Should parents be forced to vaccinate children before they can attend school?
Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 10 months ago to The Gulch: General
I saw an excellent presentation last night on the risks of vaccination and health problems including autism. Most States currently require vaccinations in order to attend public schools. The argument being if parents don't vaccinate their kids then other kids are at risk. The problem appears to be the number of vaccines being given at the same time and at a very young age. The speaker made it clear that she was not anti-vaccine but wanted all parents to be able to make informed decisions. I don't have kids so I was never faced with this decision. It would seem logical to allow parents to opt out of many of these vaccines if they wanted. It is possible to get exemptions but it seems the State is making it harder and harder to do that.
There is no evidence linking autism to vaccination other than from fraud or anti-everything conspiracy theorists.
Writing in the BMJ, research microbiologist David Lewis, of the National Whistleblowers Center, explains that he reviewed histopathological grading sheets by two of Dr. Wakefield's coauthors, pathologists Amar Dhillon and Andrew Anthony, and concluded there was no fraud committed by Dr. Wakefield:
"As a research microbiologist involved with the collection and examination of colonic biopsy samples, I do not believe that Dr. Wakefield intentionally misinterpreted the grading sheets as evidence of "non-specific colitis." Dhillon indicated "non-specific" in a box associated, in some cases, with other forms of colitis. In addition, if Anthony's grading sheets are similar to ones he completed for the Lancet article, they suggest that he diagnosed "colitis" in a number of the children."
In a press release, Lewis continued:
"The grading sheets and other evidence in Wakefield's files clearly show that it is unreasonable to conclude, based on a comparison of the histological records, that Andrew Wakefield 'faked' a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
Now that these records have seen the light of day, it is time for others to stop using them for this purpose as well. False allegations of research misconduct can destroy the careers of even the most accomplished and reputable scientists overnight. It may take years for them to prove their innocence; and even then the damages are often irreparable. In cases where mistakes are made, every effort should be taken to fully restore the reputations and careers of scientists who are falsely accused of research misconduct."
You oughtn't to be so quick, in any event, to defend a coercive practice against individual parents.
But the motive of Brian Deer, or perhaps of a pharmaceutical multinational who might have paid Brian Deer off, is evident and considerable. The drug companies have a problem. Vaccines have outlived their usefulness. Diphtheria has all but disappeared. Pertussis, you can live with. Tetanus you can treat or head off if someone gets a nasty wound. But we now see one disease after another, that a few powerful companies--the Orren Boyles of health care--have convinced the state that people "need" "protection" against.
Now along comes a doctor like Andrew Wakefield, who develops solid evidence that the MMR vaccine is a combination more dangerous than any have appreciated. Even if "correlation does not equate to causation," I would ask any doubters whether they can explain the correlation any other way. Well, evidently they can't. Because they take great pains to deny the correlation.
So to those people, I say: 'Fess up!
This is a mystery that's challenge is eclipsed only by emotion of those on both sides. I came to it looking only at data, taking hair and blood samples, etc. It was very enlightening, and resulted in information the mainstream media STILL refuses to report a decade later. Very, very interesting...
Nothing could have made me a stronger Objectivist. Soon after I presented data to the NIH at a hearing where there were hired goons to assault people (I'm not kidding - that's a hell of a story) I was laying on my living room floor reading Atlas Shrugged for the first time. I came across this, "In times like these, when their fat little comforts are threatened, you can be sure that science is the first thing men will sacrifice." I couldn't sleep that night.
Children is the second thing they will sacrifice...
In addition, only perfectly healthy children are allowed into vaccine trials, while the vaccines go on to be administered to children with all kinds of mild and serious, known and unknown, health problems. The vaccine trials represent the perfect case, rather than the reality of what the vaccines will do once given to the population at large.
It's almost as if those designing the trials do not want to know the truth about vaccine safety and side effects. Hmmmm....
If you look at the statistics for infant mortality rates regressed against the number of vaccine doses in various countries, there is a very clear pattern that requiring more vaccines leads to higher mortality rates. The Pourcyrous Study cited in this article provides strong evidence of the harm these vaccines are doing to infants: Here is some more persuasive evidence that vaccines certainly do cause harm, including autism:
Do vaccines cause "autism"? Maybe not in all cases, but I think it's very clear that some type of severe harm is being caused to some percentage of our children, and that we need more studies which are genuinely designed to clarify what types of harm are being caused, to which individuals, and why. Tens of thousands of parents publicly say that their normal child regressed into a state of autism following vaccination. We can ignore all of their statements as anecdotal evidence, but what is their motive to lie?
The suspect vaccine MMR did have one CDC study done about 14 years ago. The head researcher on that study, William Thompson, came out about 20 months ago and admitted that he and colleagues committed fraud and that the data actually indicated an increase in autism with the MMR when administered before a certain age. If memory serves me right it's before the age of 36 months. I've heard the recording of him confessing, met and spoke with the man he confessed to, and have looked at the tables of data. Thompson said, "I feel great shame" each time he sees a family with an autistic child. Thompson and his colleagues actually sat in a room and tossed data into a trash can. LOL!!!! Now, that's a story worth covering.
This isn't anything I discovered. It's pretty mainstream info now. It's not widely covered by news shows who rely on pharma ads (watch the evening news lately?).
The doctors never seem to acknowledge that drug interactions can be serious, basically creating a cocktail mix in your system. This so common amongst the elderly. With infants multiple, multiple vaccinations at once with all their bizarre ingredients could be really serious.
With vaccines they don't even ask if there have ever been any bad reactions. Yet, we now know that if a mother has the MTHFR genetic disorder (can only be found with a test) and that mother's child gets the MMR - KABLOOEY! Severe autism. Why? We don't know yet. We just know it happens.
But...these things I talk about...they're just science. And, America and Americans love religion. Just have faith. Believe what you're told. Watch tv. Don't read any books, or anything. You can trust the government... Even if you're the most hard-core right-winger. Trust the government on this one thing.
35 years ago, I had a back injury that laid me up big time. Couldn't walk. The nerve pain was horrendous. The primary physician said we'll get to the bottom of this. In the meantime I'll prescribe you tylenol with codeine and an anti-inflammatory medicine. I asked him specifically if they will mix OK. Of course they will, this is a common combination.
Wrong! Within a day, not only was the nerve pain untouched, but now the fluid retention was horrible. My head felt like a blimp and the nausea was awful. I quit taking them and all that went away.
Long story short, after seven specialists later, including a rheumatoid arthritic guy, an orthopedic guy, foot orthotics, you name it. None of it helped. I called the primary guy a final time and asked what's next? "uhh, I think you should try a different modality". I asked him what that meant. "See a psychiatrist". I hung up. See a shrink, right.
Months wasted. And then on a day I was stretching my arms way out in front, and then way back, and then out in front and there was this huge pop between my shoulder blades and I could walk. I went on a 4 mile walk that afternoon, just going "Holy shit, holy shit" A miracle.
That started a long history of total distrust in mainstream medicine and a preference for homeopathic alternative solutions.
Funny way of confirming effectiveness of inoculations .
This point is kind of like saying, "There were deaths due to bullets before war." Yes, but war sure as heck doesn't help. The body reacts. Autism, it appears, is an illness that requires a insult.
No one knows what causes autism and even a hint that vaccines could be damaging gives many parents pause and anxiety.
I am disappointed in your " anti- everything conspiracy theorists" comment.
Labeling is a very effective tool used by the collectivist to stifle discussions and form lemming type compliance. For example denier , bigot , racist , often used by the left to name call and degrade an opposing position instead of using reasoning and evaluating differing opinions.
Mice? Never heard of autistic mice, but maybe the Jackson Lab can breed some...
However, just using the wondrous internet, I was able to get the drugs contained at least here in FL. and I'm going to talk to a really good M.D. that I know for his opinion. If it's strongly cautionary, I'll post it.
Forced vaccination goes against Objectivism, FWIW.
Sound safe to you?
Follow the Embarrassment... :)
Not vaccinating is a foolish freedom. Very much like supporting ignorance. Sure you are allowed to be ignorant, but why do we need more of the earth is flat or dinasaura roamed with people? If you want this freedom, go abide separately.
child hasn't been vaccinated, you should not com-
plain; if you think that child may be carrying the
disease, you are the one who should have gotten
yours vaccinated. The counter-argument to that
seems to be that a child who has not been vac-
cinated, and yet is not obviously contagious
could be going around carrying the germs, but
not yet showing any symptoms.--But then,
still, if yours is vaccinated, he should not
get infected. I admit that I don't yet have the
whole think figured out.
of our lives exerted by state -- or State -- fascism in schools
is unwise and disgusting, IMHO. . of course, parents
should not be controlled by the state in this way. -- j
Though at the same time I would rather allow for the freedom to choose whether or not to be vaccinated.
I can see that as a whole it is better to vaccinate. Ex. Small Pox has been eradicated. Yes, governments still maintain samples for warfare reasons and that is something that I don't want to discuss. But Instances of Small Pox are no longer cropping up. This is due to the vaccination programs.
If a parent wanted to take the chance then the best protocol would be to space these poison vaccines out over a long period of time; (so the immune system is not compromised to badly). Make this known before you give birth, get something signed in blood and sworn to on video. There are more stupid sheeple in this world than you can imagine. I see in my daily work life; nurses and doctors are the dumbest among them...they have no clue and no inclination to check facts or ask questions.
YES as long as parents are not required nor forced to sent heir children to public schools nor support them with tax dollars.
Objectivism works. Science works. These two have never let me down. And, in this subject I have been to the belly of the beast. There are real problems here that you aren't being told. Want to see a documentary about the CDC fraud? Go see the new movie, Vaxxed. By the way, it's being censored in many cities so good luck finding it.
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