Ignore feature for categories?
Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 9 months ago to The Gulch: Feature Requests
I have seen a number of comments about the political discussions happening in the Gulch recently. We have an ignore feature for individuals and I was wondering if it is possible to have one for categories. Can we allow Producers to "ignore" categories like Politics or News so that these posts don't show for them?
I just checked 'Galt's Gulch' About and FAQ. It's been awhile since I looked at them, and I note a significant rewrite and changes that make 'GG' sound much more like a General Discussion site, not mentioning 'Atlas Shrugged' or the Movies any longer, or the philosophy of Objectivism.
This is not the site I originally joined. No wonder I find very little posting and comments about Objectivism any longer.
No wonder so many of the Objectivists and those new to Objectivism that excited me so much to join in the first place have left the site or show up in the Posts and Comments only rarely.
Hmmmm. Interesting.
But I fail to see a good reason why the rest of us need to be exposed to someone that finds it to be "too much" effort, or that can only Post or Comment with "idiotic or stupid".
But on the other hand, I guess imposing the use of 'logical, rational reasoning' on others that want to communicate with me, even though Ayn Rand advocated such, could be considered a tremendous burden. OMG, how elitist and closed minded of me or others!