Per Wesley Mouch? or Obama
I heard on the radio yesterday (May 2014) that our federal government released the " National Climate Assessment". This bogus report is authored by the "Federal National Climate Assessment & Development Advisory Committee". I couldn't make this up if I tried! The progressive BS would be hysterical if it was not true.
More and more gradeschool children are coming down with a psychiatric fear of man-caused climate change. Yeah, I'd be afraid to find Al Gore under my bed, too!
See Crichton was looking for the next great novel and thought - what could be better than an apocalyptic fiction? If' you've never read his books ("Jurassic Park", "Sphere", etc.), he's an assiduous researcher. So he started looking into the science behind man-made climate change to use the facts to supplement his book's premise. Then a funny thing happened. As he did more and more research, the answers he kept getting were exactly the opposite of what his story revolved around!
To his credit, he completely rewrote the book.
I recall asking you if you've heard of Milankovitch Cycles, Henry's rule, and solar activity cycles. You replied you hadn't taken any climate classes. I let it pass at the time because if you're a student you might not have time to chase things on which you're not being tested. However, learning to do your own research is an important life skill, and trusting others rather than yourself is a formula for an unsatisfying life. Once again, read about climate history, Milankovitch Cycles, Henry's rule, and solar forcing, then come back and contribute something more than an echo of what you hear in the popular media. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has varied greatly over the eons, as have the size of the ice caps and the earth's surface temperature. These variations were happening long before the industrial age and will continue long after the hydrocarbon age.
Just out of curiosity, what do you think of the fact that, after years of refusing to release the raw data he used to produce the hockey stick graph, Michael Mann finally said he'd "lost it". So far no one else has been able to reproduce the hockey stick using accepted temperature and CO2 values. It appears most of anthropogenic global warming is based on an accidental or intentional fiction, the evidence for which has been conveniently "lost"..
Cyclical variations in weather patterns have been going on longer than man has walked this earth. Man has very little to do with it.
1. Of CO2 in the atmosphere, human activities produce 3%, nature 97%.
Suggested homework-
Search the alarmist sources and sites to confirm or otherwise.
2. The residence time of CO2 is 5 to 7 years.
It is then taken up by natural processes by plants, oceans and soils.
The IPCC use a residence time of 100 years in their reports and in calculations.
Suggested homework-
See if you can be the first to find any data to support the IPCC.
The article doesn't go into it, but it touches on gov't/media reports confusing weather with climate. I frequently hear a particular weather event associated with climate change. I asked a weather scientist about this two years ago when we were in the middle of a warm spell that lasted over 12 months. "Is this climate change?" I asked. She said this is _weather_, not climate change. We had months of way above average temperatures long ago. You can't detect climate change just looking at one region over a year or two.
What does your remark imply about Obama? He certainly denies things he knows to be true. You're saying it's not due to wishful thinking. So, for what reason does he deny things he knows to be true?