Bottled-water purchase leads to night in jail for U.Va. student - Richmond Times Dispatch: Virginia News
Posted by gwcalvert 11 years, 8 months ago to Government
When a half-dozen men and a woman in street clothes closed in on University of Virginia student Elizabeth Daly, 20, she and two roommates panicked.That led to Daly spending a night and an afternoon in the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail. Her initial offense? Walking to her car with bottled water, cookie dough and ice cream just purchased from the Harris Teeter in the Barracks Road Shopping Center for a sorority benefit fundraiser.
These morons also drew their firearms KNOWING the young women were UNARMED on a college campus (Communist Enclave). I believe it would be highly unlikely these same cowards would have done such a stupid move off-campus where the playing field is level (i.e., conceal carry).
These women have legal recourse and they should pursue it fully.
"You don't know all the facts until you complete the investigation," he said.
BTW: a moving SUV is a very dangerous weapon, and obviously the weapon of choice at the U. of VA.!
I am blonde.
Back down, and take a deep breath.
Now look at what the officers were seeing..or rather, dodging.
The girl(s) were in control of the events, and they chose to 'hit and run' the officers. No shots were fired, and that would have been an entirely different scenario.
They were just unbelievably dumb, and my mother used to tell me "there is no cure for dumb".
Why do we have plain clothes officers targeting convenience markets on the "hope" they will catch them serving under age kids-in this case whom are ADULTS?
everyone is beside themselves that we do not have enough cops on the streets protecting citizens from robbery or violence. Is this a good use of scarce resources?
Did they pick your pocket or break your leg? I think this is Jefferson.
They are not after the underage drinkers, per se, as much as the businesses that sell to minors. They have to have the evidence to nail the establishment, hence they have to catch the under-aged kids with the booze while still on the premises. It is the store owners that they are really after....
My youngest son was busted at a frat party where under-aged kids were drinking quite freely. My son was the only one arrested, and that was because he was the only one that tried to outrun the campus cops. He was wrong, and spent the night in jail for this.
I see this story the same.
And your mother wears army boots! ;-)
And IS NOT! Running from the police when you KNOW they're the police is different than trying to get away from a bunch of men you DON'T know are the police.
Or doesn't like screaming?
That part of the story is being lost in the menusa.
There are always two sides to a story. Most of what you point out is from the driver's side of the SUV...and very subjective.
They will surely go on their way legally...but it is not fair to second guess the officers
Would you have looked at a group of 'suits' wielding badges, and just hit the accelerator in panic?
I think not...even if you are "a blonde"! ;-)
No, I was not there. this from the article. The DA dropped all charges.
Why are you being so law and orderly?
I just wanted to see a 'time out', until some thought could be interjected before we lynched anyone.
The article is slanted to say the least, and even if half right never takes the other side into consideration.
Every 'incident' can be positioned this way, and this account shouldn't be the final judgement.
Just suggesting that there may be another interpretation....
"A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims." Ayn Rand.