Venezuela Daily dose of crazy

Posted by sender47 10 years, 10 months ago to Government
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This in the day after USA suspend the visa of Diosdado Cabello president of the National Assembly, ones of the accounted as big mafia boss, with many businesses in USA, and ties with narcotraffic

Also Roberta Jacobson answered in the senate that some "representatives" of the opposition asked them not to sanction any government official. Here, the spoke persons of political opposition parties says that they have not asked for such a thing. But of course, since the start of the "peace table" (something that most of us sees as a way to clean the government its face, and appear to outside Venezuela as there are negotiations), we know that there are persons in the opposition, that sold themselves to the government.

Also, the government is issuing a new set of mandatory books for education (called Colección Bicentenaria), books of history, mathematics, physics everything from basic education until the end of secondary... Full of references to how bad capitalism is, how good and great is the revolution (yes, even in mathematics), how terrible is USA, how the revolution is in constant attack from the USA and "the international right wing".
And of course tons about Chavez.. as an example, all the history of Venezuela since columbus arrival until 1998 is in less number of pages, than the government of Chavez .-. .

In fact you can download all the books from the Ministry of Comunnication.

And as last thing, in a country with one of the highest violence rates... the scarcity just took the top spot in problems of Venezuelan. (the last one is: no more pasta being produced :/).

Thanks to all.

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  • Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years, 10 months ago

    I met a man last night at my local cigar hangout.
    He is a Venezuelan who moved himself and his family to Chile.
    They left Venezuela because of all the unrest brought by Chavez/Maduro/Cabello.

    It was an interesting discussion,

    He is convinced that the Maduro/Cabello situation ends only in civil war.
    Stay safe.
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