To vote or not to vote. Oh my!

Posted by ycandrea 8 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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My first choice is Gary Johnson, but he does not have a chance of winning. My second and third choices, (Rand Paul & Ben Carson), are out of the race. I am left with Ted Cruz or Donald Trump. Cruz is probably the better of the two as far as being a more "Constitutional" candidate, but I just do not think he will be the winner. Donald Trump scares me about his world trade positions and his immature temper. He may land us right into another major war. So, it might be better to vote my conscience instead of for the only candidate who can win. Or maybe sit this one out. What you going to do?

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  • Posted by $ number6 8 years, 7 months ago
    Cant stand Hillary and dont like tRump ... It seems to get worse each election ..... since tRump likes to nickname people he is : decietful, demagogue donnie
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 7 months ago
    I agree with your view. The "vote or not vote" will be a last minute decision. I'm not so sure I could vote for anyone between Clinton and Trump, they are essentially the same.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago
      And this is why I just don't understand the Trump mania from Republicans. Why did McCain lose to Obama? He couldn't present a clear difference on policy. Same with Romney. Trump is even worse, as the only real policy he can claim a major difference on is Trade.

      You watch, but the day after the Republican Convention, you're going to see the ads:
      1. Donald Trump supported the Brady Bill. He's not really going to protect the Second Amendment.
      2. Donald Trump isn't going to build the wall (cue NY Times interview).
      3. Donald Trump isn't going to repeal Obamacare (he's in favor of government healthcare).
      4. Donald Trump is no different than Hillary on social issues like abortion, gay marriage, etc.

      The only thing that can possibly pull Trump's bacon out of this fire is an indictment against Hillary. If I vote at all in the Generals, it won't be for Trump or Clinton.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
        Wow! Let's refine the scenario of the Rules Committee challenging and rejecting the winner takes all stolen vote.

        1. They have the legal right to do so.
        2. That puts Cruz over Trump but Cruz quit.
        3. That means anyone can be selected at the convention using only seated delegates. Who? Whoever the Republican establishment wants.

        4. Hillary gets indicted after the convention. That means her VP choice moves up? What's the answer to that? Let's hope it's Sanders.

        With Trump dumped and Hillary jailed...

        It may not be pretty but it won't be those two.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago
          That would certainly be an interesting scenario and it is certainly the one Kasich is hoping for.
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          • Posted by jabuttrick 8 years, 7 months ago
            These are pipe dreams. Katich is quitting this afternoon. The Rules Committee is going to do absolutely nothing. It's Clinton/Trump/Johnson. those are your only choices. Accept it and ask yourself whether you are going to vote Socialist, Fascist or Libertarian.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
              Who made you an expert on the legality of each Party's Rules? their of the two give a fig about Johnson at present. Libertarians are too weak on their own BUT there is a small window of opportunity to increase their strength but it will take more than slick websites on what they could do if only someone would give them a chance ...This IS your chance. Talking is not doing. We're better off voting NOTA than for someone who didn't have enough guts to seize the moment.

              The choices are International Socialism, National Socialism (they are both fascist) or a return to the Constitution. At least you could have got the definitions right.
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              • Posted by jabuttrick 8 years, 7 months ago
                This is becoming incoherent. You seem to be advancing the proposition that the Republican Rules Committee is going to do something anti-Trump at the Convention. What exactly do you think they are going to do and why do you believe they are going to do it? Since this is your theory, you have the burden. Please explain what you are talking about. I have no idea what you are saying about the Libertarian Party. Precisely what is it that they should be doing right now in your view?
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                  playing stupid are we. The more I read your comments the more I'm convinced one of two things is occurring . They aren't worth supporting or and what is more likely your a shill for the left and using the secular progressive method of redefining and reframing - poorly.
                  Stupid is as stupid dollars for you.

                  but as it happens I don't have to contribute through the do nothing party...I can and have been contributing directly to Johnson. But that too is coming to a halt as they NOTA method stands a better chance.

                  Try reframing aren't very good at it.
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  • Posted by ChuckyBob 8 years, 7 months ago
    My wife has always been of the mindset that here is better than anywhere else. Last night that mindset was shocked by the Cruz announcement. We will probably be out of the country around the first of next year. I will also be investigating how to legally move my money and investments out of the country. I have lost faith in the American populace.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
      WOW! Where will you go? Where is a better place? Off the grid somewhere?
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      • Posted by ChuckyBob 8 years, 7 months ago
        Haven't decided yet. Both my wife and I can do quite well in Spanish, so that increases the number of places we can go. We'll probably have it all figured out by November.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
          I went south of the border for a number of reasons. Thriving expat community is one of them. It's a good place to take a breather and research other destinations while your mmm transferring certain belongings shall we say.
          usa mesaje privado por mas informacion.

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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 8 years, 7 months ago
    I'll vote for Trump for two reasons and neither of them are why we should vote. First, I'm for Trump because of those who are against him. Second, one of them is going to be elected and Trump will be more interesting and entertaining than the Hildebeast. I've read Trumps positions and have no problem with what he says he will do. If he does, good. If he doesn't, in the long run (we are all dead) it won't matter.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      JJJ you have stated the first coherent and worth while reason to vote for Trump. He's more entertaining. Much more well stated than the money grubbers. i would suspect his administration would make going gulch by going expat much easier as his own gang is in the same situation. extra point for you.
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 7 months ago
    In every presidential election, people are told that they are “wasting their vote” if they vote for the Libertarian candidate.

    As one who has voted for every Libertarian presidential candidate since 1972, I think the exact opposite is true. By voting for my principles, my votes over the years have had far more impact than if I had allowed the two “establishment” parties to dictate my choices.

    Consider this: no matter how you have voted for President in the past, your vote has never made a difference in the outcome. Nor will it do so in the future. Even if you live in a “swing state” that could go either way, your lone vote will not spell the difference between victory and defeat for either establishment party candidate.

    So if you can’t change the election outcome, why vote at all? The answer is that by voting Libertarian, you will be adding to the vote totals of the only party that consistently supports individual freedom. And those vote totals matter – the establishment parties pay close attention when a significant number of voters break with the two-party system, and they will often modify their stands on certain issues to protect their base and prevent further defections.

    On the other hand, if you vote for the “lesser of two evils,” you are saying in effect, “I support the political status quo. I have faith in the two-party system, and I’m not interested in supporting candidates from other parties, even if they have fresh ideas that I agree with. I don’t like either of the two establishment party candidates, but I will vote for Establishment Party Candidate X because he is not quite as bad as Establishment Party Candidate Y.” This truly is a waste of your vote, and does nothing to advance the cause of freedom.
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    • Posted by jabuttrick 8 years, 7 months ago
      Very well put. Some people seem to think that voting is an activity akin to betting on a horse race, i.e. you get some sort of benefit if you pick the winner. In fact that is not the case. If it were true we should all vote for Clinton, the most likely winner. But we get no benefit from having the winning ticket. Instead you should vote your conscience. Johnson.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
    I will write in a candidate if I feel I must.
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    • Posted by jabuttrick 8 years, 7 months ago
      It most states it won't even be counted unless the candidate has filed for write in status. Is that the case where you live?
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
        Thanks, I would of thought registering for the primary etc would of covered that...but I will be checking.
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        • Posted by jabuttrick 8 years, 7 months ago
          Votes for Mickey Mouse or John Galt do not usually count unless Mickey or John has filed with your state.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
            Votes with Mickey mouse may be a true sentiment but in many places they cause the whole ballot to be rejected except in winner take all states where the vote is award to the one you didn't want.
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            • Posted by jabuttrick 8 years, 7 months ago
              It is rare for the entire ballot to be rejected because of an improper write in vote for one office in a general election. Such an action would be subject to a constitutional challenge. However, the improper write in vote would not be tabulated in most states.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                My and where are your sources. It's about stealing votes without due process not an entire ballot just the 'winner take all numbers.' duuuhhhh????
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                • Posted by jabuttrick 8 years, 7 months ago
                  You may have lost track of the subject of this thread. Olduglycarl is thinking of casting a write in vote for President in the general election in November. Unfortunately for him, such write in votes are often not counted under state law unless the candidate has filed to be a write in candidate before the election. This is usually not an onerous process but it does take an affirmative act by the candidate. The sources are the respective state election statutes. Check out your state statute to see if it applies where you live.
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                    No I am fine just dealing with your side issue but I am happy to see this one has some useful information and beef to it. Each state is different. Oregon by far the worst for voter fraud opportunities they closed another door with that advanced registration to make a write in valid? Slimey bunch that's for sure.

                    As for Rules Commitee one comment is they would raise a fire storm..big deal . GOP will do what they are told to do and look out after their own best interests. If they don't want Trump they have the means to do it using the winner take all disallowed rule which may be why it was put in for this year. It is a valid point.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
    I agree with you assessment, except for the "dangers" of Trump. I think he is a lot more calculating and reasonable when in business meetings (he would have to be to get where he is). He will get great advisors and close government employees, as he has done in his business. He would be less likely to get us into a major war because other countries will respect him and us, and dont really want to get into a war anyway. Trump would be MORE likely to get into a phone conversation with Putin to settle something than Hillary or definitely Cruz.

    I say Trump would be better than Hillary, and has a chance to beat her.
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  • Posted by jeffdhurley1 8 years, 7 months ago
    It seems that, upon deeper reading and study , that Trump may be the most Objectiveist Candidate in years . Goes against accepted theory and risks all based on his own personal belief that his way is the "right way" ( Roark?) . started working in his business as a young man doing middle income apartments in his dad's admittedly successful firm growing it massively from its smaller roots in Queens to an world wide player ..with his name emblazoned on it all because it is unashamedly "His" ( Reardon?) . Refuses to let his personal life be used to coerce him to knuckle under to the leeches by openly admitting to his personal foibles (Reardon cannot coerce an honest man ) . He hires arguable the very best people and pays them accordingly based on there value and refuses those who say they should be hired for any other reason . He deals with the looters and leeches ( mafia , Govt ,...wait I repeat myself ) as he has to to drive his vision ahead ... Does not live his life for the sake of anyone else only for his own sake while supporting those that add value to his own life .... His projected opponent has lived off the Govt. dole pretty much her entire life . asking for alms with the vapid weepy eyes of the victim demanding that we "give" to her because she deserves it after all she was not born rich , she was not born a man in a patriarchal society , she did not marry money she left the white house broke . WE must give... money or votes not based on her merits but because she is the victim... who did not have the advantages of her opponent.... and to not do so makes us less human.. because we want what we have worked and sacrificed for when so many others deserve it more ..Who do we really stand for at this point a producer any measure we choose... or a looter
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years, 7 months ago
    It, truly, broke my heart to hear that Ted Cruz pulled the plug. The way I see it...all of the "good" people are now gone and we're left with "the lesser of two evils". This is so typical of elections in this country, especially the part about how the Pacific Northwest doesn't even get a chance to factor in, with their primaries.

    I will NOT vote for Clinton or Sanders. However, I can't bring myself to vote for Trump(et). He reminds me of the bullies who routinely beat me up in elementary school and I refuse to support him on those grounds alone.

    I am going to vote, right or wrong, but I won't vote for any of the existing candidates unless I discover an compelling reason to vote for The Donald. At this point, the only thing that might make me reconsider is if Cruz threw his support behind Trump. Unless that were to happen, it looks like a "write-in" candidate for me, regardless of what people say about it being a vote for Hillary. At least, I will be able to live with my conscience.
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    • Posted by KnowledgeisaBurden 8 years, 7 months ago
      Cruz was controlled by the CFR, his wife was a member, she worked hard on the TPP which destroys companies and jobs in USA, HE was a dual citizen until may 2014, gave speeches a CFR, lied about so many issues would stall anyone who supports this shill' Flawed and comprimised by his dual citizenship alone... Trump will clear this up making barry a lie and giving legal status to reverse all of barrys crimes....put it together folks'
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 7 months ago
    I've been sitting it out for several elections, now. It feels great. I am not convinced that the votes are actually counted, for starters.
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  • Posted by editormichael 8 years, 7 months ago
    So if Adolf Hitler was running against Josef Stalin and only Gary Johnson was opposing them, you would hesitate because "he does not have a chance of winning"?
    That is not, pardon me, very rational.
    As I said elsewhere, voting is like shooting people. Generally wrong, but sometimes one must act in self-defense.
    Not voting is not even trying to defend yourself.
    And so is not voting for the Libertarian Party candidate, whether Gary Johnson or someone else. (Except, perhaps, in 2008.)
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      Change AH to DT and JS to Hillary Clinton and it's pretty accurate.

      The choice of Johnson or NOTA depends on the State and it's winner take all rules. Much different when your vote is not going to be stolen and given to the leftists. We'll have to see if the GOP Rules Committee does as they said they are going to do.
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  • Posted by floreo 8 years, 7 months ago
    Ben Carson was my first choice. At this point, it is Trump or Clinton. The choice could not be clearer, provided you can accept the proposition that in his deepest heart, the Donald is, in fact, a sane person. The Button is the only question!
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  • Posted by $ SarahMontalbano 8 years, 7 months ago
    Although I'm sure you read some news, if you hadn't heard Cruz dropped out yesterday so your choices aren't even that diverse. I would personally vote for Gary Johnson or sit it out, if I had the chance. I wouldn't vote for Trump or Hillary, since I think they're equally bad.
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  • Posted by DeanStriker 8 years, 7 months ago
    Yep, but voting cannot be the answer. Frankly, I can't name any person in America who might turn the tide. Unless I learn that Dissolution is on the ballot, I see no "hope" in bothering to vote.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      There's a thought since we are no longer under Constitutional rule thanks to our Congress and current president what's to stop any state from simply leaving? Other than guns.
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      • Posted by DeanStriker 8 years, 7 months ago
        I believe we can be sure the Rulership will stand very much in the way. After all, tis We who are forced to buy Them the big guns which will be employed to prevent resistance.. When They finally concede that they can't recover, they'll steal away into the night. Wonder if they'll even bother to close the doors!
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        • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 7 months ago
          "Close the doors" With the national debt The cows have left the barn long ago maybe at $7 trillion now $ 19 trillion.
          With interest rates at historical low levels our annual interest expense is $230 billion which is 6% of the budget , at historical rates annual expense soars to almost a trillion or 24% of budget! That is interest only.
          In the last 20 years fed spending has grown 63% faster than inflation. NOTA will be of any help, the big spenders should all go to debtors prison and they can piss where ever they want hopefully on the traitors.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      It's under NOTA for None of the above. Or CW for Consent Withdrawn. The only way to win the game is don't play. Unitil voting becomes a felony level requirement.
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 8 years, 7 months ago
    Scott Walker was my first choice, and he dropped out early.
    Then I chose Ted Cruz, and he dropped out yesterday.
    Trump is not the wild-eyed crazy the mainscream press try to portray him as, but his policy positions have been few and far between, and are fairly incoherent. I don't understand why the Republican establishment doesn't like him. They have spent the last two elections looking for a candidate that can win in the Northeast. All he needs to do is buy them off, and they'll fall in line.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
      The GOP is a marketing business, not a part of our election process. Its purpose is maintenance of power and the collection of money. Trump basically hijacked the GOP by getting popular votes- and to hell with the establishment. No wonder they hate him !! But the GOP was pretty much bankrupt in terms of principles. They were selling Coke, and the democrats were selling Pepsi- both sugar water with essentially no difference.
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  • Posted by KnowledgeisaBurden 8 years, 7 months ago
    Cruz, rubio and jingle' were NEVER constitutionally
    legal to run, get that through the thick heads, think it through... barry was not legal clearly obvious for those who study law, to put one of those three in would solidify barrys lawless orders, also would be in a compromising position to carry the lie. Trump will clear this up, when clairified ALL barrys lawless orders will be VOID... get that? reverse all that communist garbage. this is why trump is attacked by gop, THEY ARE IN ON IT'
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 7 months ago
    Well, this is 4 May 2016. We no longer have the
    choice of Cruz. As much as I despise him, I think
    I will have to vote for Trump, to keep H. Clinton
    out. Think about the Supreme Court appointments.
    Of course, with Trump, it would be a crapshoot, and a wild risk, but with H. Clinton?! Out-and-
    out Socialism!
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
    Cruz quit before waiting to find out the verdict from the Rules Committee on Winner Take All Votes. that finally establishes him as a RINO not a Republican. The only reason to do that is, like all good little Rinos, follow the script liek a good little leftists.

    Well at least we found that out for sure.

    I'm going back to none of the Above and continuing to help increasing the unrepresented 46-50% of the eligible voters who have turned their backs on rigged and closed elections and have turned their backs on left wing socialism.

    My oath of office is and was to the Constitution not to the writings of Marx and Engels or Adolf and company.

    The rest of you congratulation for a well runr revolution you have only to pick a new flag for the USSA and move July Fourth to May First.

    As a 24 year retired veteran I cannot go back on my oath of office at this late juncture and really don't care which of the two gets to be Premier.

    240 years was however 40 year past the average.

    I'll wait until the real breakup starts.. you realize that by circle filing the Constitution there is no legal reason for any State or States to remain.

    Now I'm sure some of the leftists who wish to use the patina of our former status as a way to continue fooling the public will cry foul. I do not care. Just remember the new rule is ' arrest is a matter of mere suspicion and carries no rights for the individual arrested. Not since your congress and President change the Bill of Rights .

    A breakup of the former USA? Now that I would like to see."
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
      Cruz is a career politician at his heart. He was into the power of the presidency, as one could tell by his comments on Tuesday about Trump (talk about NOT presidential talk?) and his immediate withdrawal from the race when the voters trounced him big time in ONE primary election. He took his marbles and went home.
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      • Posted by jabuttrick 8 years, 7 months ago
        i am not a Cruz fan and never would have voted for him, but I think his comments Tuesday morning were spot on. Everything he said about Trump was accurate and verifiable.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
          the pathological liar stuff really applies more to standard politicians than Trump though. The whole process of getting elected is really bad though. Any process that spends $1b to elect someone for a $400k job has GOT to be flawed somehow.
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          • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 7 months ago
            More to the point, it tells us that the job really pays at least $1B -- and the rest comes from sources other than salary. Investigate the financial affairs of any of our last dozen presidents and you can see where.
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  • -3
    Posted by tprikryl 8 years, 7 months ago
    If you do not vote, do not whine about the damage Hillary does. While Donald Trump does not reflect all (or even many) of my values, I am going to vote for him. 4 - 8 years of Hillary could take this country to the brink of destruction.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
      I agree, which is why I too am voting for Trump. He will improve foreign relations, stop wasting so much money on things we dont need, be at least more fiscally responsible, wont raise taxes, and will expose the nonsense going on in government today for us all to see (as he has done with the GOP primary process). And- he is totally against political correctness as a basis for controlling us.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 7 months ago
        Fiscal responsibility has been destroyed. when interest rates( normalize) move to the historical mean our interest on the national debt will swell to
        close to 1/3 of Fed govt revenue of $3.3 trillion.

        So Last year, 24 percent of the budget, or $888 billion, paid for Social Security, which provided monthly retirement benefits averaging $1,342 to 40 million retired workers in December 2015.

        Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace subsidies — together accounted for 25 percent of the budget in 2015, or $938 billion. Nearly two-thirds of this amount, or $546 billion, went to Medicare, which provides health coverage to around 55 million people who are over age 65 or have disabilities. The rest of this category funds Medicaid, CHIP, and ACA subsidy and exchange costs.
        Defense and international security assistance:
        Another 16 percent of the budget, or $602 billion, paid for defense and security-related international activities.

        Oops the money is spent, nothing left for:

        Veterans benefits

        Safety net programs:
        This category includes all programs in the income security function (600) except those that fall in the following two subfunctions: federal employees’ retirement and disability (602) and general retirement and disability insurance (601). The latter contains the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation and also covers programs that provide pension and disability benefits to certain small groups of private-sector workers.
        Remaining program areas:
        This category includes all federal expenditures not included in one of the five categories defined above. The subcomponents of this category that are displayed in the graph are defined as follows:
        •Benefits for federal retirees: Federal employee retirement and disability subfunction (602, which is part of the income security function).
        •Transportation: This subcategory consists of the entire transportation function (400).
        •Education: The education subcategory combines three subfunctions of the education, training, employment, and social services function: elementary, secondary, and vocational education; higher education; and research and general educational aids (subfunctions 501, 502, and 503 respectively).
        •Science and medical research: This subcategory consists of the general science, space, and technology function (250) and the health research and training subfunction (552).
        •Non-security international: This subcategory consists of the international affairs function (150) except for international security assistance, which is included with defense, above.
        •All other: This subcategory consists of all other federal expenditures
        We are in for tough times ahead period!
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      You are very late we are already over the brink. You can have your USSA.

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      • Posted by tprikryl 8 years, 7 months ago
        As disgusted as I am about where things are in this country, I frankly don't see any better options any other place in the world. So, my strategy for now is to do whatever I can to move the country in the right direction. I do understand that I am never going to get "there" in my lifetime, but maybe there is progress to be made.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
          You aren't looking very hard. I already live freer and safer south of the border. I can't imagine going many places with my carry permit and weapon., When IO come south they stay in a safety deposit box. Once you get fifty or so miles south of the border and away from the problem caused by the drug habit of the USA life is quite pleasant absent a few of the major tourist traps. Food, medicine and lodging are chepaer enough to make up for the thirty percent loss in buying power the USA handed me with their phony government caused bankruptcy disguised as a recession and you suckers are going to vote for the same thing.,

          You deserve what you ask for.

          If you haven't seen a better place you haven't looked.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
            Whoops ..cannot imagine going many places north of the border without my carry permit and weapon. When I come south they stay in a safety deposit box. Once I hit fifty miles south of the frontier there is not need. unless I go looking for toruble. one million US south of the border and the murder rate is 1.3 per hundred thousand. the average for the US is closer to four percent and Houston is up to twelve per hundred thousand


            i'm going fishing
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
          Fine there are two opportunities

          NOTA is one one them

          The other is for the Do Nothing Party to form a coalition of the disenfranchised and unrepresented the 46% who aren't registered and don't vote and the percentage of those registered who won''t vote knowing their vote will be given to someone they despise.

          Window of opportunity is urging by email or letter the Rules Committee of the GOP to reject those delegates representing the stolen winner takes all votes and the move by Sanders to contest at the Socialist convention. 10:1 he's looking for an alternate candidate resolution to pass and take that spot figuring Hillary is going to jail.

          Whatever the reason the window is open but not for long.

          Where are the Libertarians? One comment and one comment only. Send Money.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
            I should append that I'm assuming the money grubber approach is from a legitimate libertarian supporter and not just some shill of the left. I may be doing the Libertarians a disservice. however I had the same feeling about the US Military upholding it's oath of office and was fooled. and the same now with the GOP Rules Committee. hard to believe any ray of hope these days but the send money approach really convinced me not to do something that foolish.
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