Kh is right Shrug. We have way too many deer for the food supply. They eat almost anything now. I do find it amusing that some people want to bring in wolves and coyotes to reduce the deer population. As if once they eat the deer they won't be hungry anymore. Best to have issues with a vegetarian.
In the areas where I like to play we have too many seals and sea lions. Now, of course, we have so many white sharks in close that there are beaches were I no longer go swimming. Having a sea lion steal a yellowtail off your hook just adds insult to injury.
I'm thinking sea lion burgers might grill up nicely.
That's what hunting season is for. Idiots. The poor things are starving :( I guess that's why you don't here people in MI complaining about seeing them...they have hunting seasons.
Yes, they're beautiful to see. I won't plant any more tulips on my property, though.. Waste of money.
And some guy made an impassioned plea to NOT create a dog park near where we life 'because the dogs would scare the deer away.'
A year or two later, still with no dog park, the deer population grew so large they began to starve and the hunting season on them (the deer, dudes..) had to be extended in order to cull the herds.
They eat flowers and leaves. They are a pain. Imagine looking forward to all your tulips that you planted. If they don 't eat them they pull them out and throw them aside. Deer are too plentiful in many places. In Colorado there are more deer than bunnies
Now that thing could have fed a family of four for what? Couple years. Also retrofit bones on your vehicle. Probably wonder what happens when that engine goes? 8 ft/vehicle till the kids leave. Then again with their good till their 26.
And people believe the earth and its environment can remain stable, that we can control things and will always be at the top of the food chain... Have they no appreciation for history, or archaeological evidence? We are lucky they aren't roaming the earth today... Look both ways before crossing the Dino trail. Yikes!
I'm thinking sea lion burgers might grill up nicely.
And some guy made an impassioned plea to NOT create a dog park near where we life 'because the dogs would scare the deer away.'
A year or two later, still with no dog park, the deer population grew so large they began to starve and the hunting season on them (the deer, dudes..) had to be extended in order to cull the herds.
Unintended Consequences, anyone?
Gosh, I wish I could go to Patagonia right now to see the bones. They look like they are letting locals get a close look.
(the previous statement was offered in an effort to sort the real AS fans from the pretenders...)