Russia to Ban 'Unreliable' US From Space Station in Sanctions Retaliation

Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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He suggested Russia could use the station without the United States, saying: "The Russian segment can exist independently from the American one. The U.S. one cannot."

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  • Posted by Maphesdus 10 years, 9 months ago
    I'm starting to seriously dislike the Russian government. How far are they going to go exactly? It's almost like we're starting to see a resurgence and reignition of the Cold War.

    If things keep heading in the direction they've been heading, those Christian conspiracy theories – or "prophecies," as the religiously minded like to call them – might actaully become reality...
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 9 months ago
      What do you mean 'It's almost like we're starting to see a resurgence and re-ignition of the cold war;? You really think it ever ended?

      I find less fault in this with the Russians that I do with the U.S. What sane country relies on a potential enemy for anything?
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      • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 9 months ago
        C'mon, the Soviet Union was the only thing that kept the US "Evil Empire" from expanding sooner.
        I don't trust any unopposed government holding the power that the US currently holds.
        If the USSR had continued there would never have been the need to invent a War on Terror; 9-11 would never have occurred and the Patriot Act and DHS would not exist.
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        • Posted by $ 10 years, 9 months ago
          Very true. When the USSR fell it allowed the U.S. to become the policeman of the world unopposed and look where the world is now. I hate it when the politicos say they are helping countries to be a democracy like us. !st we aren't a democracy, and when we 'help' these countries they devolve.
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 9 months ago
            You guys are screwed in the head.

            You think the evil of communism was a proper check on the bastion of individual liberty?

            When the Soviet Union collapsed, the world was better off. I warned everyone that communism hadn't been defeated and it would simply relocate. I imagined China, however, not Washington DC.

            We didn't "invent" a War on Terror, you morons; rag-headed Moslems flew hijacked commercial aircraft into our skycrapers and Pentagon. The flaw in the War on Terror wasn't that it was "invented", but that we weren't allowed to respond like... AMERICA, and turn the middle east into a parking lot.

            The Patriot Act and DHS were not a result of the Soviet Union's demise, but of idiot moderns putting more and more communists in power, and of idiot moderns bending knee at the altar of political correctness.

            At the end of WWII, America was meant to rule the world; we botched it. Who was in the WH at the time? A progressive, Truman. The first Presidential dipshit who stopped our military from fighting a war like a war, and set the president for Presidential dipshits ever since.

            The politicos have latched onto this "democracy" crap because hegemony and empire are forbidden us by the leftist media. Within seconds of 9/11, the left-wing media were worrying about the well-deserved persecution Moslems would receive at the hands of infidels, and left-wing politicians were screaming about a draft (and even screaming about how racist it would be, in spite of it not even being considered).

            So, no, go peddle your bike up a cocoanut tree, the U.S. empire was never evil, it was merely turned over to evil people because the "Greatest Generation" was too complacent and tolerant.

            And I don't care if you're six or sixty, if you believe as 99.99% of the mindless pieces of crap I see every day do... you're a "modern".
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 9 months ago
    How ironic.

    Anybody ELSE remember how this space station got its start?

    It was originally the AMERICAN space station "Freedom".

    Let's see, which progressive Presidents screwed us on that one?
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