Mary Matalin quits GOP and joins Libertarian Party!

Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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Will any other high-profile Republicans follow? This is a really strange election year.

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 7 months ago
    I have voted Libertarian for President consistently, even though I kept Republican registration to vote for Ron Paul or Rand Paul or Gary Johnson. I officially changed my registration when Rand Paul dropped out of the race this time, and plan on being at the Libertarian Party debate in Orlando on the last Saturday of May.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
      Its really too early for a libertarian political party yet. The culture is still way too bankrupt for that. Philosophical change has to come first in the country. People have also to realize that socialism just doesnt work anywhere, and its not just because it runs out of money.
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    • Posted by jabuttrick 8 years, 7 months ago
      I'll be there too and are very interested in what the candidates have to say and how effectively they say it. The Libertarian nominee will get a larger than normal publicity pop the day after the nomination. Let's see what he/she says on that day to advance individual freedom and garner some votes.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 7 months ago
    Trojan horse, probably trying to corrupt the L's from the inside like the GOP did to the Tea Party.. Married to Carville and working for the GOP for years shows her to be a looter.
    If she divorced Carville, denounced him and the GOP as looter scum, and took an oath to support liberty or death, then I might change my mind.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 7 months ago
    Hello CBJ,
    Not a good sign for the Grand Old Party. It seems that both sides of the isle are having growing pains.
    Our founders warned us of the dangers of faction. If only today's leaders respected and heeded their predecessors' warnings.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 7 months ago
    From Wikipedia: "Mary Joe Matalin (born August 19, 1953) is an American political consultant well known for her work with the Republican Party. She has served under President Ronald Reagan, was campaign director for George H.W. Bush, was an assistant to President George W. Bush, and counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney until 2003."
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  • -1
    Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 7 months ago
    with presidential candidates like Gary Johnson, who thinks he has 75% of his principles in common with Barry Sanders (an admirer of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, & Mao who killed over 100 million people), who wants to be a member of the Libertarian Party...
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 7 months ago
      Your implication seems to be that as a libertarian he can also be an admirer of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao completely contradicting the liberty base of libertarian belief. Sanders is just a confused man trying to relive the 1960s. Over the last 50 years I have met a number of such men (seems like men all the time) who are confused about socialism as being good in some way. When in grad school grading papers for the US Armed Forces Institute in the mid 1960s, there was a guy on me all the time because he could not see how a poor person like me could be pro capitalism but not be able to afford to eat steak and other more expensive food. He kept pushing the superior societies with socialist leanings. Another guy kept complaining about capitalism being wasteful because, like radios which he considered perfected, things should all be standardized once they work right, no need for improvements.
      I realize that libertarians through history have come from both the left and the right, the US libertarian has a good chance as having been influenced by Ayn Rand. They should start advocating individualism and more liberty toward actual freedom in rights and get off the freedoms that individuals seem to get through changing laws but continue to retain somewhat different laws that just look like they got out of the way of ones liberty.
      It will be a hard climb to a government with at least a complete ban on religion being part of the government and a complete separation of government and economy and of science. That does not mean that the government workers should all be atheists but that law should not regulate individual lives by supernatural claptrap. Let religion, economics, and science be private matters.
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      • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 7 months ago
        i also came across curious individuals that after reading Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged thought Rand advocated free sex...and after 9 years in the Air Force as a decorated pilot, i was told to leave because i was not religious...

        one battle at a time...consequently, i had 25 great years as a captain for american airlines after being forced out of the Air Force...raised 3 great kids...right now i am enjoying life in a condo on the beach in ft. lauderdale...watched the Thunderbirds perform yesterday on a perfect weather day...sunny and 75...

        our country is over $250 trillion dollars in debt with current and future entitlements...Sanders has college students thrilled with "free" last son is in college...he makes progress with fellow students by "educating" them with what "free" means and the crushing debt they are going to inherit...

        just got back from a week in the wine country north of san fran...(the minimum price for a house in san fran is $1 million dollars...unbelievable) a long and prosperous life my friend
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
          That 250 trillion may sound like an overstatement I believe it's the actual unfunded debt of around 114-119 trillion plus the impact of the current cost of Clinton, Sanders, spending plans which makes assisted suicide a pragmatic if not practical alternative. I haven't seen a similar plan for Trump but he's not been pinned down on much of anything except a drift to the left.
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          • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 7 months ago
            trump floated the idea of negotiating a reduction of the current debt thru the bond holders...have them take $.10 to whatever to pay off the debt and retire the bonds...that is a two edge sword...on the one hand, we prevent a collapse of the economy, the death of hundreds of millions and a return to the 18th century...on the other hand, it teaches politicians that they can continue doing what they are doing without consequences...

            what it will cost us to negotiate is the unknown..stay tuned...
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
              many of the bond holders are already into zero percent T Bills as a place to SAFELY park their money. Others with a reduced intererest rate for the same reason. They would rather park their money where it only takes a printing press to return the full amount (minus loss of inflation devaluation or as in retirement repudiation and it's far far more than the one time $250,000 pay out by FDIC for bank failures. On the face of it makes no sense but it does make cents. the government has already, essentially done what 'trump suggested and has nowhere else to go. If they renege completely foreign investment and offshore funds disappear and many retirement programs such as the unions have become worth not less but worthless. They have no choice is it's the ponzi of last resort and now add how mia 767 finished her post. On top of it

              Nowhere to go....nowhere to run nowhere to hide.
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              • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 7 months ago
                so true...i see a steady slide into a fascist/police/ oligarchy state...the vast voting majority has demonstrated that they are willing to vote away freedom and liberty for the "security" of a politician's promise...
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
        Be gentle the left leaners are very tender and sensitive to those who point out their contradictions and false beliefs or even suggesting any changes in dogma. Very temperature conscious and not suitable material for washing dishes.
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        • Posted by Lucky 8 years, 7 months ago
          Left leaners- " not suitable material for washing dishes".
          I am ok with them washing dishes and sweeping roads. But I ask, keep them away from microphones and keyboards.
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