America Needs to Throw-up, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years, 9 months ago to Government
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Long suppressed, America’s from-the-depths-of-its-stomach revulsion is coming. No one will, or should be spared. For too long too many have shrugged and said, “What are you going to do?” If everyone does nothing, nothing gets done. The party establishments, expecting the usual reflexive support this election, have been hit with a gag reflex instead. The wonder is not that it's happening, but that it has been so long in coming. How can any sane individual listen to Republicans promising more of the same in the Middle East, or anything Hillary Clinton says—her only qualification the pronoun before only qualification—without feeling the nauseous stab that prompts a mad dash to the bathroom?

This is an excerpt. For the full article, please clink the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2016/04/18/america-needs-to-throw-up-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by jimslag 8 years, 9 months ago
    Well said. My feelings are that the US is no longer the land of the free. I mean, if you look closely, the IRS can remove your passport, the State Department can not issue you a passport to travel, the TSA can make your life a living hell with their rules and regulations, the BLM and Forest Service can regulate where you travel on "public" lands. There are many more circumstances where the Federal government intrudes upon out lives. I used to be in the military, stupidly was there for 22 years or so, waving the US Flag all over the globe in the name of goodness and democracy. Democracy is a joke that is not real. We are seeing it in the current election cycle, if Trump wins, they will change the rules to get in who the Establishment wants, not who the people voted for. The elites run the country on how they see fit, people be damned. Hey, I am from New mexico and I saw a news article the other day that said Bill Richardson, the former Governor who went out chastised and indicted in a play for pay scandal, is now a board member at the Import/Export Bank, the failed, corrupt government lender for foreign nations to allow them to but US goods. Seems as if they keep recycling failed former leaders (look at Hilliary) unless they are foreign despots, then they kill them.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
      Do you still live in NM? I'm in Albuquerque.
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      • Posted by jimslag 8 years, 9 months ago
        Yes I do Robert. I still live in Clovis, I am just down here in Belize visiting my stepdad as my mother passed away in March. Sort of checking up on him. An alternative motive is to check on my house, which was delivered on March 22nd. Both my stepdad and house are doing well. I have plenty to do to the house to get it livable, electric, plumbing, insulation and interior walls but I think I will like it down here, been here for about 9 weeks total over 3 trips and have experienced most weather events (no hurricane yet). I still have plenty to do in Clovis yet, a couple of houses, 3 vehicles and lots of stuff to get rid of and get my life in order (finalize divorce). I know you are in ABQ, haven't got there as much as I thought since I retired from PNM, I don't have to go as much. I would like to get together with you sometime and maybe have a coffee or lunch or something. I plan on staying on The Gulch even though I am in effect escaping to "my Gulch". I plan to be around until around the election, not sure I want to stay around to see President Clinton or Trump.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 9 months ago
    Hello straightlinelogic,
    Great article. It really gave me a visceral reaction. It was as if I woke up next to a stranger and it was my country, but it's visage was so grotesque that I would rather chew off my own arm than pull it from beneath and risk waking the beast... I think your picture at he beginning of the article, apt as it is, will haunt me. %*@:-(
    Always entertaining and thought provoking.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 9 months ago
    "You stumble into the bathroom, drink copious amounts of water, take multiple Advils, and stare at yourself in the mirror."
    In his book Greenspan says the Fed's job is to shut off the drinks just as the party's getting started.

    Otherwise it's the monetary/fiscal policy described with your metaphor: You want a hair of the dog that bit you, but it's nauseating, so you turn to Xanax and Pedialyte to chase the shakes away, and maybe an opiate like hydrocodone too if it's a real bad case. One hour after each hangover remedy, you tell your body how much you took of each drug and which remedies your inclined to try in the next hour. Your body eagerly awaits this important news. By the time the other drugs start wears off, your stomach is settled and you start itching for a drink. The cycle repeats.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 9 months ago
    I think that the political parties are an anachronism in todays interconnected internet world. Everyone can think for themselves , and in a situation where a popular vote is required, let us just electronically (hopefully) just cast our votes, and thats that. REgister with the government if you want to run for a particular office, and then voters can pick. No parties, no labels, no marketing organizations trying to manipulate us into voting for their candidate.

    If the constitution included an amendment forbidding the government taking from one and giving to another, the office of president would lose a lot of its power and influence- and it would be the end of lobbyists and big campaign contributions.

    Hildebeast is the poster child for the crony establishment, with the contributions from parties who expect government favors funding the campaigns. People dont trust her for a reason- she is bought and paid for by special interests to the tune of more than $200 million for this election.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 9 months ago
    It would seem that we are at that point but many in the establishment are still in denial. This is a great line:
    "a long line of politicians assuring us that the protection of privacy and freedom requires the destruction of privacy and freedom."
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    • Posted by IamTheBeav 8 years, 9 months ago
      Why would you think they were in denial? Their continued power and influence are based entirely on denying us the same privacies and freedoms you're talking about. That long line of politicians can assure us of whatever they like, but to call it "denial" instead of a blatant lie is to mischaracterize the nature of that particular beast. Just my $0.02.
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  • Posted by chad 8 years, 9 months ago
    A government that has the power to control and loot everyone does exactly that and once it has this ability it will not willingly give it up. Any who challenge it will die by the millions if necessary to maintain the status quo. Once elected and in power there is no difference between who gets elected and what is done to the populace. Obama did not end the war in the Middle East anymore than Nixon who promised to end the war in Viet Nam followed through with his promise. Elections merely keep the populace busy believing they actually have a determining influence in the outcome.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 9 months ago
    Geez, Robert you did it again. This time you almost made me throw-up. Not quite, the picture almost did. You're correct in the out-come of the morass we call the Federal Gov't. I'm looking down at the bottom there is one horseman clothed in dollar bills called Financial Collapse; the Second Horseman is looks like emaciated Corpse called Starvation; the third horseman is in tattered clothes called Unemployed and the last Horseman with a bullet holed helmet, blood streaming from it's eyes with strips of flesh hanging from it frame and an AK in one hand and an AR in it's other, that one is called Civil War.
    So, the bottm of the the barrel is not a pretty site if the citizens of this country don't take their blinders off; the cotton out of their ears, and the gags out of their mouths they will be confronting the Horseman.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 9 months ago
    the civil war is on in the republican party...it is a purge that can result in the cleansing of conservative fascist/socialists and a renewed party of pro-freedom/liberty capitalists...otherwise we slide into the fascist state...
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  • Posted by $ sjatkins 8 years, 9 months ago
    The problem is there is so very little understanding of freedom or what America is that is important and largely lost that the no one being spared will mean the sacking of our best and brightest and most astute.

    We either need a full on revolution or for all of us relatively sane ones to get the hell out of Dodge and establish a new nation.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 9 months ago
    The analogy is on the money. Right out of Jekyll and Hyde. That novel remains popular because it reflects what you have updated, and brought into the current understanding of a once noble endeavor. The big difference is that fewer and fewer of us are recognizing how even upchucking isn't enough to cure the problem, as the trips to the sleazy bar continue, blind to even the demonstrable consequences. In the days of yore, when I was a 'teen, the girls being too refined to say "vomit" when hearing something disgusting would giggle and say, "Hasten, Jason, fetch the basin."
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
    Normally objectivism is a three step process

    Then you add it some procedures and a few other odds and ends.

    Putting it together in 12 steps is not a bad move but keep in mind it has much more too offer.

    It will not replace a political version of Tums where Vomitas Projectilas concerned I'm satisfied remembering how she and her husband destroyed the womens's movement and exposed them for the shameful scam they werel. If that's her claim to fame regurgitate and use a lot of Lysol spray to kill the germs.
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