Wanted, Mercenary Group For Nigerian Mission: Saving sex slaves from the Boko Haram
Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 10 months ago to Culture
Overmanwarrior's Wisdom
Official Site of Rich Hoffman. Connecting the dots in a complicated world.
Wanted, Mercenary Group For Nigerian Mission: Saving sex slaves from the Boko Haram
with 2 comments
I often get called a sexist by idiots who have swallowed the hook of feminism without consideration. I have traditional values in regard to the roles of the sexes in domestic life and in the upbringing of children. Critics of mine draw their terminology from low intellect sloths with assess the size of their mouths—and they do it to attempt control of my behavior when they discover that they can’t out maneuver my strategy. That type of name calling is not about correctly labeling a dire social position or old-fashioned neurosis, but in gaining control over another person. It is often an offensive tactical maneuver to attempt to play a race or sexism card created by progressives to leverage control over the powerful. Similarly I have watched this whole issue involving Donald Sterling who was obviously jealous of his mistress girlfriend V. Stinviano’s enjoyment of men with color—and didn’t want to be made a fool of at his Los Angeles Clipper games of which he was the owner. After all, he’s 80 years old and left his wife of many years to hang out with young women like Stinviano—so he doesn’t need her bringing around young studs to public settings where people know that he’s sexually engaged in the same young woman only not for his prowess, but his money. That’s what I heard when listing to the tapes accusing him of racism—of which Stinviano recorded to gain power over her sugar daddy—which worked. Now Sterling is destroyed as the machine of progressivism has went to work at removing his property ownership of an NBA team and virtually everything he ever was by accusations of being a racist. Even Snoop Dog weighed in to give his two cents about the Donald Sterling case.
Many of those opinions have been formed by progressive influences that have dumped billions of dollars into years of shaping the parameters of social terminology. George Soros for one, Bill Gates for another along with thousands of others who are excessively wealthy and seem intent to help shape the world toward progressivism have been bold about their assertions regarding feminism and racism advocating an open society where the government does the child raising while all able-bodied adults work and pay taxes to supply the state with the money it needs to properly fund the kind of socialism that progressives are such large supporters of.
However, in the recent case of the 329 schoolgirls from northern Nigeria stolen in the middle of the night from a boarding school in the Chibok region currently being sold as sex slaves to members of the Boko Haram—there doesn’t seem to be the same kind of anger from the Snoop Dogs of the world—the progressive social shifters who are so inflamed with rage over the Donald Sterling racism issue. After all, in regards to the 329 little girls, they are female, so feminist groups should be outraged, they are young ladies of color, so civil rights leaders should be even more angry than they are over Sterling, and every human being in the world should be upset that the girls are being forced into slavery—sex slavery at that. Yet there doesn’t seem to be any desire to help the little girls from the George Soros types—those with bottomless pit money. A few news outlets have written about it, but nobody has any desire to help the girls or their families with any real action.
The Boko Haram literally means in Nigerian “Western education is sinful,” and members of it are associated with the Taliban movement from Afghanistan. From the perspective of those Islamic radicals, they are intent to make all of Nigeria a strict Muslim country operating under Sharia Law and they don’t care who dies or what individual liberties must be trampled on to achieve their global vision. For the people who have jumped against Donald Sterling and support massive feminism in American society, or stand against the history of The United States slavery issues, and wish to advocate civil rights for all people in every corner of the world, these young girls in Nigeria need help. But none is coming. Their parents have been pooling their money together to conduct a search to locate their daughters but the region is so poor that buying a tank of gas to operate a motorcycle costs a small fortune. So the parents of the girls are helpless losing their children to the vast evils of Sharia Law.
If I were in Snoop Dog’s social position, or George Soros, Bill Gates or any progressive billionaire claiming to really care about civil rights issues, feminism, or slavery, I’d be organizing right now a mercenary group to go into Nigeria and rescue the little girls from their slave trade masters. After all, Ross Perot did something like that when he rescued his own employees from Iran who were arrested on suspicion of bribery. It’s been done before—and could certainly use the same kind of American boldness now. The book talking about that Iranian case was called On Wings of Eagles and was published in 1983. The story was made into a miniseries in 1986 and starred Burt Lancaster who played the real life role of a retired United States Army officer who organized the EDS employees into mercenaries to sneak into Iran and rescue their own people from harm.
As bold as Snoop Dog talked regarding Donald Sterling it would seem he’d be the first to organize a rescue mission to Nigeria to save those little girls from their attackers. Why not pass the hat around to his Hollywood friends to cover the cost of organizing a mercenary group to go into Nigeria, attack Boko Haram and return the girls to their families so that they don’t have to become sex slaved wives to radical Muslims ruining their lives until the end of time. Anyone who supports women rights and a world without racism should be able to get behind this effort. I have my passport right next to me and would gladly join in an effort with George Soros and the Hollywood elite if they wanted to send mercenaries to Nigeria since it is obvious that no government on earth is capable of dealing with the situation.
Thanks K for bringing this up.
Official Site of Rich Hoffman. Connecting the dots in a complicated world.
Wanted, Mercenary Group For Nigerian Mission: Saving sex slaves from the Boko Haram
with 2 comments
I often get called a sexist by idiots who have swallowed the hook of feminism without consideration. I have traditional values in regard to the roles of the sexes in domestic life and in the upbringing of children. Critics of mine draw their terminology from low intellect sloths with assess the size of their mouths—and they do it to attempt control of my behavior when they discover that they can’t out maneuver my strategy. That type of name calling is not about correctly labeling a dire social position or old-fashioned neurosis, but in gaining control over another person. It is often an offensive tactical maneuver to attempt to play a race or sexism card created by progressives to leverage control over the powerful. Similarly I have watched this whole issue involving Donald Sterling who was obviously jealous of his mistress girlfriend V. Stinviano’s enjoyment of men with color—and didn’t want to be made a fool of at his Los Angeles Clipper games of which he was the owner. After all, he’s 80 years old and left his wife of many years to hang out with young women like Stinviano—so he doesn’t need her bringing around young studs to public settings where people know that he’s sexually engaged in the same young woman only not for his prowess, but his money. That’s what I heard when listing to the tapes accusing him of racism—of which Stinviano recorded to gain power over her sugar daddy—which worked. Now Sterling is destroyed as the machine of progressivism has went to work at removing his property ownership of an NBA team and virtually everything he ever was by accusations of being a racist. Even Snoop Dog weighed in to give his two cents about the Donald Sterling case.
Many of those opinions have been formed by progressive influences that have dumped billions of dollars into years of shaping the parameters of social terminology. George Soros for one, Bill Gates for another along with thousands of others who are excessively wealthy and seem intent to help shape the world toward progressivism have been bold about their assertions regarding feminism and racism advocating an open society where the government does the child raising while all able-bodied adults work and pay taxes to supply the state with the money it needs to properly fund the kind of socialism that progressives are such large supporters of.
However, in the recent case of the 329 schoolgirls from northern Nigeria stolen in the middle of the night from a boarding school in the Chibok region currently being sold as sex slaves to members of the Boko Haram—there doesn’t seem to be the same kind of anger from the Snoop Dogs of the world—the progressive social shifters who are so inflamed with rage over the Donald Sterling racism issue. After all, in regards to the 329 little girls, they are female, so feminist groups should be outraged, they are young ladies of color, so civil rights leaders should be even more angry than they are over Sterling, and every human being in the world should be upset that the girls are being forced into slavery—sex slavery at that. Yet there doesn’t seem to be any desire to help the little girls from the George Soros types—those with bottomless pit money. A few news outlets have written about it, but nobody has any desire to help the girls or their families with any real action.
The Boko Haram literally means in Nigerian “Western education is sinful,” and members of it are associated with the Taliban movement from Afghanistan. From the perspective of those Islamic radicals, they are intent to make all of Nigeria a strict Muslim country operating under Sharia Law and they don’t care who dies or what individual liberties must be trampled on to achieve their global vision. For the people who have jumped against Donald Sterling and support massive feminism in American society, or stand against the history of The United States slavery issues, and wish to advocate civil rights for all people in every corner of the world, these young girls in Nigeria need help. But none is coming. Their parents have been pooling their money together to conduct a search to locate their daughters but the region is so poor that buying a tank of gas to operate a motorcycle costs a small fortune. So the parents of the girls are helpless losing their children to the vast evils of Sharia Law.
If I were in Snoop Dog’s social position, or George Soros, Bill Gates or any progressive billionaire claiming to really care about civil rights issues, feminism, or slavery, I’d be organizing right now a mercenary group to go into Nigeria and rescue the little girls from their slave trade masters. After all, Ross Perot did something like that when he rescued his own employees from Iran who were arrested on suspicion of bribery. It’s been done before—and could certainly use the same kind of American boldness now. The book talking about that Iranian case was called On Wings of Eagles and was published in 1983. The story was made into a miniseries in 1986 and starred Burt Lancaster who played the real life role of a retired United States Army officer who organized the EDS employees into mercenaries to sneak into Iran and rescue their own people from harm.
As bold as Snoop Dog talked regarding Donald Sterling it would seem he’d be the first to organize a rescue mission to Nigeria to save those little girls from their attackers. Why not pass the hat around to his Hollywood friends to cover the cost of organizing a mercenary group to go into Nigeria, attack Boko Haram and return the girls to their families so that they don’t have to become sex slaved wives to radical Muslims ruining their lives until the end of time. Anyone who supports women rights and a world without racism should be able to get behind this effort. I have my passport right next to me and would gladly join in an effort with George Soros and the Hollywood elite if they wanted to send mercenaries to Nigeria since it is obvious that no government on earth is capable of dealing with the situation.
Thanks K for bringing this up.
Now, I'm all for a mercenary force, or a force created or staffed by those with a vital interest - the families and society in which this is occurring. I think that OW makes a good point in calling out those who want to make a fuss over something relatively inconsequential (nobody is dying over the comments by Sterling, heck, nobody except for Sterling is even inconvenienced to any degree). Where are the actual lefty's who scream for action on other issues?
btw - this has been happening for quite some time, just not on such a grand scale. They usually have been taken in the ones and twos, not a couple hundred at a time.
I was glad to see that overman thought of private funding -- hell, if we could get the $$ which we send to the govt for humanitarian stuff and use it directly for grievous situations like this, we'd be miles ahead. -- j
To your point: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/06...
Certainly this is something a small, well-trained team could handle, but...they'd need to have carte blanche, no accountability to anyone. Just the objective. When stuff like this is happening to people, the gloves need to come off.
But the thing is, in an environment where this is even possible without a heavy government reprisal, saving these girls would really have to mean getting them entirely out of the region, maybe even out of the country.
One thing's for sure, this is one case where I would advocate the right to bear arms for those villagers. If these Boko Haram folks knew the villagers were armed to the teeth, they wouldn't even try something like this. They're predators, and they need easy prey. They might lose a bit of faith if they got their behinds blasted off every time they tried something stupid. And that's really going to be the only way to stop this happening again. Is for the people themselves to be armed and form a militia. Nobody else is offering to defend them from this. But that's not a simple thing to do, I know.
I would say that's objective #2 here: prepare the innocent people there for war, so that they can fight this evil instead of being victims of it. A small team could also do that. For some reason 'The Three Amigos' comes to mind, crazy as that sounds...or 'Seven Samurai' is perhaps a more accurate example.
But that's the thing: this isn't happening on an island. The government would never allow that. And they'd show their true nature in how they responded to it, I'm sure.
This is a long-term problem, where education is the solution. These terrorists fear intelligence more than they fear their god, most likely. Why else are they so desperate to stop these girls from learning? They know they'll never be able to fool people and have them under their heel if they see through the lies. So the use of force is their remaining alternative.
One thing this brings up for me, as a former cult member myself, is the very real threat of extremist groups like this. Cult expert Steve Hassan wrote that "people don't join cults--cults recruit people". It's very important for people to educate themselves about how cults operate so as not to be recruited by one, no matter what promises they may offer or what threats or judgments they may cast at you. That's a worldwide problem, and it's violating the principles of freedom.
One begins to realize that this isn't going to stop. Something's going to have to give in a big way when people keep doing stuff like this in a modern society. Frankly, the human race has already gotten some major scars since 9-11 and I wonder if there's going to be a major surgery that happens somewhere not too far down the road...
But I agree with the following points that you (and others on this list) have made:
- It is not the business of the US to go after the girls. It is the business of the US to say, "If you want our political and financial support, Nigeria, you had better put a high priority on rescuing those girls yourselves."
- There should be a major outcry about explicit suppression of women by feminist groups
- There should be a major outcry against slavery by civil rights groups
- There should be significant statements by, say, the Gates Foundation, against this deed. Other prominent and powerful individuals should chime in.
I disagree with the following statements made by folks on this list:
- The techniques used to search for a mass of once-airborne technology are suited for this search of people in jungles.
- That the US should field a mercenary team.
I personally think that the team should be multi-national, perhaps strongly Israeli. The US should make a point of opening its gates to any of the girls who would like to subsequently take refuge in the US. Other nations should follow suit.
We need a very strong response by the world, "Bad kidnappers/terrorists/slavers! No biscuit!"
If you put together a team and have an opening for a not-young but quite fit medical technologist, please let me know.
Since this is a large intercontinental operation that is more complicated than knocking on their doorstep and taking the girls back, it would require resources that are out there. But nobody has the guts to put their money where their mouth is.
I guess I am more 'befuddled' than 'pissed'. I read the news and wonder why people are talking about many of the other things that are being reported (especially sports and hollywood-goo).
The sex trade industry is a non thinking imposition on human freedom. The task itself is primal and rather foolish. For a mind to be consumed by such a thing which is the case of the victims, requires a definition of justice to correct. Once justice is understood, then action to act on the behavior is needed. When crimes of this kind occur they are more important than ever to act upon to defend the inventions of man's mind to prevent a slide back into the ways of the mindless animal.
The short answer is that we have the ability and resources to do so. do we have the character to do so is the question.
Sadly, our resolve in our administration and Department of State is lacking greatly and the fear of being considered a bully is great. They are incapable of understanding that some things are simply the right thing to do and to hell with what others may think. On the other hand, is there really any nation on earth that would not consider actions to free these girls the right thing to do?
Fred Speckmann
"The real issues are whether the power of Western Civilization, as God has permitted it to flower in our own beloved lands, shall defy and defeat Communism; whether the rule of men who shoot their prisoners, enslave their citizens, and deride the dignity of man, shall displace the rule of those to whom the individual and his individual rights are sacred; whether we are to survive with God's hand to guide and lead us, or to perish in the dead existence of a Godless world." - General Matt Ridgway
The interest we have in Israel is A) we said there will be an Israel, our will is not to be thwarted, B) it's an island of friendly (to us) democracy in the middle of the ocean of Islam, C) it makes a great weapons testing lab; we keep selling them our equipment, they keep making it better.
And D) we said there will be an Israel. All else is irrelevant.
When you want your car repaired, do you do it yourself, or do you take it to professionals who enjoy that kind of thing?
I've no problem admitting that Seal Team Six would be a lot better at rescuing the girls and putting the hurt on the Nigerian terrorists than I would be. And they tend to enjoy that kind of thing. I'll do my part and fund the Navy via taxes... I'd fund it even more if the gov't would stop taking my money to give to other people.