Murdering America, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years, 8 months ago to Government
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The vitality and spirit, the risk-taking, ingenuity, individuality, integrity, and innovation, the get up and go that powered American greatness have been replaced with a warm blanket, stay-in-bed lassitude, a desire for comfort, safety, and security without effort, something for nothing. No need to get up, you poor dear, there shouldn’t be any connection between what one produces and what one receives. You couldn’t possibly survive this harsh world on your own. The dwindling few who do are duty-bound to support the rest of us. So goes the maudlin, mawkish, and utterly self-serving bleating of the unproductive acolytes of coerced altruism who stock the wet nurse, sob sister, and nanny state departments of government, media, and academia.

This is an excerpt. For the full article, please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2016/05/04/murdering-america/

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 8 months ago
    Notice...the entitled are never altruistic...
    As for the beginning of our end is concerned, it would seem, a virtuous, benevolent, productive people were ripe for the deceptions of progressivism. With big hearts and righteous concerns, the invisible chains were yanked and we were swept up in the vortex of depravity.
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  • Posted by chad 8 years, 8 months ago
    I have fought this for forty years while hearing that there is a rumbling that is growing and threatens to wake those who have been poisoned to their fate. I have never seen anything but the condition of the patient getting worse. There has never been any arousal and every trigger point that I thought was so obvious that the patient would wake the crowd just continued down the same path asking for more poison. The people are like Gulliver tied down by thousands of threads each seemingly harmless and if we loosen one another hundred have been laid down. The people prefer slavery, they always have and maybe always will. It has been my observation that only about 30% of people will steal small things, the larger the theft the smaller percentage will take part in direct harm to other individuals. Give the same group the opportunity to steal from others with 'legalized theft' and there are almost none who will resist the temptation. Liberty will be cured in my lifetime I fear and it will die with a whimper, slowly poisoned to death.
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  • Posted by Kittyhawk 8 years, 8 months ago
    Another brilliant article. When I see "Robert Gore" in the title, I know I can click to upvote before I even click through to read the article.
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  • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 8 months ago
    Perhaps it is intellectual laziness where, from many whom I know comes, "I have learned and thought as much as I need to" is the mental blank out. Pro lifers see the fetus is alive and stop without considering any other living things. Pro choicers see the mother with a fetus and believe she should have a choice in the continuation of the pregnancy and stop without considering choice in other aspects of life leaving government to continue reducing liberty. Politicians, both liberal and conservative, talk of the democracy that we have and stop thinking and thus allowing the constitutional republic to be thrown to the wayside despite the warnings about democracy given by the founders.
    The intellectual laziness is everywhere where a thought goes through a mind and ends with no afterthought, no connection to anything else. I get in trouble with a younger brother when I see connections between things and try to mention them. I usually get a gruff " why do you always do that" or sometimes just a "whatever".
    Just today there were politicians making statements on how we need a wall to keep out drugs and cutting off any continuation of thought about it. Could it be the high price of drugs due to prohibition causing a black market which causes the smuggling of drugs and the violence that goes along with black market turf wars. Stop the prohibition and high taxation and maybe there would be a decrease in the number of new drug users, although the blank out of thought might make the lives of some too empty without the use of drugs.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 8 months ago
    We have to be careful, as the picture of the complacent, self-indulgent American is fed to us steadily by a powerful propaganda mill funded by a greedy elite. There's a good reason why there's panic in the upper aristocracy over the Trump/Sanders populist rebellion. The rabble have been roused, with torches,pitchforks, tar, and feathers soon to follow.

    The presumed murder victim isn't going without a fight. The ego-driven elite had best remember Jefferson's caution that a nation that does not permit peaceful rebellion induces violent rebellion.
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