Flash Boys--Michael Lewis

Posted by hrymzk 10 years, 10 months ago to Business
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In his new book, Flash Boys, Michael Lewis has yet again bared Wall Streeters tricks at taking advantage, scalping, their customers whose interests the Wall Streeters are supposed to be protecting..
The book is about a patchwork of immigrants, no less, who put together the scalping behind HFT, high frequency trading. Scalping that took advantage of small investors as well as the big money managers. This, which has happened, just after the Wall Street/Main Street Real Estate crises.

In an interview on his prior book about the Real Estate crisis, he stated his concern for the future of the US because of these financial crises that keep coming out of Wall Street. In an interview about Flash Boys, he noted the pattern of Wall Streeters continued gaming the system to make money. They will figure out new ways to get around new regulations.
The punchline of the book notes a new Stock Exchange, the Investors Exchange,
to promote fairness and transparency in stock trading. I urge the IEX for your consideration.
a preeminent example of people looking out for their best interests. And the book for the
psychology of how this all worked out.


Basically, we all still need to keep an eye on these people.

Harry M

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