No, I Don’t Care if Cliven Bundy Is a Racist

Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Kira Ayn Davis, if you are ever in CT, please allow me and my wife to take you out to dinner.
SOURCE URL: http://www.ijreview.com/2014/04/132334-dont-care-cliven-bundy-racist/

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  • Posted by stadler178 10 years, 10 months ago
    I've not been following news much lately, but just started learning about this fellow's statements. Well, it's a sensitive issue for me, since I'm a black man, and I certainly don't appreciate the quotes I've heard this guy saying. I am sure, absolutely sure, that *all* black people who live in his area are not merely sitting around with nothing to do. That's just plain ignorant and racist to say. The people who are working are probably the people he doesn't see sitting around on the porch or what have you. I can assure you, nobody was happier under slavery. At least government dependence can be scaled back and people can educate themselves and actively participate in the freedom their forefathers earned. But as slaves, slaves under abuse and slow death--much harder to accomplish things, though a few exceptional people did do so. These folks who may be dependent on handouts aren't slaves to the government so much as slaves to their own mentality. It is their choice to rely on a handout (with varying degrees of choice, such as those who didn't earn enough to save at all, much less for retirement or folks who are infirmed and the like). It's pride in one's own value that makes a person refuse to accept handouts and work with their own hands, to the extent possible for each one.

    Either way, so....SWAT teams? Over a tax bill? Is this what I'm hearing? What possible reason could there be for SWAT teams to pay a visit over a tax issue? Was this someone who was known for aggression/unprovoked violence against law enforcement? I can't see the logic there. Even if say he's known to own firearms and there's some legitimate cause for concern about that, just send a squad car or two, and if they start a gunfight, then the consequences are on them.

    I think if the guy is a racist--and yeah, he probably is, if my reading comprehension is still correct here--that's not really my business, so long as he doesn't create any problems for me. If this is just a media ad hominem attack to distract from the issue, well, obviously it's working on plenty of folks, right?

    I think if we'd started in a society where race wasn't an issue, that'd make all this easier, wouldn't it? But because it was an issue and the government made laws to separate people by race, some of the legislative efforts to undo that ended up creating reverse racism and then making it difficult for everyone to have an equal playing field. So now it's like, oh, you're a racist if you don't agree with certain laws. I guess I'm just thinking of the stuff I heard recently on TV about repealing Affirmative Action, for example. The thing is, in a truly equal and free society, no group, including blacks, should be given preferential treatment of any kind. There are plenty of poor whites who probably can't afford college, either, but if there was a program to help poor whites in the same way there have been programs for blacks, I'm sure people would be crying racism. A national association for the advancement of white people would be viewed in the same light as the KKK. Well, you can't have it both ways. It's racist to uphold one group above another, period. It's just that the horrors of history and some of the still stark realities of the present make the issue difficult for a lot of people to understand. I don't mean to digress from the point of this thread, though. I just felt a need to express that, and I've not been on here much lately.
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    • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 10 months ago
      stadler; I can appreciate your sensitivity to the issue in general, but based on reading your total post, I'm sure that if you had watched the entire video of his discussion - you wouldn't feel quite so much that he was speaking racially as much as he was speaking as a man that is deeply driven in his personal belief in a strong and close family. His comments weren't even about black people in general, but to those he saw while driving through a public housing project area in N. Las Vegas. He's just an uncomplicated man who's found himself in the limelight because of what seems to be an honestly principled disagreement with a government that's more and more out of touch with all of the citizens of this country.

      Personally, I thought your input was important to the thread. Txs for commenting.
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      • Posted by stadler178 10 years, 10 months ago
        Yeah, I've been meaning to actually sit down and listen to the whole thing. I've noticed that news media has trouble giving you full context when it comes to quoting people...
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        • Posted by stadler178 10 years, 10 months ago
          Okay, I'm back, I just listened to the full interview. I'm not convinced that Bundy is a racist at all. He was referring to a *specific* group of black people who he saw in *government housing*, not referring to ALL black people at all. Wow. But the way the lefty media apparently edited it, there's no context for what he was saying. When you watch the whole interview, it seems very clear that he's not trying to dehumanize blacks or Mexicans at all. If anything he's trying to point out the harm being done by people being dependent on government instead of learning to work with their own hands. Wow, so this guy's really being subjected to character assassination. And if people figure that because he uses the term 'colored' or 'Negro' that makes him a racist, well, he's not a young man and probably doesn't feel bound by the new terms of today like African-American. Negro and colored are not and never were evil, racist terms in themselves, though they may invoke images of evil, racist problems of America's past.

          Wow...I retract my previous statement about him probably being a racist. I was wrong. This guy is not a racist. He seems like a decent fellow, actually, probably someone I could have at my dinner table if I was a social person like that. I'm sure we could have an interesting conversation, too. Huh.

          I'm starting to get really concerned about the news media, even more than usual. First the Trayvon Martin stuff, I remember the way they tricked everybody on that, and now this. What the heck am I watching? How much of anything I hear in the news is true anymore?

          I suddenly feel a lot older than 31. Just unreal.
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          • Posted by SRS66East 10 years, 10 months ago
            Its amazing how they can take something out of context and run with it isn't it? Shameful, that they can twist words and then present them as facts. The public needs to start doing their own scoring and then watch the news that seems the least biased to them. Eventually the networks would be forced to either share the true news, or face declining viewership and eventual insolvency.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 10 months ago
    I don't think Bundy claims to be the most articulate orator, he's a Mormon cattle rancher that had 14 kids, worked his entire life to support and raise his kids, teaching them the value of work and pride in individual accomplishment.

    I've watched the entire discussion, and I have no idea why he went off on that tangent, but he did and much of what he had to say and his intent was not racist and was correct. Government bureaucracy has ensnared and trapped a part of our population into a slavery of the mind and spirit through the programs and systems they've used as bait. So many of that group have become victims and slaves of a life style that robs them of dignity, self worth, and motivation. There is no 'help' given to people in that life and circumstance, only nothing of value and many, many problems for themselves and society.

    And I don't care if he is a racist - his story and the events in Nevada have absolutely nothing to do with racism. It has to do with an out of control government showing up on and around his property and family with 200 some federal agents with assault rifles and sniper teams over a civil issue that damn near lead to a lot of bloodshed.
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    • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 10 months ago
      I got the sense that he was expressing sadness for both conditions -- the old slavery and the current "slavery" -- and implying that there are more of us in the current "slavery" than there were 'way back in the old slavery days. still, states' right have been perverted by the feds!!! and, yes, he said some very "unfortunate things"!!!
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    • Posted by $ sjatkins 10 years, 10 months ago
      He said some unfortunate things that I expect he was coaxed into talking about on purpose to discredit him.

      Just because you have some stupid and even odious opinions doesn't mean you have less rights than anyone else.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 10 months ago
    Cliven, Cliven, Cliven, why did you have to open your mouth and step in it? What on earth did these comments have to do with the government over-reaction? If he meant to question whether some blacks have been sold a bill of goods by the government and exchanged slavery for servitude of a different kind on the public dole, then he may have a small point. Today those on the dole do not have to pick cotton for the master, but the price for their subsistence is support and votes for the nanny state. All of this is irrelevant though and does not exonerate the federal government for its actions. It will, of course, be used to discredit and distract from the main issue. Ignorant, in-artful comments from Cliven will be used to make much hay.
    Three cheers for Kira!
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  • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 10 months ago
    Someone should have warned Bundy against taking an interview with the NY Times without a lawyer present.
    He made a tactical error that could be critical.
    It shouldn't be so, but the USA is full of bad laws and perverted media that would twist the truth instead of using sense that was common prior to 1970.
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    • Posted by $ Tap2Golf 10 years, 10 months ago
      If Cliven was givena do<over, I don't think he would lawyer~up..I think that by sensitive liberal standards, he missed the PC bar.. I don't think he is a racist, but as others have said, that's not the issue. So, they finally get to distract with the race card. I'm not buying it.

      Would suggest THE BLM, IRS, and the rest of the gang surround the White House, Congress and the IRS and harass, and publicly embarrass, and threaten to arrest all the delinquent tax payers in those venues. My 2 cents.
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    • Posted by ewv 10 years, 10 months ago
      The New York Times didn't interview him. Apparently someone sent them the video and they exploited it to play the usual progressive "race card", downplaying that Bundy was talking about how in his own observation blacks he has seen in Las Vegas are probably worse off under government dependence, but emphatically said we should never go back to the earlier conditions (of slavery or segregation).

      In the language of the progressives, in which they corrupt the meaning of concepts as they try to emotionally manipulate people while not daring to explicitly state, in words that people understand, what they are after, the rejection of the progressive welfare state is called "racism". The mantra of the left in this country has gratuitously called the political enemies "racist" at least since the late 1960s. The violent SDS on college campuses used to do that routinely and repetitively, and the slogans never stopped.

      When Bundy used the the once common word "negro" as a synonym for "black", but no longer "politically correct", it was low-hanging fruit to the knee jerk progressives, and a convenient ad hominem and diversion from the problem of the public recognizing that Federal agents are forcing ranchers off the range on behalf of the viros. That they don't want publicly discussed.
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      • Posted by ewv 10 years, 10 months ago
        Clive Bundy has subsequently emphatically confirmed that he is no racist and was in fact comparing the condition of people dependent on the government welfare state with slavery. Bundy is being smeared by the spin in the New York Times, which has been self righteously picked up by people who should know better. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014...

        The pathetic little lout Harry Reid has now proclaimed, “Today, Bundy revealed himself to be a hateful racist. But by denigrating people who work hard and play by the rules while he mooches off public land, he also revealed himself to be a hypocrite.”

        Welfare recipients "work hard and play by the rules"? Really? Has life long politician and former amateur pugilist Harry Reid himself ever worked a productive day in his whole life? And how is Bundy, a productive man who runs, maintains, and defends a private ranch, "mooching off public land" because the government refuses to recognize property rights to the land, leaving ranchers to depend on grazing and water rights that are all that are recognized, when they are at all, by the government?

        How is it Bundy's fault that the government has outlawed private property rights in over 85% of Nevada, forcing people to rely on a government controlled kingdom with a system of "special use permits" and "fees" reminiscent of feudalism? Were all the tenants of the feudalists throughout history "moochers" for having to rely on their lords' land in a caste society? Harry Reid is an ignorant smear artist who has been listening to too many of his imaginary friends.

        For more on the history of the fate of property rights on western lands and how the viros are exploiting it to get rid of people, see my post elsewhere on this page: Search for "The reason for this is that the original Homestead Act limited the amount of previously unowned land that the settlers could claim ..."

        There is a good deal of history and politics behind this that Harry Reid and his imaginary friends don't want you to know about and which explain the obvious absurdity that a ranching family for over a hundred years is suddenly being forcibly displaced by armed BLM agents -- surrounding a private home with snipers and killing their cattle in the name of "fees" imposed for eating grass and "trespassing cows", while relying on arcane bureaucratic "court orders" piling absurdity on top of absurdity that you aren't supposed to question.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
      Exactly right.
      As I said in a previous post, the take away from this is - *never again* should anyone in the Liberty movement *ever* speak to the press.
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      • Posted by $ CBJ 10 years, 10 months ago
        . . . unless they have a basic understanding of how to explain the value and importance of freedom to the average citizen.

        If everyone in the Liberty movement stops speaking to the press, those in the anti-Liberty movement will be delighted to have the discussion all to themselves.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 10 months ago
          You can't talk to someone like the current media.

          I liked the sci-fi series "Bablylon 5". In one of the episodes, the main character and his wife get interviewed by the press. Of course you get to see the whole interview and the comments made. Then they play it back, but this time the questions are mysteriously different and the answers are pieced together to make the whole thing look 180 degrees out of reality.

          That's what happens with today's media.

          Want to get your point out there? Blog or post it on YouTube. I love Claven on the Culture.
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          • Posted by $ CBJ 10 years, 10 months ago
            The media is not a monolith, it includes Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Not that I agree with a lot of what they say either, but refusing to deal with any of the media will not advance the cause of freedom one inch. And since the media has as much access to YouTube as the rest of us, insensitive remarks such as the ones Bundy made will eventually be pounced on by the liberal portion of the media anyway.

            What we need is to better understand the philosophies and communication skills of our potential allies in the fight for freedom, before giving them our full public support.
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            • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
              By media, I mean State Contolled Media.

              Fox has decided to tone it down so as not to piss off the State, but they are not yet its mouthpiece.

              Limbaugh is definitely no mouthpiece for the State Controlled Media.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 10 months ago
    It remarkable how quickly people seem to distance themselves from this man. Sure, he said something stupid and may have proven himself to be a bigot. But does that really change what the government tried to do? Does him being labeled a bigot make what they government has done and plans to do in the future okay? I think we are so desperate for heroes that we forget that no one is perfect. When we are shown the imperfection we run for the hills, abandoning the cause we rallied behind.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 10 months ago
      yes. Because those on the statist side will vilify him and anyone associating themselves to him. It has already happened - Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have already been criticized for supporting his efforts because of CB's stupid remarks, with the insinuation that they must also be racist.
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      • Posted by KYFHO 10 years, 10 months ago
        I appreciate the use of the word ignorant. Too many people aren't aware of it's true meaning. And free speech seemingly no longer extends to ignorance or bias. But I take some exception to Bundy's actions being illegal. Studying the history of the land and it's use, he was well within his rights to complain when the blm broke their contract with him regarding how his fees would be used. He did not have the sense to take a lawyer to court with him back in the '90's and lost his case. But besides all our opinions regarding this case, the blm could have gone about this differently and much earlier. By letting this go for so many years, they gave him prescriptive rights to graze. The blm was not going to pursue this matter until a green group got in their face and demanded action to save a no longer endangered tortoise. The blm could have put a lien on his private property. The rest of the world does it all the time. A deal could have been struck between the state and the feds regarding collection and depositing of the payments. I am not advocating any of these measures, simply wondering why they decided to get so heavy handed. I wonder about the conspiracy theorists who think this was a dry run to find out how much fight we the people have in us. But finally, he is the last rancher in the area, the rest have been driven our or bought out. Only a few miles away, good old reid was smiling away at an opening ceremony for a solar panel project with the local Indians. It all simply stinks of corruption and agenda 21.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 10 months ago
        His family claim to the land use extends before the BLM even exited. He contends that if he has to pay anyone it would be his State. Also, who the hell is the Fed Gov to confiscate a State's land in the first place?
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 10 months ago
    She is my new hero!! And she's right - only a liberal would try to use the race card to shoot the property rights issue in the foot... Well, they, and of course, the media for which they stand...
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 10 years, 10 months ago
    The media is a willing and in fact enthusiastic propaganda arm of liberal-progressive ideology. It should be assumed from the beginning that they will distort anything to further their pro collectivist agenda.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 10 months ago
    Update: For what it is worth Infowars is reporting that the Bundy comments have been creatively edited... surprise!
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    • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
      I read the New York Times print story and they didn’t edit out his words, however, the online video that went viral was edited, or more to the point, only showed his enflaming comments.

      It shows to me that the minions are out in full force to distract from the bigger picture of government over-reach and are hoping to make use of this isloated old man’s dated opinions to their advantage in a political war of words. I kind of blame FOX for putting this man in the limelight, interviewing daily, even though it was plaintively obvious Bundy didn’t have an awareness or depth of understanding of the questions that were being ask of him. Hannity asked Bundy how he felt about being referred to as a domestic terrorist and Bundy responded with a soft laugh and replied he guess he was a terrorist then wanted to talk about how pretty the moon had been the night before. (It was the morning after the night of the lunar-eclipse) I might be mixing up a couple clips, but you get the gist: Bundy doesn’t. Any sharp PR person could see how to use this naivety of ‘how things work' to their advantage. Who did the one camera man and reporter work for that set-up this private interview? Did they sell the story to the New York Times or did they work for them? If they didn’t work for the NY times, did they work for a political action group? What were the prompt questions that led to Bundy's ramblings now being referred to as rantings? Nobody will be able to get a straight answer out of Bundy because he lacks guile and he doesn’t think that way. I think he was setup and FOX should unravel how this interview went down, instead jumping ship like the rest of the rats. There should have been at the very least a witness to the interview. Maybe it wouldn’t have happened. Maybe someone more savvy could have been looking out for Bundy. They fed this guy to the sharks.

      He’s not a racist, he’s just a harmless dinosaur.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
        I agree with most of what you said...but he's only 69-hardly a dinosaur. there are plenty of gulchers that age or older who are savvy, well-spoken and highly intelligent. This guy lives a remote, ranching life. It's duck dynasty redux
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        • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
          I didn’t mean he was a dinosaur because of his age but because his opinions are dated. He was quite comfortable with the word Negro, but that word hasn’t been in usage since the sixties. For most people under thirty, he would be seen as a racist because they have been taught that kind of language is unacceptable. We say ‘black’ or ‘African-American’. Younger viewers would have to be reminded that that speech was not at all offensive in it’s day. It was the polite word for most of the 20th century. But who is going to point out to the mob the mistake they are making? That’s what any liberal political PR machine would want to exploit. It was very, very easy to paint Bundy as a racist and also, very, very, wrong.
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          • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
            sigh. I've made my point on this. It's not about the word "negro" although I understand the collective lamestream gasp.
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            • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
              No. I never said it was ‘about’ the word negro. I used that specific example to show that Bundy is archaic -hence my usage of the word dinosaur to describe Bundy. You seem to align my choice of word with age. I never saw it that way.
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago
            If older people are dinosaurs, then modern people are perpetual adolescents. It's teenage kids who always think that new and shiny is better than old and worn. It's teenage kids who mock time-tested traditions and methods without applying reason.
            The Founding Fathers were far better educated, and far more intelligent than most of the people in the country, including those in this conversation. But, they wore powdered wigs (snigger) and spoke funny (giggle). OBVIOUSLY they were stooopid. (I bet they didn't even know who Justin Bieber is).

            (btw, can anyone here tell me the Spanish word for "black"? Google Translate tells me it's "negro"... Where does Cliven Bundy live, again?)

            When you say "archaic" to me, it translates to, "not a modern idiot". The latter of which is becoming more and more of a redundancy to me.

            I know this is going to fall on deaf ears, but for those who might have a brain cell left not ravaged by modern culture...

            Your forebears were smarter than you are. Then again, most garden vegetables are smarter than modern know-it-alls.
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    • Posted by MattFranke 10 years, 10 months ago
      Who would have expected any less? The media would be amiss to let an ole-fashioned, shit-kicker like Bundy, out-do them, and actually get a couple words of truth and common sense injected into the conversation. Thus, they must return to the sorry old stand-by of divide-and-conquer-through-racism. I don't think Kira Ayn is the only one able to see through that ragged old veil.
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  • Posted by jimslag 10 years, 10 months ago
    If you watch the unedited video, you get more of a sense that he is not bigoted. He is trying to say that the government is keeping them in slavery by the handouts that the government does and they are no better off than they were before. It is interesting on how the liberal media, yes, you, the New York Slimes, distorts things to get the results that they want. Yes the conservative media, what little there is, does it also but not to the same extent that you do. I agree with Ms. Davis and I believe it put it very intelligently for what it is and that is a distraction from what is being done to this great country by our politicians. Yes, both parties are complicit in the fact. I call them the Big government Party. It has 2 wings, left and right, but the all grow the leviathan that we call government but some call nanny or sugar daddy.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago
      There's a scene in the book "Fallen Angels" where the rescue party is trying to get the angels to safety and they come across a group of Innuit. The innuit offer the rescue party food in exchange for the "wonderful warmth" they've brought with them.
      One of the Innuit says, "We do not give gifts. I know that it is different among the upernatleet; but in this land, no one wishes to be dependent upon another. 'With gifts you make slaves; as with whips you make dogs.' "
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago
    Maybe Bundy read that last blog entry of mine:


    Wherein I point out that slaves in the antebellum south had job security (like the gov't is pushing for), food, shelter, and healthcare... all provided by another in exchange for authority over their lives... like the gov't is pushing for.

    And this is different from what this administration is pushing for all of us under their not-so-new collectivist society... how?

    Oh, yeah, no scenes of bullwhips snapping or obnoxious foremen shouting, "Your name be Toby now!"...
    But if you like, I'll be happy to show you scenes from Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Elian Gonzales kidnapping...
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 10 months ago
    I keep having problems viewing that site. What was the upshot of what she said?
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
      it was well done. But Bundy's statement was ignorant and stupid. and they are full-on hyenaing it.
      Love her name ;)
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      • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
        The more I think about it the more pissed I get.
        These leftist bastards screaming "racist" are in fact themselves *agists*.

        Cliven Bundy is an old man.
        He does not live in the world of the modern PC hipster.
        The "newspeak" shibboleths of our hipster ruling class elude him.

        I live with an elderly man.
        He still speaks of Jack Benny and Rita Hayworth as if they were household names.
        The world now is very different from the one in which his vocabulary was formed.

        The elderly *should not* be vilified for the words they choose: there was a time when "negro" was a polite, non-racist term.

        Instead, we should further question *this* society in which deviation from whatever the currently accepted "newspeak" is - is justification enough for the hipster class to say that unreasonable force is deserved and just.

        I'm disgusted.
        So now our elderly must shut the fuck up or be sacrificed on the insatiable altar of the left.

        Monsters, cowards, despicable people.
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        • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 10 months ago
          Brilliant point, Euda... Add to that, he's not a cosmopolitan NYC or LA big city politically-correct-or-die jets setter exec... he's a Racnher, for gods sake... and I suspect his entire circle of associates you could count on both hands and feet and have toes left over. Ever been to some of these Nevada Ranches? Ever met the people there? My guess is (from some friends who ARE Nevada Ranchers) Cliven could care less what people think about him, or if he's the most vilified person in Greater San Francisco... He's out there, raising cattle, doing his job, and likely trying to lead a quiet live and keep to himself. That is, until the Cosmopolitan Metropolitan Big-City types in DC (and those who claim to be from his home state, even they are no more Nevadan than Obama himself) decided to screw over the little guy ekeing out the living his grandparents and before did on their land.

          If you look at it from the viewpoint of most young kids and cosmo Cityfolk, then sure - he oughtta pay up the govt. If you look at it from his point - The gov stole his family's land, so why should he have to pay the thieves tribute to use his own land they stole from his family?

          It'd be like the gov looking at Ford, and saying "Oops, all auto industry is now Nationalized, so you no longer own your family company, all your stockholders are SOL, and if you want to keep building our cars (which will be based on Chinese-produced Ladas) you have to pay us for what used to be ours. IIRC that's customary practice in such garden spots as the People's Republics. Steal the means of production, and charge the workers to work it, and give them what the gov decides they need to survive. And you live with 4 other families in a 5 story walk up "Kruschev flat"? Well, that's all you need to survive, comrade...

          It is looterism, plain and simple. And this man, who uses archaic language and is man enough to have his opinions, rather than those society says he must have, has said "Enough. You cannot keep robbing money from me for land you stole from me." And his opinions, and private views, are none of anyone's damned business.
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        • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 10 months ago
          Well said! Actually Rita Hayworth is relevant, she starred in one of my favorite movies, "Pal Joey" with Sinatra, and was married to "Citizen Kane" star Orson Wells.
          Actually, I used to use the White House website, before they took it down, and daily reminded BO he was NOT Black and did not know what it was like, and spent less time as a child with Blacks than I did as a white. I knew from the pre-election where this government, and their nose up the butts media were headed. Hillary started this race division crap back during Bill's terms. It is nothing more than the Alinsky method of setting groups against each other for their gain. The politicians are the racists, using minority groups to make themselves even richer.
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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
          ok. you make great points. I don't think the word "negro" is the sticking point. My effrontery comes at the better off picking cotton (which is mostly a mechanical process today). better off as slaves. well, I think slavery has morphed, but no one is better off as a slave...unless you were an irish immigrant....
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          • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago
            Bad choice of words. Point is the people he saw were doing nothing and seemed to not have a trade or skill to aid in being productive. And on the dole instead. Chosen slavery.
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          • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
            I think, as Kira has said, his point is valid, just inarticulately put.

            Libertarians and Conservatives of African descent have long been making the comparison of the Democrat Dependence State to the Plantations of the Antebellum South.

            Cliven Bundy did no different.

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          • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago
            Lots of free Okies picked cotton back in the early 20th century. So you're suggesting the sticking point is the suggestion that black slaves weren't better off, because back then they had to work?

            I can't help it, that sounds a bit racist to me...
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      • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago
        He's not the most articulate man, I do believe he was trying to make a valid observation, but finding the "right" words for that observation is mighty tricky no matter how articulate one is BECAUSE of the "hyenas". (good word, kh)
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        • Posted by H2ungar123 10 years, 10 months ago
          You have nailed this spot on as you always
          do!! My thoughts exactly....
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          • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 10 months ago
            I agree too. This man is a rancher, not a political figure who has been trained to speak and avoid the mines. I'm not convinced he is a racist, although he certainly did put his foot in a cowpie with this statement. I suspect that changing a few words and the order they were offered and very few would find offense in his words.
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            • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago
              I wonder what led up to him even going there? I'm sure it was gov over reach interfering with making a living or the like, but why go THERE? Either way..it's not relevant to the issue at hand.
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              • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 10 months ago
                He was asked a question. Having lived in the south west, and worked with men like Bundy, I can tell you that they don't dodge answering a question, they give you short answers in as blunt a language as they can and if there's confusion, they'll deal with it in as short a path as possible. I know that a NY Times reporter would have a field day with such men. I haven't read the entire statement he made and I doubt that the NYT published it. The important thing to take from him is that he's not a very complex person and has a limited education and zero nuance with dealing with the press. He should have never agreed to talk to these people, but I can tell you this, he is used to dealing with people who have honesty as their most important character trait. Apart from government critters, they expect ALL men to deal with each other forthrightly. That's the way these cattlemen are, if one of them gives you his word on something, they would lose their home before breaking that promise. How do you suppose a reporter would measure up to that sort of standard?

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  • Posted by $ Sgtill 10 years, 10 months ago
    Cliven Bundy is not a racist! The Spanish word that he use for black, is used everyday in the more vulgar form by probably most black people. The respectful form "negro" that Bundy used was used by everyone in times when I was much younger. That word "negro", is used 15 times in Martin Luther King Jr's I Have a Dream speech, and is heard uncensored by everyone ever year on the day that we commemorates his birth. A very large percentage of the people in our nation have been assimilated by the progressive liberal's Publically Correctness Monster! Main Steam Media is out there waiting for any conservative to says one slightly wrong word so that they may turn the monster loose, shame on the conservatives for abandoning the Bundy and playing in to the hands of liberal media.
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    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 10 months ago
      A Facebook repose by Col. Allen West related to this:

      "Just boarded the plane heading home after speaking at the superb Values Aligned Leadership Seminar. I heard the comments made by Cliven Bundy. Sir, your words were offensive to me and the proud legacy of my family. There is no dignity in purposeful dependence on the government for sustenance, but there is also no Indignity comparable to slavery."
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago
        I call BS. "...purposeful dependence on the government for sustenance"... IS slavery!

        Worse, it is, and I quote... "...a design to reduce them under absolute despotism..." (excerpted from the Declaration of Independence).
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    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 10 months ago
      I don't think the uproar had anything to do with the word Negro. I think it had everything to do with the picking cotton reference and slavery. He could have made his point in a much more effective way.
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      • Posted by $ Sgtill 10 years, 10 months ago
        He saw what he saw in his life, and it came out in the words used throughout his life. The liberal's Politically Correctness Monster has so corrupted our society so badly, that we need to have a speech writer or a lawyer by our side at all times out of the fear that we might offend someone or some group. This is just wrong
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  • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 10 months ago
    To my recollection, the men on horseback making that line against the BLM looked to be of several races. It is not as if he had an Aryan enclave at his ranch.

    These people were willing to go up against Authority on his behalf. Perhaps they did not think of Bundy as a racist...

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  • Posted by jsw225 10 years, 10 months ago
    What Bundy said is 100% true. Unfortunately blacks have become modern day serfs to the Democratic party. They've been sold a bill of goods that promises comfort, but delivers servitude. Their lives aren't getting any better (and are actually getting worse than non-blacks) under Democratic Party control, yet they still vote for Democrats at over 90%.

    But you are not allowed to talk about it. In this modern world anyone speaking about unspeakable truths is shunned.

    They do this because if the problem was ever fixed, i.e. the lives of African Americans getting markedly better, the Democrats would be out of power in a heartbeat. So they yell. They scream. Any time anyone tries to address the problem they flail about like the girls at the Salem Trials. They point, they groan, they flop, they damn near froth at the mouth.

    Because they know that their entire power base rests on blacks remaining serfs.
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  • Posted by RevJay4 10 years, 10 months ago
    I love this woman. She is so straight forward and accurately separates the wheat from the chaff. The issue is not racial, it is freedom and liberty, irregardless of what Cliven said in the interview. The left, once again, is attempting to discredit the speaker due to choice of words, not content. She calls the left out on that point. Good for her.

    As for me, I find it difficult to say "African-American" and choose "Black" most of the time, if I must choose. Condemnation for using the term "Negro" should be no more offensive than using the term "Caucasian". I doubt very few of the citizens of this nation who refer to themselves as "African-American" have ever been to Africa, much less born there. How about using the term "American" to describe us all, irregardless of our ethnicity? Sounds more reasonable to me. Of course, that would deprive the race-baiters and their supporters of ammunition to some extent, so it won't happen. At least not until the current administration and its covey of race-baiters is replaced at the reins of this nation.
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  • Posted by IIGeo2 10 years, 10 months ago
    If anything he provided a community service because of the danger of range fires. Consider what the issues could have been if the grass was permitted to grow and there was a fire god forbid? How many homes could have been destroyed? How much would a fire response cost? and we are not talking about a farm subsidy for NOT growing food, but how s this different? Land otherwise unused and not maintained. The racist issue? Please does not even enter the equation.
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  • Posted by NQuestOfApollo 10 years, 10 months ago
    I found this in a CNN piece:
    Among those who support views of limited government, there is often a "higher than average endorsement of views that could be seen as racial resentment," said Andra Gillespie, an associate professor of political science at Emory University.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 10 years, 10 months ago
      I seriously doubt that Andra Gillespie knows of what she speaks. Its just that the initials behind her name lend credence, for those who would believe that such things really matter, for whenever she opens her mouth to spout the current PC lines. Of course, you'd find that piece on CNN, that's their kind of drivel. And that a professor said it makes it even better to publish.
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  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
    I have a question: who owns the land that Cliven Bundy was grazing his cows on? I'm not trying to bait anyone here. This is a serious question. I honestly don't know. Depending on the news source, the answer seems to change.

    Some people say that Cliven Bundy owns the land, and that the Federal government was violating his property rights by telling him to leave and seizing his cattle when he didn't. But other sources say that the Federal government owns the land, and that the government was therefore justified both in telling Bundy not to graze there, and in imposing fines and penalties when he did.

    Given the importance of ownership and property rights in Objectivist and Libertarian thought, shouldn't we make sure to verify who actually owns the land?
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    • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 10 months ago
      Officially the land is under the control of the BLM, but the fact that the land has been used for grazing Bundays family cattle since 1877 - I believe, long before Nevada was a state - there IS some claim to the land by Bundy. When the state was accepted into the union the federal gov demanded that the state surrender ownership to large tracts of land without reimbursement to the ranchers that owned the land. This has been a source of contention for well over a century and a half. There is no constitutional position that allows the fed gov to own land that only has a commercial value. The founding fathers never intended the gov to be a slum lord, yet that is exactly what it has become with the BLM and grazing leases.

      This land is not good for much at all. Cattle can survive by grazing large tracts in way that would not be possible in a eastern ranch. In the east a cow might graze on 5 acres of land and grow very fat and happy. A western cow might graze on 100 acres to achieve the same growth rates. This is due to the poor growth of plant life in this high desert. Ranchers need to have access to thousands of acres to raise a herd and there are few breeds of cattle that will survive in that climate.

      So you have a fed gov through the BLM that has acquired these huge tracts of land that the ranchers need, that are not any good for growing traditional farms or ranches, and then the BLM has set grazing rents so high that most ranchers have been driven out of business. The plan that the BLM has for the land can be best summed up as being a complete zero. There is no plan. Except for Harry Reids plan to cover some of it with solar cells and generate green energy. This is only "viable" with huge subsidies from tax dollars - or todays borrowed dollars from China.

      I don't know about you, but to me if the Senate leader has anything to do with a business that's competing for the use of some of this land and at the same time is labeling people who support the rancher as domestic terrorists, I think the real domestic terrorist may be Dirty Harry.

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      • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 10 months ago
        Point for Dirty Harry... and for understanding just how borked up what Bundy is going through. It's as if the government is saying "I don't care if it is your land, you've had it long enough so now it's mine"...

        Want my somewhat jaded opinion? Discounting the whole congressional landgrab issue, it's a BLM region pissing match. BLM Winnemucca has this huge cash cow called Burning Man they permit every year. What does the LV office have? Sagebrush desert. They want a big cash cow as well. To them, making massive solar farms is just the ticket they get energy subsidies, rent and kickback from the solar operators, and kudos for keeping the hard working industries of the People's Republic of China (our dotgovs newest ideologically-similar Bestest friend and master) fed with what little remaining of our national wealth they can loot from we the people...

        You would not believe the one-upsmanship the various departments in the dotgov play... it's flipping disgusting, and it's all done because they have a free hand in your pocketbook to play games with, and the support of the congresscritters that play the same power-monger games...
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
        Is it that the rents are so high-or is it the restrictions placed on how many head of cattle are allowed on the land? Maybe both. I read that most ranchers were driven out because they limited the herds. The ranchers couldn't make it then. The grazing rights are very important in this case. In the Hage case, although he never agreed to relinquish his grazing rights for BLM to manage the land. In Bundy's case, he did agree to relinquish his rights. Where I disagree with the judge in Bundy's case (the exact same reasons in Hage's case) the BLM took the fees but placed so many restrictions on the rancher he wasn't getting his end of the deal. Therefore the rights should have reverted back due to non-performance. The BLM took many intimidating actions over the last two decades-as their goal was to get Bundy to sell off his ranch and leave. In fact, the federal govt probably looked to buy his ranch if he would sell. As the judge in the Hage case said-"Unconsionable"action by the agency
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      • Posted by Boothby171 10 years, 10 months ago
        The land that was being considered for a solar cell farm is far away (oer 50 miles) from that land and from Bundy's farm. And the plan fell through over a year ago.

        Meanwhile, OTHER ranchers have been paying their grazing fees; Bundy owes roughly $1 Million in fees at this point, and has repeatedly lost in court over it.
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    • Posted by ewv 10 years, 10 months ago
      Maphesdus: "I have a question: who owns the land that Cliven Bundy was grazing his cows on? ... This is a serious question. I honestly don't know. Depending on the news source, the answer seems to change.":

      The Federal government controls over 85% of the land of Nevada, including most of the land used for grazing by the Bundy ranch. His buildings and a small part of the land are privately owned. There are also grazing and water rights owned on the range, but the ranchers are not allowed to own the land in fee title.

      The reason for this is that the original Homestead Act limited the amount of previously unowned land that the settlers could claim to 160 acres, and that acreage is far too small in the more arid parts of the west to support cattle ranching. This was never corrected because the late 1800s was the beginning of the Progressive era when Federal policy was reversed to prevent private ownership by settlers on the unowned land in the west wherever possible, aiming instead for a permanent Federal kingdom of land socialism. Ranchers were, however, able to retain rights to water and renewable grazing rights under a complex system of 'special use permits' and fees.

      Beginning around the late 1980s the viro pressure group lobby, such as the Sierra Club (no they are not a hiking club), began a campaign to drive the American cowboy off the range for viro preservationism, exploiting driving up the fees to unaffordable levels as well as the power of the Endangered Species Act. This is what happened to Bundy and other nearby ranchers 20 years ago when the viro activist Bruce Babbit, appointed Secretary of the Interior under the Clinton-Gore administration, led the attack on the ranchers from inside the government. The land around the Bundy ranch was designated for "conservation", exploiting a turtle under the Endangered Species Act as the surrogate.

      Bundy is the last rancher left in that region of Nevada, having refused to leave. The turtle is no longer "endangered", if it ever was, but the viros refuse to give up the power over the land they demand be preserved. The recent attack on Bundy was precipitated by the Center for Biological Diversity threatening to sue their viro activist friends entrenched inside BLM, giving them an excuse to go after Bundy.

      The next time you hear some viro complain that ranchers are being "subsidized" by the "public" by using Federal land remember that the ranchers built and maintain their ranches, including development of access and networks of water ditches, but have been prevented from claiming and owning the previously unowned land they use because of the Federal denial of property rights on principle.

      For a good history see Wayne Hage, Storm Over Rangelands, 3rd ed.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago
      The federal government can't "own" any land, exclusive from the citizenry. I mean, if those are public lands, anyone should be able to graze their cattle there.

      If Bundy were smart, he'd submit a bill to the feds for 20 years worth of fertilizer service: 400 head of cattle, $10 per head per day... they would still owe him about 28-29 million...
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      • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
        Why can't the Federal government own land exclusive from the citizens?
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        • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 10 months ago
          Ownership is control. The fed gov is supposed to be controlled by the people. If the fed gov is the land lord it can control who can access the land, how the land can be used, and who can use it. As you can see by this, Mr. Bundy IS being abused by the fed in every point. In fact, were a posterboy needed to portray just why the fed should NOT own land, Mr. Bundy would be that model.

          Remember that purpose of our government is at it's most fundamental level is to protect the people from outside forces as they pursue their individual goals. To insure that their basic civil rights are protected as outlined in the bill of rights. And to insure that interstate commerce can flow without interference.

          In essence, to allow the people to be free of governmental influence while keeping them safe from outside forces. To make the path for production open and to insure producers can produce.

          You might notice that the current federal government is failing in all these points. This is also the reason for my distaste of the current administration. Our current professor of constitutional law seems to have never read it.
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        • Posted by teri-amborn 10 years, 10 months ago
          Because "rights" (including property rights) belong to ( are owned) by individuals. Government doesn't have "rights"...therefore it cannot own property under the Constitution.
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          • Posted by ewv 10 years, 10 months ago
            Not only can the government not have a "right" in property ownership, the Constitution does not authorize the Federal government to control land at all beyond very narrow limits such as for post offices, military forts, etc.
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