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still I do like the idea - like many others from Sowell
A) A politician robs you legally!
A) He opens his/ her mouth!
One other question to ponder since the government caused the whole thing how come it wasn't included in the COLA? Well that's rhetorical they don' t want to undo the harm they caused to cover up the amount they wasted buying your vote.
Inflation Tax is the price you pay for voting Democrat or Republican.....
Another name for it The Cycle or Circle of Economic Repression.
In any case taxes are the fine you pay for being successful and fines are the taxes you pay for getting caught.
So I did the next best thing. I typed in Branco Tax Day Cartoons and let the search engine do the rest~
For some reason tax day for this year is on Monday the 18th. Hope this helps you to enjoy this weekend.
Then I recalled how the IRS illegally denied certain groups tax exempt status (to wit, to suck the life out of such groups) because they are conservative instead of lib.
Yes, it is only the illegal denial of a lib group for having tax exempt status that is worthy of prosecution during the rule of a regime such as King Barry's.
Just ask Louis Lerner who is still walking around free as bird.
So next year, Tax Day may be the 14th on a Friday or the 17th on a Tuesday with federal workers getting another 3-day weekend.
Or so I'm supposing.