A Sharia London - A great new unapologetic and provocative novel from Objectivist Vinay Kolhatkar

Posted by $ HeroWorship 8 years, 9 months ago to Entertainment
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Y'all are probably familiar with http://savvystreet.com, a great site for Ayn Rand inspired writers. Vinay Kolhatkar runs the site and writes brilliant articles on a regular basis. He also wrote The Frankenstein Candidate (a political thriller about an Objectivst type 3rd party candidate).

Here is my review of the book from Amazon

A provocative cultural/political/religious/mafia/vigilante thriller I could not put down

I can't stop thinking about this book. It was thought-provoking, challenging, disturbing, even inflammatory - but most of all, just a really good read. I was compelled to keep going, to find out what would happen next. I found myself making excuses to arrive early to meetings (or even wait in lines!) so that I could sneak in a couple more pages in between my official business. I actually spent 20 minutes in a store parking lot reading on my phone.

The story of the book involves a series of events ripped from headlines and woven into a plausible fictional account that made me think long and hard about religion, political correctness, and most of all, the desire to live freely in the face of dogmatic oppression - especially freedom from those who aid and abet that oppression from a twisted sense of tolerance. As the logic of the story played out, It aroused in me a forbidden pleasure. I didn't want to like the story (given the subject matter) but I found myself in sympathy with the hero. Similarly, the titillating eroticism of the sex scenes were surprising and stuck in my head in the best way.

Expect to be be upset by this book, to be to be shocked, to be excited - and to enjoy every minute of the experience.
SOURCE URL: https://smile.amazon.com/Sharia-London-Marlon-Jamila-Suspense-thrillers-ebook/dp/B01EYLFF5A?ie=UTF8&keywords=a%20sharia%20london&qid=1462686373&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1

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  • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 9 months ago
    Vinay has been absent from this site for a while, regretted, but it looks like he had something even better to do in writing this.
    The theme seems to be on changing the opinions of the politically correct.
    If only there were an easier way.
    It is tempting to regard the political correct as fellow travelers of the enemy.

    Vinay's first book is- The Frankenstein Candidate, 2012, " about a billionaire who runs in a U.S. presidential election" !
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  • Posted by Vinay 8 years, 9 months ago
    This, is a most disturbing video. Released in Feb 2016, I only saw it after the manuscript was in editing mode. I was pleased to find that there is a real rescue organization. And the resemblance of its founder to Aziz was uncanny and purely coincidental, but the girl looks different of course to my heroine. (well, there can only be so many coincidences). Well worth watching.

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  • Posted by Vinay 8 years, 9 months ago
    Well, hello, I am back, and many thanks, Mark, for having a discussion on this site. Do feel free to critique, love, hate, or be shocked to your heart's content.
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  • Posted by Vinay 8 years, 9 months ago
    The 14th customer review has just gone up. It's the longest yet, and gives potential readers a big insight into the book.

    "Born in the impassioned clash of cultures, religions, and entire civilizations are some of the most beautiful, heart-stopping—and often tragic—love stories ever told.

    Two individuals—-Marlon—a handsome, sedately repressed London intellectual—and Jamila—the independent-minded, irrepressibly sexy girl struggling in the grip of brutally enforced Sharia law—meet as it were in the perilous crossfire of no-man’s-land between Western civilization’s wavering convictions and mindlessly crusading jihad.

    There, like great lovers from Romeo and Juliette to Kira and Andrei of Ayn Rand’s We the Living, they discover that their intellectual independence and individualist values—and ultimately, their love—defy dogma. At times, as in "A Sharia London," by Vinay Kolhatkar, their defiance ignites an epic struggle for the future.

    The peril is unmistakable as the Islamic fanatics spreading fear across Europe, today, try to kill and terrorize their way to leadership and ultimately a “Sharia London.” Marlon and Jamila must fall in the love on the run from Islamic killers. Few stories of hard-pressed, courageous lovers evading incomprehensibly powerful enemies will thrill readers more than this one.

    But the same independence, and love, that defy the vise of dogma will turn and fight before relinquishing the values that make life worth living. Fortunately, Marlon’s roots in the dry hills of Sicily, in a family no one wants to fight, give him the way, and allies, to turn on the jihad boys with imaginatively effective violence. Admitted, it is difficult not to cheer at Marlon’s ruthless retaliation. London shudders, innocents are brutalized, and Marlon seems to pay a terrible price for his courage as the battle surges through the city and beyond it. At every moment, the odds against survival seem too high.

    But among the most inspiring secrets of "A Sharia London" is Marlon’s explosive emergence from the shell of a repressed, uncertain “European man” to a fighter, and lover, worthy of Jamila’s imperious passion for life. It is a very different Marlon who returns from Sicily to terrorize the Islamists.

    Marlon ranks among the astonishingly “deep” heroes of the modern thriller. Surely, we will see him again. And I can’t wait, not only for the original characters, but, for more amazing plot twists and turns, gripping imagery, and the intertwined dialogue-action distinctive to this novel."---Walter Donway
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 8 years, 9 months ago
    Just downloaded it to the Paperwhite yesterday, after looking up the title and author from a post on FB by a prominent O-person. 'Looking forward to diving into this one, but I have another that's long-overdue for a reread and review first.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 9 months ago
    Sounds interesting...a must on my list; although, books that leave a vivid impression are difficult to get over. I read one recently and every time I go outside in the morning, I see and feel scenes that played out in that book...

    I'd like to write like that.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
      Thinking of books and follow on movies I have two that were recommend just arrived.

      Minority Report to see if Tom Cruise every became an actor. He is showing his age but alike Baldwin is still not acting - it. Book was better. Movie was two stars and half a thumb needed somebody to please replace Cruise and let him do something for which he is capable. Mowing lawns comes to mind. Iimagine Brad Pitt in such a role or for that matter someone 6' plus as Jack Reacher.

      Ender's Game was surprisingly well done in a hard to capture science fiction genre film. Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley still going strong but the young people in the cast carried themselves, did not need propped up by bankables and in turn that allowed the senior members of the cast to keep their own well deserved wings spread. How many years since Star Wars? 40 something? The technical aspects showed another leap forward. The story line followed the story quite well with a minimum of the contrived non human species that ruined the Star Wars after the first two. Those reminded me of the Atlanta Olympics mascots.

      Still the truth remains books are seldom surpassed in quality by movies. Still I would four star and two thumbs Enders and hope they don't ruin those fine young actors and actresses with the usual part III, IV garbage ala Goal III.

      The question remains besides the book that started this thread....What next?
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