Venezuela April 27

Posted by sender47 10 years, 10 months ago to Government
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2 months and a half since the protest started. Not much advance can be seen.
Fights with the Guardia Nacional and state police continue. Now most of the fights do not start in the barricades but when the Guardia and police enter neighborhoods, rich, middle class and in the poorest (barrios)where is staring to happen too, with the purpose of arrest anyone that seems a protester. The government followers are of course blowing the whistle about anyone that protest.
A few days ago the government approved a law that any protest, group reunion or wathever seems like it must be authorized… by the government… 10 years of jail for that one.
Some people is tired some people is angry, the scarcity by official numbers is 29.4% and in some places 45%, take in account that that is a global number, products like cooking oil (traditionally corn oil here), has an scarcity of…. 100% … coffee (and Venezuela was one of the biggest exporters a decade ago) 94.2%, Powdered milk 90.2%, sugar 90 %, toilet paper 87%. ( the link for the news in Spanish).
The annual inflation from march 2013 to march 2014 is 60%, their fair price law weren’t able to do a thing, and of course got everything worse. The government always replies that” this is a conspiracy by the opposition the international right and USA” as always. But everyone in the government has houses and investments in the USA or Panama or Europe.
The violence continues to escalate in my University, there have been attacks almost every day, the entrance and office of my faculty was destroyed (Since the government doesn’t control the universities and inside the big majority is always opposed to the gov, they send their armed gangs to attack and rob).
We really don’t know what will happen, or if we will win, everyone knows how bad things are, but most of the people is terrified of the armed gangs, the Guardia Nacional (Yesterday they went into a barrio and killed a 12 years old boy “by mistake” and said that they mistake him with a fugitive from a near jail… jail from no one escaped by the way) . The gangs pass in motorcycles in front of my house every night, they must be like 20 or 30 well armed, so I can understand the fear, I’m also afraid myself. But if we do nothing, we will live as slaves (if scarcity and violence doesn’t kill us first), or probably they will end killing anyone that they know is opposed to them like in Cuba, which is where they want to get us.
I think that if we don’t get out of this soon we could end with a +50 years regime like Cuba.

Thanks everyone for your support

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 10 months ago
    For life with liberty. We face our own struggle here, but hopefully we've recognized it in time.
    I wish you strength, well-being, and fortune.
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