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- 4Posted by MattFranke 11 years agoPoliticians and diapers need to be changed often, and for the same reason. <br />What's that smell? <br /> Oh, it's the list. Stanky!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by cp256 11 years agoPelosi wasn't even a dishonorable mention? <br /><br />It would be simple to come up with a Top One Hundred list of those corrupt criminals. <br />Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by SpiritMatter 11 years agoJustice is relative. Justice in a world where some are endowed with superior rights would result in just judgments different from a world where all are recognized as being created equal and endowed with equal rights. Equal rights is the foundation of justice in a world based on the Creator's/the Christ's "law of Liberty" (All behaviors are lawful that cause no significant harm. Any punishment must be no more nor no less than the harm proved to have been done.). We live in a world that from Adam/Eve has been based on the traditions of men. From Cain to today those with superior might have determined what is right and just and who should live and who should die. These 10 corrupt individuals are members of a corrupt fascist big government big business system that secured a position for itself in America when the fascist Federal Reserve and deep pockets income tax were established 100 years ago. We need to restore the principle of equal rights in our society and justice system and annul all unconstitutional laws and regulations that support superior rights for special interest groups and individuals. We need to wipe the legislative slate clean, like a hard drive, and reinstall the Declaration of Independence which checks and balances the powers granted the government by the people in the Constitution.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by strugatsky 11 years agoAt the risk of deviating into another venue, I do not follow your statement about "Equal rights is the foundation of justice in a world based on the Creator's/the Christ's "law of Liberty" (All behaviors are lawful that cause no significant harm. Any punishment must be no more nor no less than the harm proved to have been done.)." <br />Perhaps I missed it, but I don't recall that theory in the Bible, nor does the Bible portrays punishments that are "no more nor no less than the harm proved to have been done." I would argue that the Bible teaches quite the opposite - from the "chosen" people with special privileges to killing entire tribes and nations for either minor offenses or those committed by other people. <br />Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by SpiritMatter 11 years agoOk. Lets see...where should I start. At the conclusion? The Hebrew/Christian scriptures contain both the judgments and actions of the Creator scattered among the more voluminous written history of the actions of the called and chosen servants of God. In Exodus, Israel rejected God for the Man Moses. Moses stood between the Israelite and God as the proxy for God. At that point God predicted that their mission to be light to the world would fail and they would be kicked out of Israel. The law/torah of Moses and the law/torah of the Creator are two different laws. Within the Moses mediated covenant, Israelites were required to keep the law of Moses which had God's commandments like, love your neighbor as yourself, buried in one of the books of Moses yet the Creator/the Christ called it one of the two most important commandments. The Christ said that the Pharisees were in the official office of judgment that Moses occupied. The Christ pointed out Mose's imperfect judgment and the Pharisees cammandments/traditions of men that nullified the commandments of God. The Christ pointed out how God endowed every human with equal rights by describing how the sun and rain bless everyone not just the arrogant self-righteous Jews. The Christ pointed out the equality and equal rights of all humans by saying we should love/respect our neighbor equal to ourselves. The Creator's judgment shows up in the 10 commandments such as property rights prohibition of stealing applied to all humans. Israel did not have the right to take the land of Israel only God could give it to them if they agreed to be an example of God's way of life. they failed and were kicked out just like their predecessors. The return of the Jews to Israel fulfills prophecy but is not sanctioned by God but man thru the UN. The Creator reveals in the scripture that the eye of a king is worth no more nor less than the eye of a sevant. It is the law of Moses that nullifies that with other judgments and the example of the carnal kings of Israel and Judah. Even their hero king David did much evil and set an arrogant biased example. The Creator's very first example demonstrating the right to choose even if the choice is wrong occurred in the Garden of Eden where God allowed Adam/Eve to make the wrong choice but be held accountable for the results. The way of the Creator is equal love and rights for all. The Creator claims to not be a respecter of persons. Israel was given a special job as God's chosen but it was them who thought it gave them superior rights not God. Christians have been given a special job but it is them and not the Creator who thinks they have superior rights to force their traditions of men masquerading as the commandments of God onto their neighbor. The Creator's way is the same yesterday, today and forever. Man's way changes from generation to generation. Paul was not perfect but grew as all Christians are supposed to in knowledge and understanding of God's way. In one judgment that accurately summarized God's criteria for what was sin and what was lawful according to God's "Law of Liberty"...he said that because love does not harm one's neighbor it is lawful. Very simple and like the Christ said it is not a burden like the commandments of men. Much of the sexual and other guilt that the human religious and secular organizations use to guilt trip and control the zombie sheep did not come from God but the self-righteous mind of men.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by strugatsky 11 years agoSpiritMatter, your reply is voluminous, convoluted and not convincing, at least to a person who did not press the "I Believe" button. I am not a Pharisee and I do not wish to devote my life to splitting the finer hairs of a 3000 year old oral history of Stone Age people. However, the important parts of their history are the ones that are having a direct effect on our lives today. So, let's look at the important points: God expunged his children, Adam and Eve, from their home for disobeying his order, even if it was his most critical order. With a view of making a punishment that fits the crime, would you also throw out unto the street your children who, in the process of learning (and often misbehaving) have broken your house rules? <br />Now, let's skip a lot of bloody details, such as exterminating entire populations for crimes that were often committed by other people (talk about communal punishment!), let's jump to the apex of Christian "love" - Christ. In his unparalleled expression of it, Christ consigns everyone who does not accept him and repents for the supposed sins of his forefathers into purgatory, destruction and pain. If that is an example of total love, please give me a little less of it...Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by SpiritMatter 11 years agoGood choice for not wanting to be a Pharisee. They represented a type of mind set, that some humans from Adam/Eve to today, have chosen in order to achieve righteousness by their own efforts. Adam and Eve rejected the Creator's judgment and chose to use their own judgments about good and evil. They attained knowledge of good and evil but that, as the Creator said, would be deadly. What they did not get from the fruit was understanding which the scriptures says comes from the tree of life. They had access to this tree until they rejected God. The first judgment they made was false. God had said earlier that their human sexual anatomy was very good but Adam/Eve chose to judge that it was evil and the religious establishment has been guilt tripping the zombie sheep ever since. The Creator could have intervened any where along their thought process before they ate the fruit but God respected their, and our, right to choose. The Creator has taken him/her self out of the picture except for certain times and situations. That way humans are more likely to demonstrate their true choices. The scriptures say that if the rulers of the Christ's day had known that Yeshua/Jesus was the real Christ, they would not have crucified him. As soon as most humans know who has the power, their noses turn smelly brown. They love the wealth and power not the person who has it. The Creator endowed all humans from Adam/Eve to today with the right to make their own choices without being unduly influenced by His/Her presence. Experience is often the best teacher and no matter what choice we make the Creator knows it will only prove the way of love and the law of liberty are superior to all other ways and laws. <br /><br />As for Israel's slaughter of the nations within the boundries of the land of Israel, God was going to move them out humanely and slowly by environmental methods like increasing the hornet population. It was Israel who , as with the later demand for a king, wanted to be like other nations. Might makes right. They wanted to be involved in the slaughter. King David's heart was right but his understanding was wrong and God refused to let him build the temple in Jerusalem because he was a bloody man. God allowed Israel/Moses/Joshua to choose how they would take the promised land that God took from the local inhabitants because of their evil behavior. Israel, like Adam/Eve, chose the wrong way of hate/death instead of the right way of love/life. This led to their later eviction. <br /><br />As for the love of the Christ. The Christ 's judgment was, and is, to forgive anyone who does not fully know the good or evil aspects of what they choose to do. No human will be judged concerning their future salvation and chance for eternal life until they know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Every human who has ever lived will have that oportrunuty in the future. When the fruits of man's way and choices are seen from human history and then the fruits of the Creator's way are seen after the Christ's millennial rule, the overwhelming majority of humans will freely, without coercion, choose the Creator's way of love and law of liberty. <br />Bottom line, to understand the scriptures one must understand that the servants of God were fully carnal and sinful. Their judgments seldom correlated with the judgments and way of the Creator even though, if you could ask them, they would say they were in full agreement with God. The Christ pointed out the self-righteous religious establishment of His day because their judgments and self-righteous behavior represented the way of man that began with Adam/Eve and continues to this day. With the way of man you always get some humans, just like Cain, who want to control their brother/neighbor. These tyrants often like to think of themselves as benevolent shepherds trying to be their brother's keeper. Then you have a larger group who are always looking for a shepherd that they like and who will tell them.what to do, (the zombie sheep that the Christ talked about.). With the Creator's way you have individual human beings made in the image of the creator who think for themselves and who are equally endowed with the right to have authority over their own lives but no superior authority over their brother's neighbor's life. There is an environment of liberty with accountability and mutual love/respect. Most humans will freely choose that way of life.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
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- 1Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years agoI just tried to post this, but you beat me to it, LOL!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by guidvce 11 years agoWith this administration, and most of the politicians of all stripes, in the "District of Corruption" this list is only the tip of the iceberg which this nation is rapidly approaching. <br />I'm seeing dark days ahead as more of the liberties and freedoms guaranteed by the founding papers of this nation are being constantly buried by regulations and executive orders and whims of the elite ruling class. <br />I fear for my country and my fellow citizens. These are indeed the beginnings of the darkest days which this nation has faced in a long time.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by Slick 11 years agoNice!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by $ Mimi 11 years agoAmen. When you get an unbias source it is all the more sweeter to publish. Thanks, Pirate.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|