last night. Each night they would come out once the sun went down and roam around our yard. I'd sit on the porch in the dark and watch. They knew I was there of course, but just went about their business. It was very unusual, almost like a house pet. She was pushing them to extend their range. Last night they finally made a break for it in the cover of dark.
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 10 months ago
        Our neighbors had one that would return annually to their salvaged street light pole (I guess they like pipe-shaped hideyholes like that) to raise her litter... you never know with foxes, but I'd be surprised, now that she knows a safe spot to raise her young'uns, if she doesn't return!
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  • Posted by Koolieb 10 years, 10 months ago
    Thanks for sharing- really enjoy watching animals like that. Surprised the mother wasn't protective but rather very easy going.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
      Strangely easy going. When I watch creatures like that I think of the Gulch. The fox has the assurance of herself that John Galt might have. Why worry what might happen to you when you are in control? The mother was very much in control and didn't feel a need for silly antics, showing of teeth, or false threats. She just was.

      People who worry are really concerned that they aren't in control, or picked an option that was incorrect. She knew she was smart and could escape in a whim. So she played it cool. It was pretty neat.
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  • Posted by Stormi 10 years, 10 months ago
    What a lovely video. The fox mother seemed to feel completely safe with you there taping.
    We see fox here during daylight. One was sitting on our courtyard wall, obviously upset with the smell form the neighbors newly fertilized lawn. Another time my three idiot cats surrounded a fox in our back woods. She sat there unmoving, unsure what was going on. I tapped on the window, but no one moved. I went out back and told the cats to lay off, and they reluctantly came, one at a time. The fox shook her head, as if to say, "What was that!", and then went back in the woods. We also had a coyote follow our one cat to the courtyard one noon, while the cat walked in like nothing unusual..We have 200 trees, half evergreen, some planted as shelters for the wild one. Still we were surprised when a 7 foot black snake spent an entire summer with our courtyard as home base. It allow the pets to jump over it to get out the door, sat in the middle of the courtyard while I weeded, went out, but always returned. Nature is amazing, and you don't need a liberal to understand it. Our bat is very Randian, we provide his house, he earns his way eating mosquitoes.
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  • Posted by KYFHO 10 years, 10 months ago
    Foxes have a natural grace, instinct and common sense and high IQ. She probably had her eye on your drain pipe and you for quite a while, possibly living there during her pregnancy and scoping out the area. It am pleased you were able to keep the do-gooders at bay and I applaud your common sense. Thank-you for sharing something so positive.
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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 10 months ago
    Thank you overmanwarrior for a wonderful story about foxes and natures way of providing a wondrous glimpse into the life of these beautiful and mysterious animals. We all owe you a vote of thanks for taking the video and sharing them with us.

    Perhaps even more than that, we also owe you a thank you for posting all the information about the history of the Zorro character in book and film form. It is a timely reminder of what Books, film and TV used to be before so many perversions of these art forms came to the forefront became the standard of entertainment.

    A time when you didn't need to fear what your children would see on TV or in movies. When you had to be concerned what they might read, even in school as the arrest of the man at the school board meeting recently taught us. His concern was that a reading assignment exposed his early teen daughter to explicit sexual situations without parents being advised of the reading list.

    I'm far from being a prude, but at what age are such books acceptable and when did parenting and concern for your children become a crime? The same of course is true for TV and film on a daily basis. Is there any wonder that we long for the carefree days of the 50's?

    Thank you for reminding us of simpler times when we could enjoy nature and every day was not a struggle for a little decency in our lives.

    Fred Speckmann
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  • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years, 10 months ago
    About 12 years ago we had a resident male fox who evidently had been hurt (lame paw) and then rehabilitated by humans and eventually freed. He somehow adopted us for a summer. He would sit just beyond our reach and watch whatever we did. Later he came to visit with his two kits. Very unusual behavior for a fox!
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