The S(l)ick Minds Of The Left
Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 7 months ago to Politics
A fellow named Patrick Blanchfield wrote the following piece in The New York Times.
Ellsworth Toohey would have approved. The first paragraph reads:
"Earlier this month, in Bunkerville, Nev., representatives of the Bureau of Land Management withdrew from a tense standoff with supporters of Cliven Bundy, a rancher who owes the federal government over $1 million in unpaid fees for allowing his cattle to graze on public land. The hundreds of self-appointed militia and “states’ rights” activists who flocked to support Bundy, many in full tactical gear and openly carrying assault rifles, blockaded a federal interstate and trained their weapons on B.L.M. employees who sought to negotiate with the rancher and his family. Fearful of a pitched gun battle, the B.L.M. departed, leaving Bundy and his supporters to celebrate, emboldened, with a barbecue."
Evil oozes forward propelled by lies and evasions.
THE LIE - the "self-appointed militia" were "openly carrying assault rifles..." Everyone knows that an "assault rifle" is defined as "...a selective fire (selective between semi-automatic, fully automatic and/or burst fire) rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."
These are illegal for civilians to own and none of these guys had one.
THE EVASION - "...B.L.M employees who sought to negotiate with the rancher and his family..." The estimates I've read were that the BLM had between 200 and 290 shooters armed with assault rifles, dressed in tactical gear driving Humvees. These negotiators also tased some Bundy family members. He choose to omit these facts from his narrative.
This only in the first paragraph! You can read the rest if you have the time to waste which, unfortunately, I do. It doesn't get any better. Like I said Ellsworth would be proud.
Ellsworth Toohey would have approved. The first paragraph reads:
"Earlier this month, in Bunkerville, Nev., representatives of the Bureau of Land Management withdrew from a tense standoff with supporters of Cliven Bundy, a rancher who owes the federal government over $1 million in unpaid fees for allowing his cattle to graze on public land. The hundreds of self-appointed militia and “states’ rights” activists who flocked to support Bundy, many in full tactical gear and openly carrying assault rifles, blockaded a federal interstate and trained their weapons on B.L.M. employees who sought to negotiate with the rancher and his family. Fearful of a pitched gun battle, the B.L.M. departed, leaving Bundy and his supporters to celebrate, emboldened, with a barbecue."
Evil oozes forward propelled by lies and evasions.
THE LIE - the "self-appointed militia" were "openly carrying assault rifles..." Everyone knows that an "assault rifle" is defined as "...a selective fire (selective between semi-automatic, fully automatic and/or burst fire) rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."
These are illegal for civilians to own and none of these guys had one.
THE EVASION - "...B.L.M employees who sought to negotiate with the rancher and his family..." The estimates I've read were that the BLM had between 200 and 290 shooters armed with assault rifles, dressed in tactical gear driving Humvees. These negotiators also tased some Bundy family members. He choose to omit these facts from his narrative.
This only in the first paragraph! You can read the rest if you have the time to waste which, unfortunately, I do. It doesn't get any better. Like I said Ellsworth would be proud.
No. In that video taped showdown at the gate, all handguns were holstered and no rifles were leveled on our side.
Thank you for the story. So the BLM was there to negotiate...for payment? at the point of a gun? What delusional nonsense. It would be nice to say "only in the NYTs", but we are all to familiar with the plethora of propaganda sources.