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"It ought to be here," Master Obi-Wan says, pointing, "but it isn't. Gravity is pulling all the stars in the area towards this spot. There should be a star here, or at least a record of a destroyed star or something that would cause the gravitational anomaly, but there's just nothing."
"Most interesting," says Yoda, speaking to both Obi-Wan and his class, "Gravity's silhouette remains, but the star and all the planets, disappeared they have. How can this be? Younglings, in your mind, what is the first thing you see? An answer? A thought? Anyone?"
"Master?" says one student with a raised hand, and Yoda nods for him to speak. "Because someone erased it from the archive memory?"
Obi-Wan looks surprised; Yoda chuckles.
"Truly wonderful, the mind of a child!" he says. "The Padawan is right. Go to the center of gravity's pull, and find your planet you will."
Happy Star Wars Day to an FIT grad!
So many easy philanthropic messages, individually compelling, but societally an institutional mess.
The 4th is always with us, even though it was long ago bringing us into a faraway galaxy for the first time.
Forbidden Planet is a great movie! I have trouble taking the captain seriously nowadays though. Keep expecting him to say "Stop calling me Shirley" or something.
It is a little like seeing George Peppard in the Blux Max after watching seasons of the A-Team in the 80s!
Agree with you re "The Day the Earth Stood Still".
Good birthday, but I like February because it is the reply unique month.
"How long have you had freedom?"
"About 3 or 4 centuries"
"It's not for sale"
"Let me see your Identification"
"You don't need to see his identification."
"We don't need to see his identification"
"These aren't the enterpreneuers you're looking for"
"These aren't the enterpreneuers we're looking for"
"He can go about his business doing business."
"You can go about his business doing business."
"Move along."
"Move along... Move along..."
Some with they were not even made.
I need a telepathic spell checker!
Better yet, could some nerd out there kindly create a spellchecker that red lines illogical word combinations in a sentence?.
I actually used to like writing in LISP, but it took a special state of mind.