My school
Posted by Theobjectivist-laciar 10 years, 9 months ago to Education
Im giving classes in my school, about objectivism, free market and liberty! I'm really proud of myself, so I just guessed this was the best place to share it with anyone, any advice or ideas are appreciated!
People who produce cirricula that schools buy get started somewhere.
1)Understanding Objectivism: A Guide to Learning Ayn Rand's Philosophy by Leonard Peikoff and Michael S. Berliner
2) Objectivism in One Lesson: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Ayn Rand by Andrew Bernstein
I think back about a couple Civics courses they made me take as a junior high and highschool student. I specifically remember learning of things probably not taught anymore - like probable cause, the 4th Amendment, the right to assemble...pesky little things like that.
I also love the evil tactic of asking them to debate AGAINST the position they are actually FOR.
I could go on and on [and have!] but the basic tenet is that I don't believe there is any such thing as teaching. I can't insert information into your brain - only you can. I can make it easier, more accessible, at your reading level, in line with your interests - but I can't do it to you.
oooooh, ooooooh, I will suggest one film - "The Wave", by James Clavell. A group of students questioned whether Nazism would be popular today, and decided it wouldn't. Their teacher [through a long process] essentially fostered a Nazi attitude/belief/culture in the class. They fell right into it, and were excited to go to a meeting in which they could meet the Leader. The curtains opened on a huge photo of Hitler, and there was this loooooooong silence. My students had great discussions after watching it.
good luck; it sounds like you are seeing a void and making sure it get filled with the right stuff!