INTOLERABLE: How the TEA Party was started and why
Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 9 months ago to Education
It took me a few weeks to get around to it, but I finally had the opportunity to watch the new documentary by my old friend Doc Thompson featuring the origins and validation of the TEA Party movement which began during the Bush administration and exploded under President Obama. Now 14 years of deficit spending that is a train wreck in American history the TEA Party has risen as a direct response to the irresponsible nature of government. The documentary is very good and even better, it is free. Doc and his producer Skip LeCombe put a lot of effort into the enterprise and are offering it for mass viewing. They are asking for donations, but the heartfelt documentary can be seen in its entirety at the following link:
But I'll pass this one on. Thanks
They claim to be the party of freedom and fiscal responsibility, but only the second part of that is true. In actuality, they are the party of fiscal responsibility, which is good, but they couple it with the evils of white nationalism and Christian theocracy. They are driving us toward the same sort of tyrannical and oppressive government that was established by the Nationalist Party in South Africa under the leadership of Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd. That is not what America needs. Not now. Not ever.
They may be indistinguishable by you (again, cite examples, or else you're just blowing hot anal gasses).
The bigotry involving the Tea Party is between your chair and monitor. You are projecting YOUR bigotry against the culture and values which A) built America and B) reject your appetite for deviancy.
Cite examples. Otherwise it's BS.
You want to see bigotry, attend a gay pride event.
What you call "white nationalism" I call the anglo-saxon-derived American culture, which can, and has, been embraced by all races, and *is* the historic basis of, and cause for the success of, the United States.
"White" is a color, not a nation.
what you call "homophobia" and "transphobia", I call, "sanity".
Again, cite examples of what you have seen.
There is no Tea PARTY, as it's a movement, not a party, so the second half of your statement is BS, as well. The Tea Party supports liberty, not license (which you mislabel "freedom").