$26.00 hr. Minimum Wage. Can You Imagine?

Posted by KYFHO 10 years, 9 months ago to Economics
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And how much would a Big Mac cost? How is it elected officials are so damned stupid?
SOURCE URL: http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/05/california-congresswoman-barbara-lee-wants-26-minimum-wage-state/

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  • Posted by olini 10 years, 9 months ago
    Ah, minimum wage...aka, legalized extortion. Businesses being told what the value of the work is worth is exactly that. Instead of work being compensated for what it's worth (for instance, an airline pilot has many more responsibilities and duties than the guy on the grill line at the local fast food joint, which means the airline pilot SHOULD make more money than the grill guy) we're saying that every job is worth a certain amount of compensation, whether it is or not.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 9 months ago
    Raising this evil benchmark (yes, I said it) has one purpose - to dupe the sheeple into thinking they're getting more, not less, money, and at the same time destroy the value of American Money, so it matches the gold they have in Ft. Knox...

    Once the value of the fiat drops enough, it will be only logical that paper money would be rather unworkable, coinage not worth the plastic they'll be making it out of, so everyone will be on the HillaryCard... It is the only way you can have inflation worse than Zimbwabe or the Weimar Mark and have a workable system...

    Of course, then they will tell you what you can and cannot purchase, track you for prosecution or praise, and control you. And give you $30 of their fake dollars an hour. So you can spend $200 on your Whopper, Fries, and a Coke.

    Back when I was a kid, and the Benchmark Minimum (Ill just call it what it is... B.M.) was a couple bucks an hour, coffee was a dime for the good stuff, you could fill a grocery bag with $5 and have change, and a dollar was worth about 20 of the current ones. Not much different than my grandparent's day.

    Sorry this was long... but until we kill this "raise the minimum wage" sheep dope, and bring back the value of money, we're on the way to Weimar Amerika. Courtesy of the elect.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 9 months ago
    I think it would push forward the trend of automation that's already happening. McDonald's would find a way to run a store with fewer people. There might be no non-automated grocery lines. Banks might require you to go to the Tyme machine (more advanced Tyme machines with more functionality) with no option for a teller. Most of the people who used to do those jobs would not have jobs.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 9 months ago
    Barbara Lee is a communist and a traitor. Before the Grenada invasion, Ron Dellums sent her to a Grenadian politburo meeting at which, according to their minutes, she showed them his report on the oversized airport, and offered to make any changes and revisions they wanted. She then went on to sabotage the nation in Congress.
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